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WWE RAW (15/10/2018)

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

Updated: Oct 18, 2018

After a good RAW last week, I am looking forward to this one - especially as this is in Philadelphia, which is known for some hardcore wrestling fans!


We kick things off with The Dogs of War as commentary plugs Crown Jewel and the WWE World Cup, then lets us know the final two qualifiers on RAW will be Dolph Ziggler v Dean Ambrose and Drew McIntyre v Seth Rollins.

Dolph says they are the best trio in WWE history. An interview from Dean Ambrose last week is shown where he says 'Maybe I just don't fit in anywhere, anymore'. Drew says I hate to say I told you so... but I told you so. We didn't just beat The Shield last week - we broke The Shield.

Drew adds that Seth and Roman were the only ones that ever benefitted from The Shield and finally Dean and the WWE Universe have opened their eyes to it. Braun adds that this now means Roman won't get saved at Crown Jewel where he will win the WWE Universal Championship.

We then move on to tonight's proceedings which leads to some bickering between the three as to who is the best amongst the Dogs of War.

The Shield music hits and Seth and Roman arrive from the stage, not through the crowd. Seth says The Shield is not shattered, or broken. Dolph asks then why is Dean not with them? You two egomaniacs probably don't care where he is, but the WWE Universe do. Seth says he lives on Ambrose time and will show up. Then he bigs up Philadelphia for their cheese steaks and being a fighting town, and requests their match is RIGHT NOW!

That was a great open. It played on the Dogs of War bickering, that they are only really together in order to get Braun his title back, whilst also taking claim for the premature ending of The Shield. They are over confident. Also, it highlighted the troubles in The Shield right now by having no Ambrose and also having them on stage, not coming through the crowd. Something is amiss. I enjoy that they keep Roman's promo time down to a minimum as he gets a heel reaction - let the universally loved Seth do the talking.

The Shield were missing Dean at the start of the night


- Nice grappling to start with.

- Clever way of showing the power difference as Drew and Seth hit similar moves, but Seth stays down longer when hit.

- Drew catches Seth from a suicide dive and hits a huge belly-to-belly suplex on the outside!

- Rollins throws McIntyre into the barricade.

- Ziggler arrives to distract Rollins.

- McIntyre bangs Rollins' left arm into the apron as we go to break.

- MASSIVE superkick from Rollins.

- Swingblade and a blockbuster from Rollins!

- WOAH. Drew hits a suplex whilst in a tree of woe!

- Rollins hits hits rolling suplex from the top, but it is McIntyre who hits the falcon arrow once they are back in a standing position.

- Dolph again causes a distraction, eating a suicide dive from Rollins.

- Dolph pulls down the rope as Seth is about to bounce off it, causing him to fall to the floor.

- Ambrose's music hits and he ambushes Dolph. Drew tries to help and gets counted out after a curb stomp on the floor outside by Rollins!

- Seth and Dean celebrate in the ring.

- Rollins points at Ambrose saying Ambrose time, he shows up at the right time, every time.

- I enjoyed this match as it featured two of the best on the roster, showed Dolph to be a cheating douche and proved 'Ambrose Time' making the opening promo more than worthwhile. The fact it was a count-out win protects Drew telling me that WWE rate the Scot, which can only be a good thing. Side note - notice Roman did fuck all to help, but expects his brothers to help when needed. Classic Hogan move, that! Double side note - we are now guaranteed at least six Americans in the WWE World Cup. Go figure.

Dean Ambrose made the save for Seth Rollins


Roman says I'm sorry man, I don't know what happened. Seth says don't worry about it, I knew Dean was on lunatic time, but he always shows up. Dean says what did you call me? Lunatic? That how you see me, good for a few laughs and when you need bailing out? I got my own stuff to sort out... and walks away from Seth and Roman like last week.

Man that was good, it shows Seth as jovial, Roman sheepishly apologetic and Dean pumped up and feeling used. Great storytelling.

Dean Ambrose took umbrage to Seth calling him a lunatic.


We get ourselves a recap of what happened at Super Show-Down where Kane and Undertaker attacked DX after the match and the response last week, where DX claimed it was a complete lack of respect and challenged The Brothers of Destruction to a tag match at Crown Jewel.

