It is possibly the most controversial show in WWE history this Friday, when Vince and co head to Saudi Arabia despite the recent murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi national working for the US press in the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia.
So much so that Daniel Bryan and John Cena have refused to go and have been written out of the show!
We say that Wrestling Should Be Fun and completely understand those that oppose this show, but we are doing a roundtable all the same... we hope you enjoy!
MAT - Does a journalist get assassinated in the woods?
MITCH - I won’t be for political reasons (Saudi ain’t pals with Qatar).
CHARLIE - Probably not as I’m in the middle of the countryside with family but I’m sure the Network will get a go given half a chance.
PETE - I will watch the Brock/Braun match probably but otherwise no. Not my cup of tea with all the shit surrounding the situation and I've got a family commitment on Friday anyway. Maybe if all the matches turn out to be Okada level good then I'll take a look but otherwise I can't see myself going back to it.
ROB - I hope to watch it with the chaps, but I'm not optimistic about my chances what with it being in the middle of a work day.
RYAN - Will watch with the boys at some point over the weekend.
JAKE - What else would I be doing of a Friday evening?
JAMES - I will be in a venue showing the show. Watching will depend on who's in the ring and shot rounds.
ALEX - Yes I will, although it’ll be hard to concentrate on the actual matches, what with all the pro Saudi tweets I’ll be firebombing on my timeline.
GREG - I don’t think I’ll be watching as Bristol are playing Gloucester at the same time but I’ll definitely check the highlights (if there is any).
ROSS - I'll be at the bar drinking soft drinks as I'm currently out of full time work. It's how Saudi would want it.
MIKE - Not live with the Nerds, unfortunately, but I will almost certainly watch it on Saturday morning, hopefully spoiler-free. But I’m sure I’ll skip bits.
SIMON - Yes. It is now a part of my pre-drinks plan.
ROBIN - I won't be watching it live, but I'll catch up with the show over the weekend.

MAT - Absolutely not.
MITCH - Kinda. Think it’s going to be poorly. Which is worth watching.
SHAFI - I'm disappointed he's coming back because he had the perfect retirement and left before he lost a step. I don't want to see him as a shell of his former self but I'm intrigued as to whether he can defy the odds and put on a stellar showing.
CHARLIE - I was but now he’s bald...interested though. I was one of those who didn’t want a HBK comeback (love a perfect ending) but now it’s happening, let’s enjoy it.
PETE - Absolutely not. The Undertaker vs HHH match was shittier than I was expecting which is saying something and I somehow doubt adding Kane is gonna make it better. He's one of the GOATs but everything about this is just 'who gives a fuck?' for me.
ROB - Same way as I'd be excited about watching my 58 year old dad try and grasp the concept of a YouTuber.
RYAN - Fun nostalgia match but a bald HBK a reminder of how old they all are!
JAKE - No.
JAMES - Let me answer that question with a question. If you were a West Ham fan would you be excited to see Trevor Brooking start up front for West Ham now in a big match?
ALEX - HBK can go take a long walk off a short pier, I’m a Bret man. His fake Jesus bullshit, backstage politicking and all round douche messiah complex annoys me to no end.
GREG - I’m not if I’m honest. If it was Mania vs AJ or Bryan then I would be but this is definitely not that.
ROSS - I was vehemently against the idea to be honest. His retirement was art. I have to admit there is intrigue about how he is in the ring, though. Especially as he's in there against Taker and Kane!
MIKE - No. I’m sorry, I loved him. Now he's just the Hilariously Bald Kid.
SIMON - Looking forward to it however I’d rather see him in a singles match.
ROBIN - Mixed feelings. I still feel he should be arrested immediately after the match has finished for breaching the terms and conditions of his retirement match. But even if he is a criminal who sold out his word, it's HBK, so of course I'm excited. I'm more intrigued on how he's going to perform and whether he can still go after almost 10 years away.

MAT - Surely the potential SD star gets a second chance given Shane got to go back to GM the brand after losing to Taker? Shane's word is muck. Hopefully Orton makes the final and loses though.
MITCH - Could be the Miz... set up some kinda angle against the regime... might make him a face?
SHAFI - Jeff Hardy loses and gets sacked allowing him to take a sabbatical.
CHARLIE - I can’t even call it, it’s a strong tournament. Fairly sure USA will win...
PETE - Can he book himself to lose in the final and get fired? Asking for a friend...who is me. Serious answer: I expect Mysterio to win and this to be a moot point.
ROB - It'll be Rey and he'll go back to obscurity with his precious roids.
RYAN - Miz out as he's no longer advertised for the Butlins Smackdown card I'm going to this month!
JAKE - No one gets sacked due to contracts...
JAMES - Raw needs help probably with Reigns and Owens out. I guess they were both faces when they left . So Jeff or Rey to Raw I can see happening.
ALEX - Orton will lose the final to Kurt Angle. Shane tries to fire Orton. Randy and Shane have a feud. Smackdown becomes unwatchable and I finally start my dissertation to stave off the boredom.
GREG - I’m guessing that’s the end of Rey? Or a fun angle with Miz.
ROSS - I have a feeling that Orton is the man who loses here too, like Alex. Shane always gets in the Smackdown Survivor Series team and I think that is where this will pay off somehow. Also, as someone out of work and hating it, I would throw my semi-final match to keep my job. Also also, who the bloody hell does Shane O' Mac think he is?!
MIKE - Hopefully not an actual lawsuit for wrongful dismissal, but maybe it separates The Miz and Daniel Bryan again for a while? Or starts an awkward Shane vs Mysterio program?
SIMON - Raw needs a baby face now Roman has gone. So it’ll make sense for Rey Mysterio to make the switch!
ROBIN - Seems a bit harsh from Shane. Not sure what to make of it at all. Or why he's doing it. Seems a bit early to be setting something up for Mania already. I think Rey will win so it'll be one of those things that is never mentioned again.

