The year is 1992; Bill Clinton is voted in as President, Whitney Houstons's iconic "I Will Always Love You" is dominating the charts and WWF pack 80,000 adoring fans into Wembley stadium for the 5th annual Summerslam.
The old Wembley looks resplendent decked out in old school blue, there is a long entrance way and the ring is raised on a platform to provide better viewing for the many fans in floor seats in a way that I'm surprised is not used more often today.
The first match of the PPV features the team of "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase and IRS, collectively known as Money Inc with their manager Jimmy "The Mouth of the South" Hart. Ted is looking incredible in a white suit with gold trim and oozes charisma which is just as well as IRS is a complete charisma vacuum.
Whilst Ted is considered to be one of the best wrestler's to never (technically) win the WWF title, the taxman IRS was the forerunner for the awful occupation based characters of the 1990s, IRS gets on the mic and shares his thoughts with the crowd "It's a well known fact that if you British tax cheats would paid your fair share then you wouldn't put the burden on the Royal family!". Ok then, Irwin.
Out next are the Legion of Doom led by Paul Ellering. They are both mountains of muscle, covered in face paint, donning their trademark spiked shoulder pads and they ride motorcycles to the ring way before DOA or Biker Taker. In short they are cool as fuck. What could you possibly add to this combination to really put them over the top? If you answered "a ventriloquist dummy called Rocco" then you are an absolute moron. Unfortunately that is exactly what they are accompanied to the ring by in a genuine wrestlecrap WTF moment.
As they enter the ring Hawk appears to be on another planet (make your own conclusions). In a major nostalgic moment for me personally, this match is reffed by the adopted son of Gorilla Monsoon Joey Marella who would sadly pass away less than 2 years later.
Animal hits a beautiful press slam on IRS before Hawk is back in and gets caught in a sleeper. Rocco has Paul Ellering's arm up his ass and is 'chanting' "Hawk! Hawk! Hawk". Hawk's arm drops twice but he heroically keeps it up on the third attempt in a spot that I have never seen in an MMA match anywhere.
Heenan explains this by saying "A sleeper hold cuts off the blood to the brain and that bird up there (Hawk) doesn't have a brain". Classic Bobby. Hawk misses a top rope clothesline as IRS drops to the ground ala Omega vs Okada in a spot that looks as awesome for the time as it does reckless as he falls out of the ring harder than Val Venis getting ready for his next home movie.
The heels build heat double teaming Hawk and preventing him from tagging out. They beat him like he owes them money, which knowing his demons he probably did. Even Rocco has given up hope at this point as he takes a seat next to the ring.
IRS and Dibiase swap in and out when the ref's back is turned without tagging before Marella misses a legit tag from Hawk to Animal and forces Animal back out of the ring. This is classic heel tag team wrestling and there are no 'cool' heels here.
Hawk jumps off the ropes towards a standing IRS and then appears to forget what he's supposed to be doing mid-flight so just lands on his feet and punches IRS square in the face. No flips just fists!
Marella and Hawk stare at each other after the spot and it's difficult to tell which one is more confused. Animal whips Ted into the ropes and Hawk does his best to get in the way and fuck up the go home sequence.
Ever the pro, Dibiase manages to avoid Hawk, collide with IRS and then run into Animal's powerslam. Hawk is still on dream street as he aimlessly stumbles to his corner and gets out of the ring as Marella hits a 2 count and gets straight back into the ring as Dibiase stays down for the 3 as the crowd go wild. Animal is on all fours, blowing out of his ass having carried the team to a respectable outing.
As an opening contest this was completely fine, nothing more and nothing less. Having clear faces and heels allowed the fans to get into the show and give them a reason to cheer early doors. Animal did a great job covering for Hawk when he needed to and smashed the hot tag. I still have no idea why Rocco was a thing.
G’day lads. Dom Van Dam here to give you the 205 on the 2nd match from Wembley Stadium: Virgil vs. Nailz. We pick up the action with Virgil backstage shadow boxing. I’m not exactly an expert on the sweet science, but based on this flurry of jabs that are punishing the air in front of Sean Mooney’s abdomen, I’d feel fairly confident in saying my Gran could stand toe to toe in fisticuffs with the future Vincent.