We then go to a boiler room with smoke and eerie lighting where Kane and Taker are walking about presumably looking for Mankind. Taker says DX want to talk to them about respect? Kane claims DX are reuniting on a bed of lies. HBK claims he stayed away out of respect, but Taker says it was FEAR. Fear that he will be put down so far he can never return again. They started a war in Australia that ends at Crown Jewel. HHH can shuffle back to the boardroom and HBK can go back to retirement. They had three words for us 'Are You Ready.' We have three words for you... 'Rest In Peace'.

I really enjoyed that. It was well written, hit all the pointers and was filmed away from a live crowd, keeping a certain ambience about them not in the bright lights of an arena and without any chants that they may have got about Saudi Arabia. Interestingly, they are promoting the event but have not mentioned that state once so far this RAW. Is it taking place elsewhere or are they just on damage limitation?

The Brothers of Destruction vow to make DX Rest In Peace


The tandem of Moon and Jax came about from their hard hitting contest last week and Jax raised Moon's hand on victory out of respect. Brooke I assume is now heel after walking out on Titus Worldwide and we have Tamina returning after a long layoff. Lots of new ingredients!

Commentary use this opportunity to break the news that there will be a battle royal at WWE Evolution with the winner receiving a future title opportunity. All four of these women will be involved.

- Moon and Brooke start off. Brooke gets the upper hand, but Moon nips up.

- Tamina tags in and hits a big lariat on Moon, then lobs her halfway across the ring!

- Tag to Jax. NIA v TAMINA HYPE!

- They circle one another, I remember at Survivor Series that elicited huge roars from the crowd, alas nothing doing here.

- Nia Jax hits a cannonball on Tamina!

- Tamina and Nia Jax trade headbutts!

- Tamina fireman carries Jax and hits a Samoan Drop!!!

- Loving this!

- Both women are down after that one...

- Brooke tags in and immediately gets squashed in the corner by Jax.

- Moon tags herself in and hits the eclipse for the win!

- Jax raises Moon's hand again.

- Tamina interrupts, shoves Moon over and superkicks Jax!

- Moon and Tamina look at eachother and dump Jax over the top rope!

- Tamina trash talks and Moon tries to dump HER over the top rope!

- Moon and Tamina struggle on the ropes and Brooke dumps them both over!

- I really enjoyed this. Moon continues her winning streak, Tamina and Jax had some great exchanges and they showed the unpredictability of battle royal rules by having Brooke stand tall at the end. My only question is did the crowd get the Battle Royal news? Otherwise this would have come off as bizarre!

Dana Brooke stood tall at the end after the mini Battle Royal


We get a recap of the Bella Twins turning on Ronda Rousey last week and we even get a TMZ story of the barbs they have been throwing at each other - Rousey called them 'Do Nothing Bellas' whilst Nikki Bella called her a 'Do Nothing Bitch'. Crazy that TMZ broke this story, what big exposure for WWE. They must be delighted.

- Ronda leaves her title crumpled up in the corner, which is weird.

- Rousey looks sad.

- The crowd loves Ronda.

- Ronda demands an explanation from The Bellas.

- The Bellas arrive sporting Bellalution shirts. That is great. Taking credit for the evolution.

- Nikki says firstly no one has paid to see Ronda, they all paid to see The Bellas.

- Nikki says they don't owe Ronda an explanation.

- Brie says Rousey disrespected them, kicking them to the sidelines, adding it made them sick seeing Rousey take credit for what The Bellas had done.

- Nikki calls Rousey a loser who doesn't deserve the credit. She never deserved a title match and doesn't deserve to be champion - but Nikki does.

- Nikki says The Bellas made the word 'diva' mean something and their shows put more women in WWE crowds.

- Nikki says she will has done more in her in-ring career than Rousey ever will and is the longest reigning Divas champion. The title she carries around wouldn't exist without The Bellas.

- There's an awkward exchange where they talk over each other.

- Ronda says she tried to be respectful. It was their territory first - even though everything the Divas era stood for made her sick to her stomach. She gave them the benefit of the doubt.

- Ronda then GOES IN saying they have lived off the names of their men, plagiarising and diluting their movesets. You're relics of the past, waiting to be eradicated like smallpox!

