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Nerd Watch Wednesday: PROGRESS Chapter 36

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

This blog probably wouldn't even be a thing if it wasn't for PROGRESS wrestling. It is the promotion that bonded our group of wrestling nerds and largely where a lot of us met and became friends, foes and friends again.

To say that this first ever PROGRESS nerd watch is long overdue is probably an understatement. Because they are such nice fellows, they have put several of their chapter shows up for free on their YouTube channel and Matt Brummitt has plumped for Chapter 36.

Let's all head to the Brixton Academy and watch the show with a better view than we did live!


By Matt Connolly

This weeks pick is a match I didn't know existed but sure am glad it does. It features two of Britain's beefiest beefcakes squaring off for PROGRESS' vacant Atlas Championship. Those two Men are NXTUK's Joe Coffey and UK wrestling stalwart Rampage Brown. I've seen Brown a couple of times and like what I have seen. He's mean and big. Much like his opponent. I have been impressed with Coffey a hell of a lot. Glad that he seems to be right in the mix at the top of NXTUK's card. Both of them take no prisoners and as Atlas contests go this one is perfect on paper! From what I can tell this might be the first ever Atlas contest?

I think these two dudes personify what the belt would stand for. Referee is the forever useless Chris Roberts. Unless he is entering a Rumble and hitting Destroyers on fools then I'm not interested. Brown out first. Crowd are hot for him. Coffey next. Crowd hyped to see him too. Jim Smallman does his introductions for both and then we are off and underway!

This room set up is odd. A handful of chairs around the ring and then everyone else on one side. I wonder what the views were like from the back? I know Brixton is sloped but some of those seats must have been so far from the ring.

The opening is your typical big boy stuff. Both trying to back the other into a corner. Brown eventually gets the better of this but when he gives Coffey some breathing room he is hit with an explosive dropkick. Coffey then starts to dominate but Brown turns the tide with a massive spinebuster! This is what I wanted from this match. Just Meat colliding.

In between all the big moves, the transitions are just chops or clubbing blows. It's a throwback style with the athleticism of Modern Wrestling. It's just great basically. The match eventually breaks down on the outside. They do the duelling lariat spot that we all know and love and after more strikes - Coffey hits a powerslam on the outside. Wow. These two are not holding back here. Crowd lapping it up.

This leads to Roberts starting a count but Coffey breaks it so he can drag Brown into the ring himself. Smart this as it gets more sympathy for Rampage. Gut wrench suplex gets a two before Brown rallies, only to be caught with another one of those Coffey dropkicks for a two count again. There is also a smart sequence where both tease huge moves and exchange role ups and strikes, showing both are nimble on their feet too. This ends with a Giant Swing into a tight boston crab from Coffey.

He still has control of this but feels tailor made for a big Brown comeback anytime now. In truth, the comeback is slightly underwhelming. The two men just start chopping each other and then Rampage hits a big move. It's not built to but it doesn't ruin the match or anything. I think I just wanted some Hogan style comeback but I'm fine with Big Lads belting each other then massive slams to end the section.

Fans of chops and forearms are in for a treat next as both men belt each other until they are on their knees exchanging strikes. This duel leads to both men being down for an eight count but both pop up to their feet and continue the back and forth. It's great stuff. The section ends with massive German suplexes from both men and they are down once more.

More back and forth is ended with a top rope splash from Coffey. I realise at this point I am repeating myself but the physicality and athleticism is brilliant. This only gets a two but there can't be long left here.

Coffey hits a lariat to the back of Brown's head that is just mean and then a discus clothesline for another two. I thought that was the finish there! Coffey winds up for another lariat but Brown is able to avoid and then both men conspire to end up on the top rope.

This ends badly for Coffey as Brown hits a Samoan drop to get control for the first time in an age. He drags Coffey up and nails a textbook piledriver but is only able to get a two! What a couple of warriors.

A very fitting start for the lineage of this championship belt. It takes a second piledriver to end this war and again it is textbook. Brown is your winner. This was great. Wish I was there live for this one!



