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Nerd Watch Wednesday - WWF King of the Ring 1999 Review

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

This one has been a long time coming. If anyone knows JCH, you will be aware of his taste for Ass in wrestling. So let's finally let him unload his love Gunn, on the crowning of Mr Ass Billy Gunn in 1999.


By Ross Casey

This is the meeting of two former Tag Team partners and champions for that matter. At the 1995 Royal Rumble, the pair defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka to win the vacant tag belts - only to lose them the next night to the Smoking Gunns.

Billy Gunn getting a mention in this one early doors, James! However, this being the Attitude Era, this isn't mentioned because it's not cool, bro. What is cool, is X-Pac's theme and pyro. Never let it be said the bloke wasn't over.

At this point, X-Pac is the courageous underdog and Holly had just started his hardcore gimmick, which saved his career in the WWF. Hardcore tries to bully X-Pac early doors, but the lighter wrestler uses his speed to evade and then strike.

X-Pac gets caught with a powerbomb and excellently sells his surgically repaired neck. He battles back using his pace advantage again, utilising his kicks which still look like they hurt a bunch today, despite being thrown at a saunter. An impressive feat.

The crowd pop BIG for the broncobuster, but holly literally no sells it once X-Pac has finished face fucking him, heads outside, grabs a chair and hits X-Pac over the head with it to cause the disqualification loss and send him out of the tournament. Post-match, Holly attacks the neck again and Road Dogg is forced to make the save.

SUMMARY: A very short match, that places X-Pac firmly in fighting underdog territory for the rest of the tournament, whilst also driving home that holly is now HARDCORE. I enjoyed this and also the post-match interview where Holly mugs off the Red Rooster. Short and sweet - p.s well done X-Pac for getting your hands up on that chair shot.



By Matt Connolly

I skipped out on last week's Nerd Watch so I've booked myself in for a double this week. First up we take a trip to Super Heavyweight City as The Big Show battles Kane in the second quarter final of the tournament. First out is the 500 pound Monster Big Show.

Classic original theme gets a big thumbs up but the black pants and ponytail look does nothing for me. I preferred him in the T-Shirt and Shorts that he would adopt at the end of the year to be honest. Next at 328 pounds is Kane. Earlier in the week the discussion of greatest theme music was opened and Kane didn't get a mention.

I think it is because the theme isn't a "banger" but in terms of setting the table I can't think of many better than his. The Dark Red mood lighting also a massive bonus here. The classic four corner pyro was also the coolest thing in wrestling for 10 year old Matt Connolly. Early stages and punches are exchanged.

It's clear that Show has the power advantage though and is able to rag doll Kane at various points. A thunderous chop in the corner a highlight. It sounds like he ripped through Kane's chest! Kane is the quicker on his feet of the two monsters though and hits a particularly crisp enziguri at one point.

It's great watching Kane have to work around Show because of the power difference. He was way more athletic than allowed and his commitment to the unmovable monster against nearly all opponents meant he rarely went to this part of his arsenal. His flying clothesline always looked impressive to me too and he hits a great one here.

Big Show in desperation throws a big boot at Kane but it misses and catches the ref. Kane sees an opportunity and nails Show with a low blow. Not very Kane to cheat like that. This allows Hardcore Holly a chance for revenge on Big Show for an altercation on Raw the previous Monday. He is armed with a steel chair but now apparently Kane isn't cheating anymore so stops Holly in his tracks with a one handed chokeslam.

It doesn't make any real sense but the crowd go bananas for it! The finish is odd. Kane goes for the chokeslam on the 500 pounder but can't get him up. So, he just keeps the choke grip until Show is lifeless. It is great psychology but the crowd don't like it and even start chanting for the Big Show.

When Show starts showing some life Kane goes to plan B and hits Show with a CTE Chair shot for a 3 count.

SUMMARY: This was OK but booked bizarrely.




The crowd erupts for the entrance of the great man Mr Ass. Billy is wearing one half of the tag titles that he sort of stole from one of the Acolytes. Billy calls Ken Shamrock out who is meant to be injured.