- Brie says so you think we are talentless, a disease and do nothing Bellas.


- Brie says they are the groundbreakers and Rousey doesn't compare.

- Rousey comes back with she knocked down doors in Judo, Strikeforce, UFC and WWE. The only door you knocked down was to John Cena's bedroom! WOAH!!!


- And he eventually threw you out the same door. She then challenges them to come down to the ring for an ass-whoopin'.

- Nikki rips off her shirt and walks to the ramp, but stops, does her diva dance and has security come out.

- Ronda kicks security's ass including some guy with a terrible haircut who properly hammed it up.

- This was AWESOME. So good that James didn't even fast forward through any of this segment! I loved the shoot style and Ronda grew into the mic work. The Bellas have good reasoning for the turn, and believe what they are saying too. The only thing that would have made this better is if Ronda had the new title on her shoulder pride of place, rather than thrown in the corner throughout. The point of this angle is to give that title gravitas compared to the Divas belt... don't show it disrespect by looking like yesterday's clothes!

Ronda destroyed The Bellas Security Team


Chad Gable and Bobby Roode are backstage enjoying Kurt Angle's new look fresh off vacation. Angle says he has Stephanie to thank and is much less stressed now. Bobby tries to say that he looks glorious but Chad beats him to it before they shuffle off. Kurt then bumps into No Way Jose and does his silly dance from last week. Corbin arrives and says he has organised a handicap match tonight for him against AOP.

- The Kurt comedy act is playing on all my nostalgia and I love it. Corbin continues to be brilliantly detestable and this was also used to show that Gable is grating on Roode. Looking forward to his heel turn...

Kurt Angle was congratulated by Roode and Gable on his holiday clothes


- Ambrose is not in his Shield outfit here.

- Ambrose with a fallaway slam

- Dolph gets thrown into the barrier

- Awkward looking X-Factor off the top rope by Dolph

- Ambrose reverses the superkick and slingshots Ziggler into the post Mr Perfect style.

- Lariats to Ziggler

- Texas Cloverleaf from Ambrose! Ziggler reaches the ropes.

- Ziggler misses another cornersplash.

- Phoenix slam by Ambrose for 2!

- Ambrose is hit off the top rope, but he fights Ziggler off who falls holding his knee.

- As the ref checks on him McIntyre arrives. Rollins makes the save.

- Ambrose chooses to jump on McIntyre. Rollins picks Dean up but is pushed to the floor.

- Dean slides back in the ring and eats a superkick! ZIGGLER WINS!

- Commentary debate whether Ambrose knew it was Rollins that was helping him up.

- Seth looks down on the fallen Ambrose, who picks himself up.

- Dean then barges past Seth and walks off.

- Seth won't take that and walks after him, as they start pushing and shoving.

- Roman comes out to split them up.

- Baron Corbin arrives and announces The Shield against The Dogs of War tonight!

- Roman looks sternly at Corbin who smirks back.

- The match itself was fine, I am enjoying Ambrose's new move-set and Dolph got the win which is needed after being named the weak link of his trio for weeks. Ambrose continues his path of self-destruction. Rollins attempted to help and yet again Roman doesn't.

Dolph beat Dean with a Superkick


Dolph is celebrating his victory whilst noting that he told everyone that The Shield was falling apart. Drew adds that Dean is vulnerable and needs to be isolated. He says to Braun that he needs him to beat up Seth and Dean and make Roman watch. Braun responds by saying do you think I'm dumb? I know how to beat The Shield. They then bicker before Braun says that if either of them screw up it will be them getting these hands!

- Once again this was great, showing the cracks between the Dogs of War. To me, both of these trios are a convenience to keep their main man sheltered. Braun for DoW and Roman for The Shield. The heels are aware of this, it seems the faces are not!

Braun warns Dolph and Drew that if they don't get the business done there will be consequences


- Samir Singh is back!

- Balor three moves of doom!

- Balor wins!

- Lashley and Lio Rush interrupt.

- Lio says Balor wishes he could look like Lashley.

- Look like money, smell like money!

- Balor and Bayley walk off.

-This match was quick and to the point, with Balor moving from Mahal to Lashley shortly. Those matches should be good.