This promo sounds like Virgil found a bag full of catchphrases and just started throwing some at the wall to see what stuck. Supposedly he has “survived all the toughest streets around the World,” and it taught him that “you’ve got to want it man!” The use of the superlative adjective “toughest” suggests that Virgil is a common man just like “all the good people of Wembley Stadium,” and although he’s had his ups and downs he is going to make sure he lives up to his favourite “saying” of “do onto you, before you ever can do onto me.”
Finally, it seems that all that shadow boxing has Virgil ready for the challenge, as he commands Mooney to “let the games begin,” which would be a fairly big upswing in power for the backstage talking head. Virgil is “too legit to quit.” Nailz, who later would accuse Vince McMahon of sexual assault, is already in the ring and what a handsome individual he is.
This is a classic comment on the effects of institutionalisation here from the WWF, with Nailz clearly suffering so much with adjusting to life on the outside that he still wears his prison overalls. Virgil really needs to get busy living or get busy dying in this contest and he is unable to mount any offence in the early going. And the early going is all there is folks!
The Convict locks on a version of a sleeper and The Boxer can’t answer the referee’s count on this occasion. Nailz gets the Win in what must be about 2 minutes. The highlight of this one for me is post-match when Nailz hits Virgil in the midsection with Big Bossman’s stolen nightstick.
Bobby Heenan brings the absolute gold with the semantic field of cricket. Nailz is imagining Virgil’s head is a “cricket ball” and then “he hit him right in the wickets.” Genius from The Brain. Until next time drink lots of water, look after your mates.
Summerslam '92 isn't an event I can say I've watched since it happened, to be honest. I've rewatched the main event (obviously), so I'm kind of coming into this with low expectations...
As a bit of background, Shawn Michaels is fresh from dumping his Rockers partner Marty Jannetty, and rolls with Sensational Sherri in tow as manager. Rick Martel is a classic 90s WWF egotistical heel known as The Model. Why would WWF think it would be a good idea to pit these two against each other in a match? Also, nobody can be punched in the face because they're both too good looking!
It's a ridiculous concept, but they're skilled enough to make it work, and the crowd are loving it already, and it's only the entrances! Martel, in luminous pink trunks and knee pads having changed out of full tennis gear ('Wimpleton ended some months ago, Martel.') is eyeing up Sherri during HBK's mirror posing, and she's loving it!
After locking up and exchanging hair pull takedowns, they each have an Irish whip escape, with Martel doing Jumping Jacks and Michaels posing as only he can. He turns for approval from Sherri and Martel strikes, the two men exchanging holds, but now BOTH are preoccupied with looking to the desirable Sherri.
Martel gains the advantage by throwing Michaels to the outside of the ring and attacking him. Upon returning, both attempt pins, pulling down their tights to reveal bare buttocks each time (Vince is LOVING this). Michaels then kicks Martel and tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes, but the referee is wise to this and stops the count.
Michaels responds by slapping Martel, who returns in kind. Sherri sees both men prepare to punch the other and faints! Michaels and Martel argue over who should carry an unconscious Sherri backstage, with each man carrying her a for a few seconds before being attacked by his opponent.
Sherri's gear has virtually nothing to hide her posterior, and Heenan and McMahon both make it clear that they approve! Now they've both been counted out, but they continued to argue over Sherri!
Martel thinks he's better off trying to revive Sherri by throwing water on her, but he hit Michaels as well. Michaels drops Sherri and chases Martel backstage. They've both forgotten about poor Sherri, and, upset at being left behind by both men, she screams and cries as she storms away. soaking wet through the curtain.
Post-Summerslam, Sherri claimed to have manufactured the rivalry between Martel and Michaels to find out if he truly loved her. She got her answer, though it wasn't the one she wanted, when Michaels pulled Sherri in front of him as a human shield to protect himself from an attack by Marty Jannetty on October 31's WWF Superstars.
This led to confrontations between the two at the 1993 Royal Rumble and WrestleMania IX. Things were never the same again. Poor Sherri.