By Ross Casey

Out first is Dahlia Black, along with TK Cooper. The South Pacific Power Couple were absolutely gold weren't they? Just when you thought this team couldn't get more The sexuality, depravity and cockiness that made Edge and Lita such a great tandem were all encapsulated here. I loved to hate them.

TK in his stupid dungarees tonguing Dahlia whilst looking at me right into the camera. Absolutely deplorable. I was jealous of him then and annoyingly I'm jealous of him even now as he gets womanhandled in a liplock by Dahlia in the ring. Man, I miss them as a pair. Then I remember that they used to win matches by TK punching women and I remember that I hate them all over again.

Just when you thought this team couldn't get more unlikable... here comes Jinny. Molten heat for her from the crowd in Brixton. Bewitched plays and the crowd pop huge for Nixon Newell. How much fun we all had when copyrighted music was still a thing!

Talking of wrestlers I miss... here comes Pollyanna. The first women's wrestler on the indie scene that I truly loved. She had everything in my opinion. Her feud with Dahlia was a beautiful thing.

It is not long until I am reminded quite how stiff these women worked back then. they were out to impress and blimey, some of the strikes here are brutal! We get lots of quick tags to start, with the faces on top until TK pulls Pollyanna's leg from underneath her to cause the distraction. What a prick.

The heels work Pollyanna over, with TK kissing Dahlia as she throttles her opponent over the ropes. Brilliantly appalling behaviour again. So good. Eventually our face in peril hits Windsor with a suplex off the top and gets the tag.

Laura comes in screaming fire, hitting a range of moves on Jinny highlighted by an awesome spinning DDT off the top. Jinny fights back and hits the Style Clash which gets a huge pop and a This Is PROGRESS chant.

Newell has to make the save and the pair spike Jinny. A similar fate falls upon Windsor and this one is breaking down...

Pollyanna hits a Pollynator and looks to get the win but Dahlia comes in and with the ref distracted - TK tries to punch Pollyanna - only to absolutely CLOCK his own girlfriend! Newell gives him a low blow and the dungaree wearing douche is outta the equation!

However, it is all in vain. Jinny then drives LDM's skull into the mat with an X Factor from the second rope. It looks fucking wild and is enough to get the win for the 'orrible heels. That was an absolute blast to watch.

Jinny pushes a fan in the front row in the face for giving her the finger and TK is looking down the camera, eyes wide open as he necks Dahlia in the entranceway. Everything is as it should be. Thank you for the memories, PROGRESS.



By Nineties Mike

It's Mike's birthday today, so I'm not going to be at him for setting an alarm to write his review at lunch, snoozing it and fucking it off. I'm not going to say that he is going to Attack tonight to see Trent Seven live and i'm really jealous because I'm going to Wembley Arena to see Whigfield and Vengaboys amongst others. I'm not going to call him selfish, unprofessional and untrustworthy on his birthday. I'm not going to wish him a poor Spurs performance on the weekend.

I'm not.

Happy fucking birthday, mate.



By Dom Philp

G’day lads, I hope you’re enjoying what was a fairly significant show for so many of the nerds which you hear from on a weekly basis. The Brixton Progress show was officially my second ever and since then I’ve barely missed one in London. I don’t remember too much about the show, partially because of the Heineken stubbies and also partially because I didn’t actually know a lot of the wrestlers. But there was one match that I’ll never forget.

Pastor William Eaver vs Sebastian I’ll never forget this match. I have no real idea what the story was leading in but Sebastian was clearly a fairly nasty dude. As soon as the bell went, Pastor clotheslined him out of his boots and what I literally thought may have been to Heaven. Sebastian hit the mat and didn’t move and Pastor was clearly distressed by the contact.

I’ll never forget the absolute silence in the Academy, it’s a sensation I have only experienced two or three times at a wrestling show. I leant over and whispered to my girlfriend who wasn’t a wrestling fan: “That’s not supposed to happen, I think he might be dead.”

Thankfully Sebastian came around and the hot feud continued until the excellent blow off at the ballroom a few months later. But I’ll never forget the Clothesline to Heaven. Drink lots of water; Look after your mates.




