After an excellent start to the new brand last week, I am excited to watch the next installment of WWE NXT UK where three matches have been confirmed including a main event between the former champion Tyler Bate and Wolfgang.
We get green screen Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness to start off the show as they put over how good last week's episode was and highlight the main event tonight. Pretty much what I just did above...
El Ligero from Los Sanchos, Mexico is no longer with us. Say hello to Ligero from Leeds, England! Sporting a Union Jack mask to top it off, Ligs is described as the most experienced man on the roster thanks to his insane schedule.
Boar is introduced as crazy and unhinged - the likes of which Ligero has unlikely faced before. He had 12 times before this, of course. You've seen his schedule...
- Boar pounds away with clubbing strikes on Ligero's back to start
- Ligero hits a hurricanrana!
- Standing moonsault gets just a one count for Ligero.
- Missile dropkick for 2 by Ligero.
- Spear into the corner and a T-Bone suplex by Boar!
- Ligero turns a tilt-the-whirl from Boar into a body press!
- Single leg dropkick for 2 by Ligero.
- Back senton from Boar!
- Pop up powerbomb from Boar for 2!
- Close up on Boar's black contacted eyes as he starts to pull out his hair. Character work!
- That was a good outing for both men, with Ligero given a great true life story of a shy kid wearing a mask through shyness working for 17 years to get his shot in the WWE. The crowd were firmly behind him here too including our very own Daniel...

We get VT's of both.... Dakota Kai is highlighted first as quick, agile and proficient with her kicking ability in the ring with her mannerisms clearly showing her as a face.
Killer Kelly isn't given the opportunity to explain herself, instead footage is shown of her looking mean and kicking people strong style with commentary from Mauro Ranallo. Both work, and we have set ourselves a table for a clear face v heel match up next!
- Lock up to begin which leads to grappling on the ground and a wristlock from Kai.
- Kai evades a running Kelly and turns it into a pinning combination for 2.
- Double stomp on Kelly!
- Penalty kick for 2 by Kai!
- Strikes and kicks ground Kai and Kelly follows up with her ground and pound.
- Surfboard Dragon Sleeper applied by Kelly!
- Running basement dropkick to Kai in the corner! That looked SAVAGE.
- Release German Suplex by Kelly!
- Varying kicks from Kai knock Kelly to the corner. She follows up with two facewashes!
- Kai hits a running Code Red into a Backstabber!
- I think her legs were under the ropes when the pin was made. Paz with a Chris Roberts tribute, there.
- Kai is interviewed post-match in the ring and puts over the UK crowd. She brings up the NXT UK Women's title and says that she's not afraid to kick anyone's head off who gets in her way of winning it.
- That was a very fun match. They hyped up the kicking ability of both women in the build and they delivered some stiff shots throughout. Especially that basement dropkick. Ouch. They were presented as equals and Kai comes out on top of an even contest. Good stuff, ladies!

We get the next installment of the Eddie Dennis introduction with more amazing archive photos from years back of him, Pete Dunne and Mark Andrews wrestling on small shows. Eddie explains that whilst he was forging a career in education, becoming headteacher at an elite private school, he was forced to sit and watch as they lived with their parents and made stars of themselves... how do you think that made him feel?
- Lots of PROGRESS footage was featured here, fun seeing that and hearing Glen and Matt on commentary. I loved this angle in PROGRESS and the same goes here. Eddie is believable and great at playing this character. It's close to home and easy to portray because of the element of truth. There is nothing faux about it and he comes off the screen seeping in jealousy and hatred.

Liverpool's number one. United Kingdom's number one. SOOOOON to be recognised as NXT UK's number one... the crowd are baying for blood as always when Zack has a microphone in his hand.
He says at the Albert Hall he beat three men with no preparation or recovery time and won the 2018 tournament. He took Pete Dunne to his limit despite wrestling four times in two days - a fresh Gibson beats a fresh Dunne - and The Bruiserweight knows it.
Lots of anti-Gibson chants from the crowd now and Gibson says turn up the microphone. God, he's good. He then lambasts the fact he got no rematch because they were handing shots to people like Noam Dar.
Noam was an embarrassment in the CWC, 205 Live and NXT UK and if you type your name into a search engine you will only get pictures of him doing his rotten poses.
Noam Dar arrives and takes off his shirt to head to the ring and fight, but GM Johnny Saint heads out too and says don't even think about it! You two, my office right now!
- As always this was a masterclass from Gibson on the mic, putting himself over above all others and trashing anyone else to deafening boos and chants from the crowd. Simply the best promo man in the UK. Looks like we are getting this match soon, which will be a belter. I like Saint being the respected disciplinarian, also.