Mad Ken just beats up some E.M.T’s in the back and with blood dripping from his mouth, he makes his way down the ramp. Royal Rumble 99 was the first PPV I saw in my return to wrestling and Mr Ass took on Shamrock for the I.C title.

Here though, Shamrock is in a bad way and the Assman goes straight after those internal injuries caused by Steve Blackman. Shamrock gets a few shots in with some nice martial arts kicks, but its mainly the Ass just going after the ribs.

There is a brief ankle lock attempt by Kenneth, but Billy takes him outside and starts dropping him stomach first onto the barricade. Billy gives Ken an opening when he misses a splash from the top and here comes Shamrock but after a couple of kicks, Billy catches him with a power bomb.

Shamrock has blood pouring from his mouth and the ref has called it in favour of Mr Ass. Shamrock - shockingly - is furious and snaps. Battering Teddy Long in the process.

SUMMARY: The important news is Mr Ass is on the charge. Semi-Final vs Kane to come later.



By Ross Casey

Triple H escorts Chyna to the ring, which means we are treated to his 'My Time' entrance music. It's an absolute banger isn't it? They both look menacing and the lighting is really awesome, too. Cool as fuck.

We get highlights of Sunday night Heat earlier in the night, where Chyna low blows Road Dogg and then HHH and her do a number on him. What condition is he in heading into this one?

Despite the previous ambush, Road Dogg is very cautious at the start here, reluctant to strike Chyna, who has no qualms about knocking his head off. It's like a David vs Goliath match, with the woman as Goliath. Fair play to Road Dogg, he is making her look bad ass. Another Billy Gunn reference for you there, JCH.

We are literally three quarters of the way through this match and it is simply Chyna slowly beating him up, with Road Dogg selling brilliantly for her. the pace is slow and methodical and her Chris Hero-esque forearms are killing him!

Road Dogg finally gets an offensive move in and it's an IRISH WHIP! Chyna takes a Flair bump from it to the outside, which only allows HHH to get involved and turn the tide back in her favour.

Chyna mocks the Road Dogg doing his jittery leg knee drop thing and just pounds on him, with stiff, believable strikes in a continued slow pace which really works for this match. Dogg is doing a brilliant job here. You can hear him calling the match and it's been perfect.

Things get a little sloppy when they attempt to pick up the pace with some back and forth. Slow it down! Road Dogg immediately goes to synch in a sleeper. He's a genius. There is then a ref bump and HHH hits Road Dogg with a chain. surely it's over?! NO! Road Dogg kicks out at 2.9 and the crowd go crazy.

The finish comes when Shawn Michaels arrives and ejects the cheating HHH, leaving this as just a one on one contest. Chyna attempts to low blow Road Dogg behind the ref's back, but sells her arm as it is revealed he is wearing a cup. Pump handle slam and Road Dogg is through to the semi-finals! The crowd absolutely love it.

SUMMARY: I absolutely loved this. Chyna was a great bully heel, Road Dogg was magnificent at selling it and then you got a fun, silly Attitude Era finish. It sent the crowd into raptures, so mission accomplished. Guess we know who booked the Gargano vs. Ciampa finish!



By Dom van Dam

G’day lads and welcome to what I imagine is the first Pay Per View match-up between 2 of the teams which went on to define this era: Edge and Christian and The Hardy Boyz. This match manages to get a slot on the main card here after their previous match on the Sunday Night Heat pre-show was interrupted with a brutal beatdown, by the WWF Tag Team Champions, The Acolytes.

I picked this match this week mostly because I wanted to hear The Brood’s theme music; what an absolute banger that was. The entrance set is decorated with what must be 40 ladders, which is somewhat of an omen into the way the feud between these 2 young teams would develop over time.

I imagine that our main event here this evening might be a bit of a different style of ladder match to the one which put these lads on the map at No Mercy later this year.