This was my first PROGRESS show and it was about 3 months before I first made it to the ballroom and 4 months before I first met Dom which led me to meeting the rest of the Nerds. I had tried getting into BritWres following seeing Zack, Will and Marty on an EVOLVE show in Dallas at Mania weekend.

PROGRESS tickets were hard to come by and the Bigger room was my way in. I remember Robbo coming out and thinking who is that little psycho. The crowd absolutely hated him. He calls someone a ‘fat overweight ugly whore’ and does the ‘How are you running this show without me, I’m not leaving without a match’ speech.

I also remember texting one of my other wrestling mates saying ‘there is a girl here wearing a Chuck Palumbo shirt, I didn’t even know they existed’ Her reaction to Mambo’s music suggested to me it was probably a Chuck Mambo shirt. I’d never heard of him at this point, but beach balls were flying round Brixton Academy.

Robbo hilariously fails to break one by stamping on it to a great reaction from the crowd. Mambo opens the match with a springboard somersault to the outside after Robbo refuses a handshake. This is the high point for Mambo as Robbo proceeds to kick the shit out of him with slaps, kicks, face biting and whatnot. I remember Robbo gobs in Mambo’s mouth or something at some point.

Mambo gets the odd hope spot, but it is mainly just Robbo battering him. Cries of Robbo you’re a cunt echo round Brixton as he blows a snot rocket at the crowd. Here it is. Robinson just dripping long strains of saliva onto the Chest of Mambo. Think Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair in Cruel intentions (the greatest film of the 90s). It’s nothing like that at all, but just wanted to throw out a nice saliva memory for people after that.

Mambo gets another hope spot and a roll up for a near fall, before Robbo goes back to kicking the fuck out of him. A Curb Stomp gets the job done. Bring back heel Robbo!!!! Mambo has come on leaps and bounds since this, but if these two met in PROGRESS today, you’d probably see a similar result.

Post Match, Robbo gets in a stand off with the Carlito shirt guy before flipping everyone off. Decent match, Robbo should also bring back Scroobius Pip. BRING BACK THE MUSIC PROGRESS, YOU COWARDS!



By Matt Brummitt

This is my match pick from my NWW pick & it is only fair that I pick my boi, ZSJ. Zack’s my favourite wrestler & Ciampa has arguably been the best wrestler in the US over the last 2 years so I’m looking forward to rewatching this.

For you chronology fans, this was DIY era Ciampa & this match is sandwiched between the two epic DIY/Revival matches. I believe this was actually Ciampa’s last ever indie date before joining WWE full time. As for Zack, this is in the middle of his PWG title run but still before his EVOLVE title run & his NJPW debut.

The backstory for this match is pretty simple. Zack beat Ciampa at Super Strong Style 16. Ciampa got his win back on the Manchester show. This is the rubber to see who’s the better & badder man. They tried to add some extra needle to this by having Ciampa attack ZSJ and bemoan Zack’s US run, but it’s best ignoring that & keeping this simple. Two excellent wrestlers fighting to see who’s best.

Bell rings & Ciampa starts off by going to the outside to avoid Zack. Big bad Chris Roberts eventually gets him back in the ring so we can have some wrestling. Match starts off in Zacky’s wheelhouse with some chain wrestling. No surprise that Zack is getting the better of these tussles.

After being schooled for a few minutes, Ciampa throws a frustrated elbow at Zack which connects. Zack ends up on the ring apron & Ciampa hits a massive knee to send him to the floor. The tide has changed pretty quickly.

Ciampa looks for a suplex on the outside but ZSJ uses his bendiness to escape. Ciampa regains control though and as a prone ZSJ lies in the ring but with his head nudging over the parapet of the apron, Ciampa hits a running knee from the outside. Ouch.

Ciampa wails on ZSJ and sets him up in the same position but on a different side of the ring. Where is Ciampa going?! He’s walked all the way down one of the aisles in the crowd! No way is he going to run up from over there. He is! Ciampa sprints back down the aisle for another brutal running knee!