Bobby Lashley interrupted Finn Balor's celebration


- Lio Rush has the mic again and starts his annoying Lahley chant to boos.

- He gets Lashley to do the money pose.

- I have read that Vince is feeding these lines to Lio and now that he is fawning over his physique, I believe it.

- 'Not one person in this arena looks like you.' Yep, defo Vince.

- Breeze look overawed by the mass of Lashley, but fights from underneath.

- Lashley catches Breeze on a crossbody and hits the delayed suplex.

- Full nelson rag dolls Breeze.

- Breeze rallies again.

- POWERSLAM halts that.

- Lashley dead weights Breeze and hits his new finisher.

- Lio continues to chant for Lashley.

- Breeze showed some heart but Lashley looked like a beast and Lio continues to be annoying as fuck. Great stuff. Unfortunately at the moment they are getting 'X-Pac heat' rather than genuine heat, but hopefully that comes against Balor.

Bobby Lashley made quick work of Tyler Breeze


Alexa Bliss and Mickie James interrupt almost straight away. Alexa says she knows what they were going to say... they were going to say we are going to get humiliated at Evolution, what have we gotten ourselves into? Mickie James has always been superior to me and at Evolution she is going to finally put an end to 'Stratusfaction'.

Whilst Lita and Trish have been kicking back, Alexa and Mickie have been kicking butt. You haven't been in the ring for years and it is going to be so easy as they are the two best on the RAW roster.

Trish says that they can make history by beating two hall of famers and they need some practice. They take their jackets off indicating they are ready to go. Bliss and James look to do the same and walk down the ramp, but smirk and walk backstage.

- This was the same promo as the other women's one without any of the heat, great lines or interest. A shame. I wonder if it is down to the crowd - like do half of them remember Trish and Lita?

Alexa and Mickie thought better of facing Lita and Trish in the ring


Bayley is walking backstage when she is accosted by The Riott Squad. Liv says someone save her before she gets hugged. Logan adds that the sight of her smile makes her want to vomit. Riott tops it by saying they don't have to worry about her without her BFF Sasha or Finn Balor because she always runs from the fight. RUDE.

- This was good, a 3 on 1 verbal attack on the likable Bayley is good with me for getting The Riott Squad over as bitches. Especially as they are coming off failing to beat Rousey. Strikes as them trying to take easy pickings. Should be a great way to see Bayley show some fire too.

The Riott Squad bully Bailey backstage


'Kurt' is in the ring in his conquistador outfit as he didn't bring his wrestling gear and wasn't expecting a match. That is clearly not Kurt, but commentary plays along. Corbin is on the ramp to watch.

- Akam goes to charge 'Kurt' in the corner.

- 'Kurt' goes for the ankle lock but can't lock it in.

- Graves comments that something is a little off here with Angle.

- Rezar kills with a lariat.

- AOP win with the neckbreaker powerbomb.

- Graves doubts it is Angle.

- Drake Maverick tells AOP to unmask The Conquistador.

- It's NOT Kurt Angle!

- Angle appears on the ramp in his holiday gear and gives Corbin the Angle slam!

- Angle caps it off with his Conquistador dance

- I bloody loved that. Corbin thought he was getting one over on Kurt and he got made a fool of again. AOP looked savage again too. Sucks to be that Conquistador - was kind of hoping it was Angle's brother for nostalgia vibes.

Kurt Angle pulled another fast one on Constable Corbin


The Riott Squad deface Natalya's dressing room sign with mustard and ketchup. Ooh, you're hard. They laugh, rip off the sign and walk off with their hands covered in sauce. That was silly, wasn't it?

- This makes you dislike The Riott Squad again ahead of the match later, so two thumbs up.


Natalya on the mic to start saying there was no way she was going to come to the ring alone to get attacked by these hooligans. She introduces both Bayley and the returning Sasha Banks! The Riott Squad look annoyed and scared in equal measure. So much for those easy pickings, huh?

- Natalya goes for the jugular, but Live and Sarah help Ruby turn the tide.

- Riott uses her heel moves to keep control, hair pulling her way to dominance.

- Riott puts Nattie in a nice cravat lock.