Speaking of No Mercy, Matt Hardy is wearing his outfit from the original Smackdown video game; red top, dark jeans and it’s not long until he hits his finisher from that game. Anyone want to guess what it was? A Northern Lights Suplex.

This match has been going about 60 seconds and I imagine they can’t be going much longer than about 4 minutes. All 4 guys are trying to get their stuff in early.

The crowd pop huge for a sequence where Edge spears Matt Hardy, followed by Michael Hayes. As Matt is selling the spear on all fours, Jeff leaps off his brother’s back for a Poetry in Motion and Edge drills him from the middle turnbuckle with a diving spear. That was so crisp, clean and portentous for the future matches between these legends in waiting!

The finish comes with a miscommunication within The Brood; Gangrel sprays the “blood” from his chalice into Edge’s eyes and Jeff Hardy hits the Twist of Fate for the 1,2,3.

That means the Hardyz are next in line for a shot at The Acolytes, a match that I’m fairly sure delivers them their first, unlikely, Tag Team Title run.




Mr Ass continues his road to glory, he puts up three fingers and then moves two down, signifying his second match. Hilariously he leaves the middle finger up for just a second and chuckles to himself. He knows he’s on the precipice of greatness and Gunn looks refreshingly relaxed for a man with such responsibility.

His opponent is Kane. The crowd gives him a big reaction and Kane dominates early with punches. Billy tries to buy some time but Kane batters him on the outside. Billy selling like the top tier talent he is.

Kane, cheating, picks up the steps, but that is nothing to a man with the athletic prowess of Mr Ass and one of the best dropkicks in the game from a standing start he kicks the steps back in Kane’s face. Deservedly after the big red machine tried to use them. The dropkick is a thing of beauty and you assume Mr Ass was the favourite wrestler of a young Kazuchika Okada.

More selling like a champ from Gunn - he's like a young Shawn Michaels. Kane now goes for a dropkick and barely makes the upper arm of Mr Ass. Pathetic. Big Show comes out for some reason, wails Kane with a chair and Billy rolls him up for the win.

SUMMARY: The ultimate opportunist. Another potential run for Mr Ass following this victory. (No idea what the ref was doing). Mr Ass’s golden run continues and he’s on to the final!!!



By Matt Connolly

Match two on my menu and this time I get an all D-X affair as Road Dogg Jesse James battles X-Pac. A place in the final against a man both have history with in Bad Ass Billy Gunn. X-Pac is out first and seems to be carrying a shoulder injury from the opener. Road Dogg is then afforded a promo where he corrects himself on the pronunciation of X-Pac.

Then he steals the mic from Kevin Kelly and does a stripped back version of the entrance that made him a staple of the era. He then tells production "cuts the music and let's boogie". In this context boogie means wrestle and not boogie.

Lawler is doing classic heel commentary here. Asking the question about whether Pac and Dogg's friendship can last this battle. It's decent colour but his irritating laugh in between points does undercut it slightly. I am only paying attention to comms so much because the crowd are on their hands here.

X-Pac locks in a headlock for a while. Then eventually Dogg lays in the Shake, Rattle and Roll to take control. X-Pac hits a dope spinning heel kick to finally get some life out of the crowd as we come towards the finish. Pac sets up for the broncobuster but there is nobody home.

This allows Dogg a chance to hit the pumphandle that would end so many of his matches but instead Pac evades and hits a X-Factor for the 3 count.

SUMMARY: This match went three and a half minutes and was completely forgettable. X-Pac sold the shoulder once in the contest. This is very skippable but maybe time restraints played a part here.



By Nineties Mike

I have no interest in the King of the Ring tournament. I’ve never really enjoyed them, and the line-up is hardly top tier in this iteration.

So, I quickly snapped up the WWE World Heavyweight Title match, with The Undertaker defending the strap against The Rock. I have no memory of this, which in my advancing years means next to nothing, but I’m obviously hoping they pulled out all the stops.

So, the video package begins with The Rock calling out Underoos to put the title on the line at King of the Ring, but Vince says to get the title shot, you need to beat Taker in a non-title match first.