Back in the ring, Ciampa goes for Project Ciampa but Zack’s muscle memory kicks in and he manages to transition into a standing guillotine. Zack transitions straight into what looks like an omoplata attempt, but then decides to swap finesse for brutality & stamp on Ciampa’s shoulder! Crowd seem split here.

Zack is now back on top and he is being distinctly unkind to Ciampa’s arm in a plethora of ways. Zack tries a quick cover but only gets a 1 count. Zack gives his “come hit me” gesture to try and lull Ciampa in to offering a limb. It works as Zack avoids the kick and goes straight back to Ciampa’s arm.

Zack eventually gives Tommaso an opening & eats an elbow because of it. Ciampa gets some chops in it but it’s short-lived as Zack catches one & goes back to his arm wrenching workshop. After having no luck with reversing his way out, Ciampa uses brute strength to break Zack’s holds. He smashes through the window he gets as a result of this with another running knee. That’s been comfortably Ciampa’s most effective weapon so far.

I think he heard me commenting from the future as he follows that up with another one. He then sets up Zack for a top rope Air Raid Crash. Zack gets a short reprieve by breaking out but Ciampa hits the same move in the centre of the ring.

Ciampa’s resurgence is cut off again by Zack going back to the arm. ZSJ knows how to stay on message. The pace ramps up as Ciampa gets a 2 count off a roll up before eating an uppercut & then hitting another knee!

Ciampa rolls down the kneepad and eyes up a prone, kneeling ZSJ. He charges in but Zack dodges & attempts a floatover pin! Just a 2 count though. Zack doesn’t mess about & applies a rolling armbar. After the abuse his arm has taken today, Ciampa needs to get out of this quick.

Ciampa goes for the power approach again & succeeds, this time immediately stomping on Zack in the aftermath. Zack is persistent though & now goes for the arm triangle! Ciampa lifts him up with his arm still trapped & hits a Project Ciampa! 1st fall? No, just a 2 count.

Both men slowly get up & start trading heavy shots. We then get some traded pinfalls & the ref counts 3! But it looks like both men had their shoulders down? They apparently did as the ref counts both pins simultaneously and gives both guys a fall each!

Ciampa 1 – 1 Sabre. Next fall wins the match.

That’s a novel idea & moves past the “wait for both wrestlers to get a fall in” period of a 2 out of 3 falls match. However, the idea that 2 falls can be scored simultaneously irks me a bit & it looks to have done the same to the crowd.

Unlike the first fall which started with technical British wrestling, the third starts with big strikes from both guys. Zack then hits a lightning fast, caramel smooth Northern Lights suplex transitioned into an armbar. What a beautiful man. Ciampa reverses it into a crossface & then a Rings of Saturn until ZSJ makes the ropes.

The lads end up on the ring apron & are trading forearms & kicks. Zack fights off an Air Raid Crash and, while still on the ring apron, gives Ciampa another shoulder stomp. Back in the ring, ZSJ hits a tornado DDT and transitions it into a standing kimura because he’s ZSJ.

Ciampa, still in the kimura, moves Zack into the corner and sets up another top rope Air Raid Crash. This time he hits it! But Zack transitions immediately into another submission! He can’t hold on though as Ciampa escapes & hits a Pedigree! Boos. Ciampa pulls down the kneepad again and hits Zack with the running knee! Zack kicks out! Wowzer.

Back on their feet, Zack hits a half & half followed by not one, but two PKs! Ciampa’s turn for the big kick out. Zack takes Ciampa to the top turnbuckle. Never a good idea, Zack. Stay on the mat where you’re a god. Zack persists & receives a second rope Project Ciampa for his troubles! Zack kicks out but looks broken, as does Ciampa.

Both men are down and Roberts starts the double ten count. Both men make it to their feet as Roberts hits 9. Now on their feet, they start trading palm strikes. Ciampa is getting the better of it so ZSJ goes for another armbar! He then transitions into the succinctly named “Hurrah! Another Year, Surely This One Will Be Better Than the Last; The Inexorable March of Progress Will Lead Us All to Happiness”. Ciampa looks in big trouble! Sabre is now booting Ciampa whilst wrenching further! Ciampa taps! ZSJ takes the third fall for the win.