MAT - For me, Rollins. Heaps of people would say Omega but Rollins still manages to be placed towards the top of these lists with a WWE cut down moveset and promo flexibility.
MITCH - Hmmm It’s Kenny Omega for me... maybe in January?
SHAFI - Jimmy King cos he's the best wrestler, he's the bestler, better than all the restler. Or Okada. One of those two.
CHARLIE - AJ doesn’t do bad matches, does he? And he’s done it all. He’s my pick.
PETE - France. A dominant performance throughout the World Cup and in the final. Deserving champs.
ROB - One of the actual champions, not the entrants in a weird blood money one off event?
RYAN - Wow, best in the world a tough one as a few doing great at the moment. AJ having great matches with anyone he’s put in with. Strowman an agile giant & also nobody gets heat like the Miz!
JAKE - AJ Styles or Charlotte Flair.
JAMES - Will Ospreay.
ALEX - Top 3 wrestlers in the world at the moment = Tanahashi, Ishii and Ospreay.
GREG - None of those in the tournament. It’s AJ I guess, isn’t it.
ROSS - AJ Styles has been a babyface champion for almost an entire calendar year and neither the IWC or the casual crowd have turned on him. That right there is best in the world material!
SIMON - Cody Rhodes for me. He has smashed it since leaving WWE two years ago.
MIKE - Personally, I’d probably say Zack Sabre Jr, but WALTER has been immense in everything he’s done this year, sorry Zack!
ROBIN - Pretty subjective, but all round I'd say Kenny Omega has been for the longest time now.

MAT - For sure cursed. Brock got injured every defense but always had 6 months in between to rehab the injury.
MITCH - Probs. Braun should be winning it. Sick of Brock and his gimpy face. Get the strap on the monster amongst men!
SHAFI - Not as cursed as the fans that have to suffer watching it. It's too soon for Braun to win and the last thing Anyone needs is another Brock title at this point, mix it up and get Ambrose and Rollins involved. Or someone new to the title picture. The Universal title is unbearably stale, I haven't watched since WrestleMania and I still feel like I've seen it all before.
CHARLIE - That’ll end a no contest, mark my words! I’m also certain we’ll get a casually racist and/or Freudian slip from Mr Terry Bollea!
PETE - I believe so. It may need to be exorcised. Incidentally Jim, Jon and Briley should use that WWE money to get their title exorcised as everyone who holds it turns into an evil motherfucker. And not 'badass' evil or EVIL but 'you're gonna burn in hell' evil. WALTER so far is safe because he was Atlas champ i.e. a saint, but it can only be a matter of time.
ROB - There hasn't really been a world title since Kevin Owens dropped it. I couldn't care less about who has the red one and the WWE title is on Smackdown and never main events anything. As far as I'm concerned, Ciampa is the champion.
RYAN - Braun to win & end up back in the Wyatt Family by the rumble ;-)
JAKE - It's almost like if you try to make a new belt with prestige, give it a ridiculous name, put it on someone who truly deserves it and they tragically bust their shoulder, then you put it on two guys who are never there, then finally on someone everyone hates. It doesn't really work. Braun with that title could though...
JAMES - I blame the wankers at Summerslam 2016 chanting For a fucking gorilla instead of the great match between Balor and Rollins I was trying to enjoy. It's a baby or the gorilla always shoot the gorilla. Also watch the match stop crying about a belt colour. Pricks.
ALEX - I legitimately do not care about Braun or Brock. Or any of the main event scene on Raw for the past 2 years.
GREG - I’ve heard Braun is wrestling injured and they can put it back on Brock so it’ll be interesting to see who or how they either will carry the gold.
ROSS - That title has been a bust from the start hasn't it?! Save us Braun!
SIMON - Bring back the World Heavyweight title! Or give Barry Fry a call to piss on all corners of the belt to lift the curse!
MIKE - If Brock wins, I hope it is. But seriously, with a stupid name like that, it deserves to be cursed!
ROBIN - Totally fucking cursed; why not at this point just give the title special powers. Have The Undertaker win it at Wrestlemania - lights go down - and have it transform him back to Mean Mark Callous. Shocked, he runs through the crowd in a panic (never to be seen or mentioned on-air again, proper retirement.)
Kane, the next night on Raw, burns the belt in the middle of the ring saying it needs to go back to hell for what it did. Cue endless amounts of spooky past wrestlers who say they can do magic (Papa Shango, Gangrel, Evil Doink) bringing the belt back from hell. Kane keeps on having to beat them and subsequently burn the belt.
Ends up being 40+ time Universal champion. I don't think a championship has had a gimmick before and it would suit Kane's part time schedule perfectly. Vince Russo would love it. I also think Braun will win tomorrow.