Before the qualifying match can even start, they announce a new stipulation to the non-title match. It is now a Triple Threat, and the third person is Triple H. Just as it looks like Taker has the upper hand, Chyna interferes, tripping Undertaker, and after he’s clotheslined out of the ring by The Rock, Taker grabs her by the throat.

Triple H sees this and attacks The Phenom, but gets a neckbreaker on the ropes for his troubles. The Rock takes advantage, hits a Rock Bottom and snatches the win to earn a title opportunity, leading to The Corporate Ministry’s two main guys breaking down and exchanging blows.

The Rock is out first and gets the obligatory huge pop when he eventually emerges with his massive sideburns. The World Champion strides very slowly to the ring with Paul Bearer in tow. Big “Rocky, Rocky” chants break out, but Undertaker is unimpressed. Before the bell even rings, Taker hits Rock with a cheap shot and then doles out the same to the ref (Mike Chioda) from behind. Some big old Taker shots to Rock in the corner, but Rock fights back and hits a Rock Bottom and Taker is down for about ten!

Hebner runs down to save us all (lol), but just as he counts to 2, Bearer pulls him out of the ring and floors him with a single punch. Hebner inevitably sells like he’s been shot. Back in the ring and Undertaker counters Rock’s clothesline attempt, grabs him by the throat and chokeslam already! Rock kicks out at 2 though, and now Undertaker is REALLY pissed off at Chioda.

The two exchange big punches, before Rock clotheslines Taker out of the ring and the action spills down the aisle. More big punches and clotheslines exchanged and the momentum tos and fros all over the arena floor. Taker launches Rock at a barrier and starts choking him right in front of the fans, and then decides to go back to the high impact punches and kicks. Rocky rallies, but Undertaker brushes him off with a suplex to the concrete floor.

The action returns to the ring and Undie returns to the big hits and gets a couple of 2-counts to show for it. Wrist control for Taker and we’re going up for Old School. Not if The Rock has anything to do with it! He counters and pulls Taker down and he’s now astride the top rope. Ouch. Rock goes outside, grabs a bottle of water, gargles it a bit and spits in Taker’s face, much to Lawler’s chagrin on commentary.

Rock takes the action back to the crowd and is battering Taker all over the floor seat area. Getting an assist from a member of the crowd, he launches an iced drink in Taker’s face now! That’s too far for Taker and he turns the tide with some more of his trademark offence of big right hands.

Rock tosses Taker back inside the ring area, introducing him to the steel steps and the timekeeper’s bell. The Rock grabs a chair and goes for Taker, but The Phenom gets the bell up in time to deflect the chair into Rocky’s face, and our challenger is in trouble. With The Rock lying on the apron, Bearer takes advantage of a distracted ref to hit The Great One with his shoe a coupe of times!

Undertaker is in complete control, here, and just as Rocky thinks he’s turning the tide, he’s stopped in his tracks with an epic DDT. This gets a 2-count, so Taker locks in a sleeper. Rock powers out, runs straight into a big boot and Taker locks the sleeper hold in again. Rocky powers out again, Irish Whips The Phenom and hits a Samoan Drop for a 2-count. Heritage.

Double-clothesline and both men are down (for a breather). Undertaker sit-up spot and The Rock drags himself up too. More big right hands from Rocky in the corner, Chioda pulls him away and Taker, um, takes advantage hitting our distracted challenger with yet another right hand.

Taker attempts to get The Rock up for a Tombstone, but the Samoan wriggles out and hits the Deadman with a DDT of his own. Both men are down for the count again. Rock leans over and gets another 2-count. Both men up, and Taker reverses an Irish Whip sending Rocky careering into Chioda, who might well be dead.

The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment hits a powerslam and sets The Deadman up for The People’s Elbow, the crowd go crazy and… there’s no ref. That’s the 2nd visual pinfall he’s had tonight, surely he’s not winning this now?!