Post-match: Both men put their differences aside after a gruelling war. ZSJ steps away so Ciampa can say goodbye to the fans, to PROGRESS, and to independent wrestling.

Summary: Fantastic match. The decision on the first/second fall was strange & fell a bit flat but didn’t take too much away from the wrestlers who did a mega job. If you’ve not seen this, give it a watch.



By Pete Hitchcock

Oh shit it’s the Four Horsemen or Evolution but discount and British! This was my first Progress show I ever went to live so I’m really not paying attention to YouTube and will mostly just spitball about this match as if it was a Sunday afternoon with my brother and Dom Van Dam getting drunk with the boys. The boos for Gibson giving me goosebumps of a better time. Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis now! Back when people cared!

They’re singing to Party Hard and people actually are partying! Moser. Next. Gentleman Jack! The Cruiserweight Classic had just finished and thousands of people are singing along to the Toreador Song. IT’S JUST VOWELS!!! (I like it). This is all pretty cool. Big streamers for the babyfaces and this is looking like a Japanese match for a second. Jim lays out the stipulation - if the Origin lose, they must disband. Gallagher is over, man.

Nathan Cruz tries to cut a promo and man do I need a Cornette type in the back. Gibson finally introduced and the boos! This is why we are here, as Gibson (and everyone else pretty much) gets the 9 pack extra soft toilet paper treatment until it’s basically Christmas in the ring.

You could watch this ten times and pick up new stuff each time but my eyes are all on Gibson. This is how you get heat, for sure. And still... the toilet paper keeps on coming, it’s stunning. This is art. There’s a match afterwards between these guys but compared to what came first how could it - or anything compare - really?




So here we are, Tommy End going to make his way to the ring first, “Tommy, Tommy, Tommy Fucking End” chants ring out. The crowd drown him in black streamers as he stands in the middle of the ring. Tommy is followed by Mark Haskins, takes about 1/10th of the time it took Tommy End to make it to the ring. Red and blue streamers for Haskins.

4 dancers/models with umbrellas making their way to the ring... What’s this? A musical break for Rihanna to sing Umbrella? Oh no, it’s just Marty Scurll, the third and final man in the match up. It was quite the entrance... no streamers for the champ.

Now the three men are in the ring together,

Will Marty’s title rein last forever? 

At least he’ll be leaving with an umbrella, 

At least he’ll be leaving with an umbrella ella ella eh eh eh....

All 3 men get a bit of offence in on each other before a little standoff. Everyone staring at everyone, no friends in this one. Scurll having none of a 3 way test of strength and just tosses Haskins to the outside. Scurll gets the upper hand for a moment on End but Haskins takes him out on the apron.

Haskins fakes a dive on End before swinging back into the ring and heading for the opposite side and hits Scurll with the dive. The pace is electric from Haskins here. He heads straight to the other side and hits End with a dive too. Lovely stuff.

All 3 men make their way back in the ring, Scurll setting up the German on Haskins but End comes flying down from the top rope, Haskins ducks and Scurll gets hit with the double knees.

End tries the spinning kick on Haskins but misses, then each man tries a roll up on each other. Haskins hits both men with drop kicks, End is sent to the outside. Haskins works over the arm of Scurll but his advantage doesn’t last long as Scurll fights back.

Back in comes Tommy End, Haskins manages to lock both men into a submission but End breaks free and gets the advantage with some big strikes.

Electric pace continues in this one. Haskins is in trouble as End continues to just boot him in the chest. Huge knee strikes from End lead to a near fall. Back in comes Scurll, sending Haskins to the outside before a huge Superplex on End. The champion is finding his way into this now.

Superkick on Haskins by Scurll and he heads into the crowd for some showboating  before returning to work over Haskins some more. End still feeling the effects of the Superplex. Scurll taking advantage of the no DQ of this match up as he continues to abuse Haskins.