- Natalya dumps Ruby over the ropes, but Ruby goes back to trash talking and hair pulling.

- Out of nowhere, Natalya locks in the sharpshooter!

- Sarah Logan chops the knee of Nattie for the DQ.

- Bayley and Banks to the rescue as they deposit The Riott Squad as a trio.

- I liked this. The Riott Squad were on the end of defeat here and finished powdering from the faces, needing to re-group next week. It gives The Riott Squad something new and we have lots of potential matchups here. Great to see Sasha back.

Natalya, Sasha Banks and Bayley bested the Riott Squad this week


Elias arrives and plays a tune. He runs down John Cena, and then Philly getting a good heel reaction from the crowd. He’s interrupted by Apollo Crews! Apollo says it was his turn to interrupt Elias since everyone else does. Elias says of course everyone does, because he's the best thing going.

Apollo says he doesn't play guitar, doesn't sing and isn't that funny. But none of that matters once he steps in the ring. Elias retorts, I've heard you are good in the ring... I've just never seen it. Apollo says he is sick of seeing people pass him by. Elias says he is a star and Crews is a nobody. He then moves his guitar and chair out of the way, removes his scarf and is ready for battle. He charges but misses and eats an enziguri then a huge over the head slam.

- Crews actually got cheered here, something that hasn't happened seemingly since his days in NXT, whilst Elias did a great job of getting him them.

Apollo Crews made an impression on Elias


- The Shield arrive in their getup and come through the crowd. Things seem sweet!

- Braun stares down Dolph and screams start this match and show me something!

- Dolph synches in a headlock on Rollins and tells Braun see this, I do this all day long.

- Rollins takes control and tags in Ambrose as they double on Dolph.

- Dolph shoves Rollins into Ambrose and has to explain it as not intentional. Cracks!

- Roman tags in and tries to diffuse the situation.

- Braun runs in and floors all three Shield members!

- Dolph has Roman in a submission and is screaming All day long!

- Braun is screaming tag me in!

- Dolph tags in Drew instead. Uh oh!

- Drew gets the better of Roman before getting hit with a big overhand. Drew tags in Braun.

- Braun manhandles Roman and screams at Drew saying 'This is how you handle business.'

- Drew responds by tagging himself in!

- Drew takes some shots at Roman but Braun then tags in.

- Things are not well!

- Roman fails to lift Braun at first but then does it and lands a Samoan drop!

- Drew and Dolph rush the ring hitting both Ambrose and Rollins off the apron.

- They tag in and hit the Zig Zag/Claymore Kick combo!

- Ambrose and Rollins in for the save! The boys saving Reigns again...

- Stereo suicide dives from Ambrose and Rollins on Ziggler and McIntyre!

- They try on Braun but get caught - only for Roman to make the save with a Superman Punch!

- Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on McIntyre but Dolph pushes Rollins on him to break up the count!

- Dean tries to Dirty Deeds Seth!

- Dolph pushes Ambrose into Rollins!

- Zig Zag but Ambrose kicks out at 2!

- Roman saves Ambrose for the second time (Fair play) with Superman punches.

- Reigns reverses Braun's running powerslam.

- Braun misses a spear in the corner, hitting the post hard.

- Roman sidesteps a Claymore Kick from McIntyre which clears Braun from the ring!

- SPEAR to McIntyre!

- TRIPLE SHIELD POWERBOMB on Ziggler for the win!

- The Shield celebrate as Rollins and Ambrose look to be back on the same page after their squabble.

- Braun comes back in the ring, grabs Ziggler by the hair and hits a Running Powerslam.

- Drew McIntyre FLATTENS Braun with a Claymore Kick.

- McIntyre is on the ramp - having left Dolph - and stares down Braun as the monster among men stares back.

I really loved all of that, great stories being told, we teased a Shield break-up only for them to get back on the same page. Roman actually played his part and we got smatterings of Roman chants. Dolph was his cocky self. Drew looks a prime time player and Braun now needs different back-up which will surely be AOP. I really enjoyed this RAW again. It's heavy on DoW v The Shield but that chapter appears to be closed for now and we got some great stuff out of it. Top work.

Drew McInytre Claymore kicked Braun Strowman!



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