The Beverley Brothers music is amazing FYI. We start off with a poem from The Genius.
"Now its Summerslam at Wembley,,, and the Genius holds the key. Behold the future champions... the brothers Beverley." Heenan shouts WOW what a poem. This is great already.
The Natural Disasters walk the LONG aisle to the ring and parade their newly won belts only for the Beverley Brothers to attack from behind before the bell even rings. They then attempt to Irish whip Earthquake and Typhoon into eachother, but eat some big lariats. The crowd popped for that.
The Natural Disasters running sandwich bump their opponents separately and then together - Vince remarks 'Talk about the Earl of Sandwich'. He loves those British references, he quipped that The Genius was no Shakespeare earlier, too.
Typhoon has control of Blake, but misses a legdrop which turns the tide. See what I did there? A fun spot with Blake failing to pick up Typhoon three times and only managing it on the last - but the former Tugboat lands on him. Ouch.
Typhoon attempts to hold Blake and have the illegal man Earthquake squash him in the corner. The ref isn't counting to five either. So I am actually happy to see Beau trip Typhoon, release Blake from his grasp and Earthquake squash Typhoon by mistake. Why are the faces cheating?!
Typhoon kicks out of a double team move with such force that Beau flies out of the ring to the outside. Classic. The Beverley's cut the ring in half but can't get the job done with Typhoon kicking out of many double team moves.
Bobby Heenan stops the commentary of the match to announce that Shawn Michaels has left Wembley Stadium. I LOVE WRESTLING. In the ring, Blake is using the tag rope to choke Typhoon which gets good heat.
Typhoon catches a crossbody and is about to slam Blake when Beau dropkicks them making Blake land on top for a CLOSE two count. The Genius hands Blake his metal scroll and he smashes Typhoon over the back of the head with it as the ref is distracted!
Before the ref can make the pin though, Earthquake hits a running elbow to the back of Blake's head! Both Typhoon and Blake are down HOT TAG to Earthquake!! Hip toss, belly to belly, powerslam and BUM SQUASH for the win! I enjoyed that when Earthquake bounced off the ropes for the bum squash, he made Blake fly off the apron. Post match they dump The Genius out of the ring for good measure.
A very easy match to watch with a Butlins type vibe about it. It is far from an NWA tag bout, but it's simple, fun and the formula works - as you can hear from the hot crowd. The heels were brilliant at their role here, mixing big exaggerated bumps, shithousery and cockiness to make you enjoy seeing them lose.
Also, props to Typhoon, who sold really well and to Earthquake for being the absolute boss - coming in and showing his partner how to actually use your size to an advantage!
I picked a random match from the list. I have never seen this show. Repo Man I remember from being the first character you had to beat on a wrestling game I had as a kid. So I’m presuming he’s pretty low on the totem poll. He’s already in the ring. Out next is Crush. Isn’t he one of D.O.A? Well if he - is he isn’t here. He’s a massive beach unloaded dude. Massive Mullet.
Repo jumps him before the bell. Crush doesn’t sell it. 5 overhead presses from Crush then he drops the Repo Man to the floor who rolls out of the ring. Crush celebrates then walks out and clotheslines Repo. Repo gets caught going for a crossbody and Crush places him on the turnbuckle and batters him. One handed sort of side slam into a backbreaker. Repo poke to the eye. OFFENCE from the Repo.
He stalks Crush and hits a back drop then celebrates. Crash comes up behind and hits ‘What a manoeuvre' then heads up top and misses. This is dire. Repo is punching crush again, who again no sells it. Repo back to his most successful offence - the eye poke. Crush kicks out of a pinfall and throws Repo out of the ring. Repo goes up top caught again. Learn from it Repo you muppet.
Crush hits the powerslam but doesn’t go for the cover because he wants to ‘crush him’. He signals this in the way you would expect. He grabs Repo man’s head and Repo man taps out. I wonder if ZSJ has mastered that complex finisher. To be fair the crowd were massively into Crush and McMahon was talking him up a lot.
Using my sporting seasons analogy to rate matches - That gets a Cleveland Browns 2017. They were crap and lost every game but the fans still had a good time. I am pretty confident I will never watch these two have a match again.