Haskins finally fires up and gets some offence on Scurll, but here comes End to drop Haskins with one quick kick. Tommy End is now in top as his quick striking ability leaves the other two on the canvas. Tommy End hits Scurll with a big double stop, before the release German on Haskins. 

End strikes Scurll a few more times and gets him covered, 1... 2.... Haskins out of now where to break this one up. Things are really heating up now! Huge “This is Progress” chant. End is not happy with Haskins as he beats him down, but Haskins counters with the Death Valley Driver into a submission. End looks in trouble here.... but Scurll saves his title by breaking up the hold.

Scurll sends Haskins to the outside then locks in the chicken wing on End who has already been worn down by Haskins submission. It’s locked in in the middle of the ring. End is in trouble again.... but here comes Haskins to break things up.

But wait, instead of breaking the hold, Haskins grabs both men’s arms and locks in the submission, lovely stuff. He can’t quite keep hold of it and throws Scurll out of the ring. Poor Tommy End stuck being worked over again. Another pin broken up by Scurll.

Scurll and Haskins exchange strikes before Scurll drops him with the hug closeline. Scurll turns his attention to End and turns him inside out with another closeline for the near fall. Wow these three men are in a war right now.

Scurll attacks both men with rights before they team up to drop Scurll then hit kicks at the same time, all 3 men are down. Probably taking a much needed breather.

Scurll is up first and heads to the outside to grab some brolly’s.... first he smashes Tommy End across the side of the face with the umbrella. Haskins is able to dodge being hit and tries to lock in the sharpshooter. Scurll is having none of it and just smashes him in the face with an umbrella.

Scurll now locks in the sharpshooter of his own... but here comes Tommy with the roundhouse kick. 1...2... Scurll just kicks out at 2 and 3/4. End is not impressed so goes to set up a table on the outside much to the crowds delight. 

Scurll and End are brawling on the apron by the table, both men blocking each other’s attempts to put each other through the table. Here comes Haskins, he tries to push End and Scurll through the table but to no avail. 

Oh my!!! Scurll and End team you and Suplex Haskins from inside the ring through the table on the outside. Haskins could be done. Brain buster from End on Scurll for another 2 count. Scurll works his way back into it by breaking the fingers of End before locking in the chicken wing again.

Scurll can’t keep it locked in, but picks up an umbrella and smashes End in the face again, but it only winds up End who gives Scurll the finger, not the best idea as Scurll just breaks the middle finger of End. Scurll now grabs the title and hits End with it, that has to be it... 1....2.... No! 2 and 99/100’s! Wow. Scurll can’t believe it.

Scurll takes out his frustration on the ref and hits him with an umbrella, bit silly really because Scurll then delivers the tombstone on End but there is no ref to make the count. Here comes a ref, but the delay gave End enough time to be able to kick out at 2.

Scurll not happy again and smashes the new ref with the umbrella. Another Piledriver in end, but again there’s no ref and again it buys End enough time to kick out at 2. Scurll has lost the plot and beats down the third ref with the umbrella.

Here comes Progress security, only to get beaten down by Scurll, one umbrella breaks as he swings it and flies into the crowd, don’t think that was meant to happen! Smallman is in the ring now, trying to calm down Scurll.

Oh shit, the place erupts, Jimmy Havoc’s music hits. This place has gone absolutely mental. Here comes Havoc who squares up with Scurll. Havoc drops Scurll with the acid rainmaker. Havoc picks up the belt, raises it above his head before throwing it to Smallman and leaving the arena.

Tommy End wipes out Haskins before getting taken out by an umbrella. Haskins fights back and locks in a sharpshooter on Scurll. He's in the middle of the ring..... he’s no where near the ropes. End is dead and burried on the outside. Will Scurll tap??? YES HE WILL! Wow! Mark Haskins is your new Progress champion!!!

Haskins celebrates, End enters the ring.... what will he do? He gives Haskins a big hug and raises his hand. Huge “you deserve it” chants for Haskins as the show goes of air. What a match, electric pace, lovely stuff.









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