Low blow from Taker and Bearer is up on the apron with a rag soaked in what we’re supposed to believe is chloroform or something. Taker has a sniff, makes a face and eats a couple of big clotheslines from The Rock, who then proceeds to stick the rag in Taker’s face!

Taker fades and just as he’s about to pass out, Triple H makes his entrance. He spins Rocky around and nails him with the obligatory kick to the gut and a Pedigree before exiting the scene of the crime.

Chioda is resurrected and starts counting both men out as the crowd desperately implore The Rock to rise. Oddly Taker is up first and breaks the count when a double countout would have seen him keep the title. What’supwiththat?! Taker falls on The Rock for a 2.7-count. He hits him with a Tombstone now, surely that’s it? And it is! 1, 2, 3!

The Undertaker retains, and Triple H has screwed The Rock. Taker struggles down the aisle with the help of Paul Bearer, as a dazed Rocky tries to work out where it all went wrong in the ring.

SUMMARY: Hard-hitting action from two of the Attitude Era's biggest stars, with all the stops pulled out and nothing left in the locker room. Not sure how X-Pac and Mr Ass are going to follow that!




X-Pac is out first, before we hear ‘I’m An Assman’ again, if we hear it one more time then Mr Ass is on the cusp of greatness. Nothing can stop him from being one off the wrestling pillars of the 21st century.

In his way is his former stable mate. X-Pac with a neck injury looks like he wants to finish it quickly and fights off an early Gunn attack to take advantage. However Mr Ass is a master tactician. He’s Jose Mourinho, He’s Bill Belichik, he’s Brendan McCullum. He’s going after the weakness of his opponent.

X-Pac has an injured neck and old William Rifle is targeting that with every move. Gunn takes time out of the neck attacks to his a picture perfect powerslam on X-Pac. Suggests to me that a young Randy Orton was at home watching this. Fame-ass-er surely it’s over?

No X-Pac has some fight in him. He hit’s an X-Factor. Is our hero to be defeated? Of course he isn’t! Billy kicks out and following a bronco buster by X-Pac, he hits a neck breaker as he remembers his strategy.

Gunn delivers the Fame-Ass-Er from the second rope (It was around this time that I hit a diving fame-ass-er on Anthony Dodds into the ball pool at Crealy Adventure Park) and Mr Ass has won the King of the Ring!

A guaranteed ticket to superstardom and multiple main events down the line. The first step in a career that would lead him to headline New Japan shows against Hiroshi Tanahashi and be a part of the UK's wrestling biggest drawing main event teaming with Grant Holt.

SUMMARY: A huge night in the career of Mr Ass Billy Gunn



By Shafi

This PPV is a perfect example of everything that was great about the Attitude Era and everything that was awful about it as well. There are lots of interweaving stories throughout the show which makes me really miss every wrestler on the roster having a fleshed out character and being involved in a storyline. There are also loads of terrible matches which I don't miss so much.

The storytelling is great. This match is a continuation of the long running Stone Cold vs Mr McMahon feud and at this point Vince had been revealed as the Greater Power which signalled the merger between the Corporation and The Ministry of Darkness. This merger would come at a cost though as Vince would sacrifice Stephanie's trust in him to dupe Stone Cold (who can forget "Where to... Stephanie?", such a great line by Taker the Limo driver). This would backfire later on in the year when Stephanie would shockingly turn her back on her father and start the McMahon-Helmsley era.

What I wouldn't give to still have continuity like this and stories that developed over months and months rather than 3 weeks of shite tag matches before a PPV. After Vince screwed Stone Cold out of the WWF title and betrayed his family's trust, Linda and Stephanie would get their revenge by making Austin the CEO of WWF. This led to some great vignettes with Stone Cold completely revamping the corporate culture at Titan Towers such as introducing beer drinking contests to the boardroom.