First thing to notice about this match is the crowd. I know it's easy to watch crowds from years gone by and marvel at their enthusiasm but this crowd is going BANANAS! Both Warrior and Savage get a heroes welcome.
We do have a Hebner as a ref so Shenanigans are incoming but that aside, this is exactly how a big wrestling match should feel. The story going in actually revolves around Ric Flair and Mr Perfect. Its a bit convoluted but basically there is the insinuation that one man has sold out and paid Mr Perfect to be their manager.
Macho Man offers a handshake to Warrior to start this one and Warrior motions that he believes Savage has sold out. Warrior flings Macho to the ground and receives a monstrous pop as he beats his chest. Say what you want about Warrior but he had crowds eating out of his hands.
Warrior hits Savage with about 15 strikes and kicks. Then a clothesline for 2. Savage turns the momentum using the turnbuckle and then clotheslines Warrior over the top. Another reminder that the crowd is eating all this up. Text book Axe Handle from Savage, but after a third attempt, WARRIORS CATCHES HIM! Crowd volume lifts yet again!
Savage then viciously bulldogs Warrior over the top rope. Working that Windpipe. Another 2! So many covers. Savage visibly selling the back. Heenan says Savage can't do that as it shows weakness that Warrior can capitalise on. Heenan is God. Savage plays possum and gets Warrior to the outside before hitting an Axe Handle plum on Warrior. He then drives Warrior into the steps. Heenan starts a count. ABOUT TIME LAD!
The tide has turned here. And then we cut to a shot of Ric Flair and Mr Perfect coming down the ramp. I'm sure they are only here to get a better view. Warrior tries to end this with his SPLASH but Macho gets the knees up! Warrior sells it like a Maniac. Savage goes for the pin and Warrior is all over the ropes but Hebner still counts and forces Warrior to kick out.
Double clothesline and both men are down! Warrior falls on Savage at I think 9 (the crowd is so hot I can't make out the count). He only gets a 2 and Savage is barely up. Savage then also gets a 2. Savage is then tripped by Perfect, whilst Hebner misses it as Standard. Vince thinks this means Warrior has sold out. Savage is now distracted by the Heels and gets into Verbals with them. He should know better as Warrior is able to catch him with a massive right hand.
Then Hebner gets in the way of an Irish whip because he is useless and now the Ref is down. NEVER SAW THAT COMING HEBNER! Warrior starts giving Hebner some stick and I'm here for it.
Macho Man hits a knee into Warriors back and Hebner takes a tumble to the outside. GREAT MORE SHENANIGANS. Macho Man nails Warrior with a brutal piledriver. No ref so Savage goes to drag his sorry Ass back in the ring. Meanwhile Perfect enters the ring and grabs Warrior so Flair can strike him with Brass Knuckles. There really doesn't appear to be any motive for this but the crowd still Boo. Its just Flair and Perfect being Arseholes to both men but its getting heat and working the crowd.
Macho hits the Famous Elbow but guess what? Hebner is actually still dazed. Useless Man. He eventually Labours to a 2 count which takes about 10 seconds and is enough time for Warrior to kick out. I guess thats one each on the Hebner mistake scale, though.
Macho puts the boots to Warrior but he's charging up! Flair has grabbed a chair for some reason. Warrior is on one now! No selling all Macho's offence. He's in the zone. HUGE RIGHT to Macho man. Crowd is at Fever pitch. Triple clothesline followed by the classic rope shake. We are in the finishing stretch here! New Champ?
Massive shoulder tackle, Gorilla press. Warrior hits the ropes, Perfect tries to grab him, fails, then hits the opposite rope, CRACK! Flair leathers him in the back with a chair. HEBNER MISSED IT OF COURSE! Savage gets to his feet. He sets for the Elbow drop but then realises that shenanigans have been going on. He doesn't want to win like this! He throws a kick at Perfect.
Hebner decides he wants a word with Perfect and has to go outside to do so. He's just making it all up at this point. Savage goes to attack Flair but is caught with a chair shot. Hebner returns to the ring and then counts to 10 quicker than he ever has for the double countout.