Travis explains how martial arts helped him get to the WWE and now he is here he wants to be champion some day. But before he can accomplish that, he has his sights set on the Coffey brothers for the way they attacked him.
- Short and sweet from the Kiwi buzzsaw - but it sets up future matchups.

Ashton Smith describes himself as an athletic roughneck and was guided through his career by Drake Maverick. Tucker is described as a life underdog overcoming premature birth and a severe knee injury.
- Competitive grappling to start with Ashton Smith coming out on top.
- Great elevation on a sunset flip from Smith.
- Commentary big up the Super Dooper Kick that Tucker has - if Bate hadn't been knocked out of the ring from it, ponders McGuinness - perhaps he would have had the career Bate has?
- Duelling pin attempts for 2.
- Dropkick by Smith.
- Tucker calls the ref over for an injury. The crowd don't buy it and boo.
- They were right - he was pretending and gets the cheap shot in on Smith.
- Forearms and a suplex by Tucker.
- Belly to back suplex by Smith.
- Super dooper kick blocked by Smith who hits a BIG pump kick!
- Facewash by Smith!
- These two wrestlers are less known to a WWE crowd and also had to deal with a difficult face v face dynamic. I liked that they set that straight with the feigning of injury via Tucker, as it allowed the fans to get behind one of them and not feel awkward for cheering one over the other. This was solid and hopefully we get to see more heelish tactics from Tucker soon. Smith was over with the fans come the end too. Nice.

I didn't come from much - born and raised in East London I've fought, scratched and clawed for an opportunity. 15 years in this business is a lifetime of experience, training and knowledge and with NXT UK launching it's another great opportunity.
There's a saying in London - you wanna be remembered as one of yer own. So winning the NXT UK championship would be a dream because he can finally say London - I'm one of yer own!
- This was interspersed with lots of footage from his indie and NXT matches along with positive commentary from the likes of McGuinness. He looks the real deal and came across like a main eventer here in my opinion.

They push the Scottish independence button on Wolfgang and point out he was the sole representative for the Scots in the original UK tournament of 2017. They mention that Tyler Bate set out the challenge for the tag team division last week, but is looking for a singles win here.
- Wolfgang lifts Bate up out of a sleeper hold and places him over the rope and onto the apron.
- Bate challenges Wolfgang to a test of strength.
- Wolfgang wins initially but Bate powers up and forces Wolfgang to his knees!
- Big Strong Boi chants from the crowd!
- Bate then uses his chain wrestling skill to escape the grip of Wolfgang and dropkicks him - followed by a nip up and his pose.
- Tyler goes for the airplane spin but can't quite commit to the spin and Wolfie escapes.
- Wolfgang tosses Bate like a pancake and then hits a knee to the gut.
- Wolfgang then release forward suplexes Bate onto the top rope!
- Bate tries to fight back but Wolfgang continues to focus on the ribs of Tyler, slowing the pace.
- Bearhug by Wolfgang.
- Bate fires back with fists, which drops Wolfgang to a knee but again he loses out to the strength of Wolfgang.
- European uppercut off the middle rope by Bate!
- T-bone suplex is blocked - again the size of Wolfgang coming to his rescue.
- Neck rope reverse clothesline doesn't fell Wolfgang!
- A second and third doesn't either...
- Standing shooting star for 2!
- Tyler Driver '97 blocked.
- Tyler goes for another middle rope European uppercut but gets caught.
- HUGE Alleyoop suplex by Wolfgang!
- Bate kicks out at 2!
- Tyler hits a headbutt to knock Wolfgang down on the ropes. Wolgang with a headbutt of his own to send Bate crashing to the floor.
- Roll over kick!
- I enjoyed this main event, Wolfgang got plenty in, showing his strength and power, whilst Bate is the full package. Look, charisma and wrestling ability. The crowd clearly want to boo Wolfgang, and I think he will be turned soon enough. Good stuff!

This was a fun second episode with plenty more of the roster given time. Everyone stepped up in my opinion and commentary did a good job of adding to all of the characters. In terms of star power, I think Zack Gibson and Tyler Bate were the shining lights here but they have a fun supporting cast - no one looked out of place and the crowd were invested throughout. I'm looking forward to Gibson v Dar next week!