It was 'The Wolf of Wall Street' before Leo had ever heard of quaaludes and was still waiting to wash up on The Beach.  VKM hated the gratuitous sneezing that was now taking place at WWF HQ and was desperate to remove Austin from his lofty perch. He would get his opportunity at KOTR 1999 when Stone Cold challenged Vince and Shane to a 2-on-1 handicap Ladder match for 100% control of the WWF. There are no DQs in a Ladder match and everyone feared that the likes of soon-to-be Naked Mideon could interfere.  That was until an episode of Raw where Commissioner Shawn Michaels pitted Austin against Vince's personal head of security, The Big Bossman (fresh off being hung to death at Wrestlemania) with the stipulation that if Austin won then the Corporate Ministry could not interfere in the Ladder match or the McMahons would forfeit the bout. Stone Cold won and Zombie Bossman was fired for dereliction of duty. Shane said that he was too injured to compete in the match so Vince was allowed a suitable replacement at KOTR. This was going to be HHH until HBK ejected him from the building for interfering in The Rock vs Undertaker match so Vince chose 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman instead.  However before the match could start GTV (a clear inspiration for the current 'hacker' gimmick on WWE TV) showed Shane joking around with The Mean Street Posse about how he had gotten one over on HBK.

This led to him being reinstated in the match and Blackman's forced withdrawal. The Lethal Weapon would never make it to a main event again and would have to satisfy himself with being known as one half of a tag team named after penile fungus.     Stone Cold gets a huge pop when his music hits and he walks down the aisle, it's easy to forget how loud the Attitude Era crowds were. Unfortunately that is the highlight of this match. I've racked my brain and I genuinely can't think of a Ladder match that is worse than this. Even Joey Mercury's nose would enjoy this Ladder match less than the one it was destroyed in. This PPV occurs a few months after 53 year old non-wrestler Vince broke his tailbone at St Valentines Massacre and a few months before Austin would have the long overdue neck surgery that would put him out for a year.

At this point Shane hadn't started taking mad bumps or having non-shit matches either. Expectations for a good match should have been minimal yet I think that they still managed to massively underwhelm.  There are basically no moves in this match, there is one ladder which is barely used and no memorable bumps. It is the opposite of everything we have come to expect of a Ladder match.

It is a sloppy, punch and kick fest that somehow goes over SEVENTEEN minutes! It's longer than all three of Billy Gunn's King of the Ring matches combined! (This PPV had about 15 minutes too much of the Assman for my liking and he was the worst winner since Mabel but that's a different story...). The pivotal moment of this brawl comes when Austin hits Stunners on both McMahons and goes to the top of the ladder to retrieve the briefcase. As he tries to grab it the briefcase is inexplicably raised by an unknown person as the feeling that Stone Cold is being screwed again slowly sinks in.  Austin blows a gasket as he unsuccessfully tries to identify the responsible party and starts accusing Mark Yeaton and Howard Finkel in what would have been the most Russo of all heel turns. Finkel had a 100% winning record in Tuxedo matches at this point and the Rattlesnake wisely backed down.   Austin and Vince then try to climb the ladder at the same time and Shane topples it over. Stone Cold is stood on the third rung and falls from a height equivalent to the middle rope, he literally gets less air than here than on the flying Dick to Mouth he called a Lou Thesz Press.

Somehow this fall from waist height incapacitates the usually Cyborg-like Austin long enough for Shane to get the briefcase and win the match. Stupid. The next night on Raw, The Big Bossman is welcomed back into the Corporate Ministry with open arms and it is implied he interfered and raised the briefcase, thus finding a loophole to the prematch stipulation by not being a member of the faction at the time of the contest.

This was not explicitly spelled out to the viewers at home causing many to still ask who raised the briefcase 20 years later and has arguably contributed to WWE insisting on signposting and hand holding through every paint by numbers storyline they have written since. SUMMARY: I am well known as a Shane McMahon fanboy and I loved Austin but this match doesn't do anything for me. In the interest of fairness I even watched it twice to see if it improved with negative expectations. Austin may have lost his CEO role but I lost something much more valuable; 34 minutes of my life I will never get back.

The only redeeming thing about this match is that it didn't have Billy Gunn in it. Give me the storytelling of 1999 and the wrestling of 2020 and we'll have something that isn't so ass, man.    








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