Its a strange ending to what was an entertaining and exciting contest. So Savage keeps the title, Warrior didn't lose, and all the heat is on the heels. It's strange for it to all go down on a Summerslam like that - but it wasn't the main event and judging by the crowd response they got their money's worth.
People always talk trash on Warrior and some of his work is not going to stand the test of time the way Macho Man's does - but these 2 had great chemistry and this is a fine match that suffers with a questionable ending.
Pre match Vince (pre Mr McMahon, the good guy) announces the attendance at Wembley. 80,355. Impressive. Bring it back, Trips! The legendary Howard Finkel is up and he’s passing the mic over to ‘Doctor’ Harvey Wippleman. Lairy as the day is long, Wippleman has threatened to knock ‘The Fink’ out. Personally, I don’t think I’d have that. Not in front of that sized crowd…
Onto the action, coming down the aisle being accompanied by The Brooklyn Brawl…I mean, Kim Chee, is Kamala. Size of the bloke! Proper monster. The Ugandan giant! I don’t think he’s African, but who’s counting? *DONG* No one seem to know what’s going on…but come off it, it’s a DONG! IT’S THE UNDERTAKER! IT’S THE UNDERTAKER IN A VOLVO…or is that a hearse? It’s a hearse, he’s got a casket (coffin...). Here he comes. Now THAT’S a monster.
Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan with a cheap dig at the steering wheel being on the wrong side. Cheers Brain…! Kamala doesn’t fancy this but then neither would I. Mind you, I wouldn’t if I was Taker, so…
Opening exchanges don’t look good for Kamala. Big rights and a chokehold in the corner, making the king of the jungle look stupid, in his Scary Spice get up. Trend setter, little did we know. TAKER’S GOING OLD SCHOOL…or as it was known in 1992, ‘school’. And again…but it’s been countered.
Chance for Kamala to take advantage, as he knocks the dead man out of the ring. OF COURSE, HE LANDS ON HIS FEET AND GIVES A DOUBLE CHOKE HOLD TO WIPPLEMAN AND KIM CHEE! Classic Calaway. The big Ugandan lad is here to save them though. Cheeky back heel from Kamala, no less. And some head to stairs action. Taker needs to wake up or Vince is giving the Wrestlemania streak idea to Tatanka.
Just like Randy Orton 20 years later, Undertaker with a chokeslam from outta nowhere!! It was rubbish, let’s be honest, but the tables have turned. TAKER’S GOING FOR THE FINISH! TOMBST…OH NO! Kim Chee with the interference and it’s a DQ. The Undertaker awarded the win.
Now it’s all kicking off… Kamala is looking to squash the life out of Undertaker, with some of the least impressive aerial ability you ever did see. But you can’t keep him down…Taker’s up and he’s after Kamala. Paul Bearer is leading him on. It’s game up. Goodnight Irene. This one is heading for the locker room (The Undertaker doesn’t use a locker, sod off).
Overall, it was a fairly slow match but we are talking two big men, albeit one as talented and agile as The Undertaker. The DQ saw the rivalry continue to Survivor Series, where they went against each other again, but this time in a casket match. Wippleman, never one to knock about with bigger lads, introduced Giant Gonzalez at the following Royal Rumble to get revenge.
Another DQ soon followed. August 1992 saw 2 icons of the 90s dazzle Wembley Stadium in 2 completely different fields. The Undertaker, in this event and ‘King’ Eric Cantona, who scored a hat-trick for Leeds against Liverpool exactly 3 weeks prior to SummerSlam. Who knew we’d still be talking about them today - in the very same sentence?!
After 2 hours and change, we reach our Main Event in record setting Wembley Stadium. Accompanied by Boxing and British Royalty Lennox Lewis, the crowd erupt to the iconicly and overly British music of Davey Boy Smith, aka British Bulldog. It is as epic a homecoming captured in Wrestling and rumour has it, the match itself – is quite good.
I was excited to cover this match for WSBF as quite frankly, I hadn’t seen it in full before. In fairness, I hadn’t even been born. Bret Hart and the aforementioned British Bulldog square off for The Intercontinental Championship in front of the biggest crowd in WWF history (yes, fuck you WWE and your web of LIES.) Let’s go then…
We kick things off with the British Bulldog and the aforementioned Lennox Lewis entering the ring to a chorus of cheers and quite unexpectedly, Bret too. Not to the same level, but the Hitman is still revered by the London crowd.
A quick staredown and push about and we are straight in to it. Bulldog showcases his strength advantage quickly and knocks the Hitman out of the ring. Bret seems slightly bemused and realizes quite quickly he needs to take the match to the mat. Bret and Bulldog exchange technical moves aka SHOWING OFF before good old Bret throws a juicy elbow to Davey Boy’s jaw. Bad guy Bret?
The two continue to mat wrestle while the crowd goes absolutely bonkers while Bulldog gains the upper hand on nearly all exchanges. I thought this guy was the best of all time? Why is he being outclassed by the man who is most famous to me for being rock bottomed in dog shit? I jest.
Bret quickly retakes control with a big knee which displeases the fans. Bret is visibly frustrated and takes it out on the Bulldog. Unleashing a barrage of strikes, atomic drops and… headlocks. On a side note Bret’s sister/Bulldog’s wife is sat in the front row. The camera often cuts to her during rest holds while Heenan consistently mocks her. It’s a family affair!
Bret is really riling up the crowd here. He isn’t doing anything particularly evil or pantomime villainy, he’s just outdoing Bulldog in every aspect. Anytime the Brit gets some momentum, Bret quashes it. Hart shoves Bulldog to the outside and hits him with a ridiculous flying over the top rope Neckbreaker. McMahon quips on commentary “I have never seen that in my life before” and to be honest Vince, neither have I.
We go back in to the ring where Bret continues his onslaught to the dismay of the crowd. “If Lennox Lewis threw punches like that he’d win his next fight” Heenan swoons on commentary. More rest holds commence. These headlocks whip the crowd into a frenzy before Bret again, crushes the comeback from Bulldog.
The Hitman is at his technical and storytelling best and has the crowd in the palm of his hand. He almost looks disgusted when looking to the London crowd, as if to say ‘how are you not cheering this excellence?’ We are reaching a long period of time since Bulldog has actually got any offence in. We may be in Bulldog’s home country but the squared circle is Bret’s home full stop.
After a series of sleeper holds and the classic lift the arm up twice to check consciousness spot, we finally see Bulldog will himself to lifting Bret off his back and ramming him in to the turnbuckle. Davey Boy takes control and shows off his strength by throwing Hart round the ring while selling the fatigue that Hart's beating has inflicted on him.
Bulldog signals for the Running Powerslam and the crowd is in pandemonium when he hits it. 1..2… Hitman kicks out! McMahon and Heenan are shocked on commentary as the challenger has hit the champ with his best shot and it didn’t get the job done.
Both men are on their knees, Bret looks as if he has just been hit by a truck when Bulldog throws him out to the apron in frustration. Attempting an over the top rope suplex, the Hitman reverses it in to a suplex of his own, the German kind and gets a two count. In last chance saloon Bulldog puts Bret on to the top rope and hits him with a Super Plex. 1…2… kickout. “I think we’ve seen every move possible in this seesaw match up” says Vinnie Mac.
Both men hit the ropes and collide in a double clothesline. Bret somehow turns this situation in to a Sharpshooter while the 80,000 in attendance will their boy to make the ropes… and he does! The torn Diana is in tears in the front row.
Bret picks the groggy Bulldog up, irish whips him, but its reversed, Hart hits the rope and goes for the sunset flip, Bulldog again reverses, and sits on Bret. Davey Boy hooks the legs for the 1…2…3. Seeminlgy out of nowhere,
Davey Boy Smith is your Intercontinental Champion and Wembley erupts. Vince calls it one of the greatest wrestling matches of all time as Bulldog attempts to shake the hands of his brother in law. Bret seemingly walks away before coming in for the respectful hug and arm raise while Bulldog’s music booms around the arena. Diana enters the ring, still crying and the three embrace in front of the elated crowd.
Rule bloody Britannia!