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WWE 205 LIVE (Ep. 99 17/10/2018)

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

We get GM Drake Maverick spelling out that we have a new champion in Buddy Murphy, a new superstar in Mike Kanellis and that Tony Nese beat former champion Cedric Alexander last week.

He says the Cruiserweight division has never been so open, so tonight's main event will be a Fatal Five Way match between Cedric Alexander, Tony Nese, TJP, Gran Metalik and Lio Rush!


Before the match we recap how Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher turned on Brian Kendrick and kicked him out of their trio two weeks ago. Will we see a return of the former Cruiserweight champion tonight?

- Tozawa does his chant and the crowd joins in

- Gulak screams 'No chanting!' What a man.

- Tozawa on top to start with his stiff strikes.

- Tilt the whirl octopus stretch!

- Gulak catches a Tozawa crossbody and hits a backbreaker.

- Drew uses Tozawa's nostrils to perform a surfboard!

- Tozawa powers out of a Gory Special with a backflip!

- Drew stops the comeback with a powerbomb!

- Gulak has Tozawa in a sleeper and BITES the ear!

- Tozawa uses his speed to avert danger and hits a missile dropkick.

- Shining wizard!

- Tope headbutt on both Gulak and Gallagher!

- Gallagher stops Tozawa from hitting his top rope senton finisher!

- Tozawa wins by DQ

- Gallagher and Gulak continue to attack post-match.

- Brian Kendrick with the save!

- Kendrick has Gallagher in the Captain's Hook but Drew drags him out of the ring.

- Kendrick picks up Tozawa. Former enemies now have mutual hatred of G&G!

- Plenty to enjoy here, from Tozawa's charisma and speed to Gulak's viciousness. The DQ finish makes sense as this was to setup the return of Kendrick and surely a future tag between the four men. Looking forward to that. But is Kendrick to be trusted?

Former enemies Brian Kendrick and Akira Tozawa now have common foes.


Drake Maverick congratulates Buddy on his title win. Buddy says that he would have been champion six months ago if it wasn't for Drake's stupid weigh in mistake. He adds that he is looking forward to how he uses himself and Tony Nese to shape this show now. Tony Nese comments saying that starts tonight when he wins the five way main event. From now on - everything runs through Nese and Murphy.

- I like this. After months of a face champion, heels running rampant with power from holding the gold makes sense and is a nice change of pace. I'm intrigued to see how long Nese lasts before wanting a shot of his own at the title.

Buddy Murphy is enjoying his new found power...


Mike Kanellis said that it wasn't a personal attack last week, but all business. He took an opportunity to make an impact and he has a bigger goal in mind - the Cruiserweight championship. We then get told that next week, Lince Dorado gets a chance of retribution against Kanellis when they go one on one.

- I already prefer this to their silly gimmick on Smackdown last year. Always good to see fresh faces and let's see how Kanellis holds up in ring next week against the talented Dorado.

Next week we get Maike Kanellis' in-ring debut!


Hideo talks in his native language and then in English says that Mustafa Ali should have walked away, because in their upcoming last man standing match he will end his career. He then menacingly smiles and laughs as we fade out.

- This version of Itami has hands down been my favourite since his arrival to the WWE. I am super hyped for their match.

Hideo Itami vowed to end Mustafa Ali's career


Mustafa Ali is walking in the rain saying it is time for a new road. This road doesn't show any respect, only redemption. Where Itami goes, Ali will go. On this road where you lay, Ali will stand because it's falls count anywhere... see you down the road, Hideo.

- This isn't the first time that they have filmed Ali in a much different way to others and it certainly sets him apart. I wish they would do more of this sort of stuff across their brands, it comes across as new and exciting. I like what was said too, it has me super excited for last man standing next week and makes a small part of me think they are going to end up in the streets. Old school.

Mustaf Ali did his promo outside in the rain!


- Alexander sends Nese out of the ring.

- Lio Rush and Cedric Alexander do some crazy fast spots with both landing on their feet and facing off, with Cedric disappointed and Rush bragging. More of these two in the ring together please!

- Rush powders and runs away, carrying on his RAW gimmick.

- Metalik crashes out of the ring with a sickening flat back bump.

- Rush gets the better hand of Nese with his speed eliciting cheers!

- TJP tries to unmask Metalik carrying on that story.

- Nese stands tall and poses in the ring.

- Nese again clears the ring as commentary big him up.

- Nese does ab crunches as he kicks Metalik in the tree of woe!

- Brainbuster by Metalik on Nese!

- Springboard clothesline from Alexander on Metalik!

- Lio chants from the crowd!

- Lio Rush hits his frog splash on Alexander but Metalik and Nese break up the pin!

- Let's go Lio chants!

- All five wrestlers hit quick strikes before Alexander hits the springboard enziguri.

- Over the top rope cannonball from Alexander on Metalik!

- TJP again tries to unmask Metalik.

- Tope to the outside by Metalik!

- TJP does a dropkick to the outside!

- Lio Rush gets Powerbombed OVER the top onto the other three by Nese!

- Rush almost died. Great catch, lads!

- TJP locks in the knee bar on Nese!

- TJP locks in the knee bar on Alexander!

- Asai moonsault to the outside by Metalik on TJP!

- Alexander catches a flying hurricanrana from Rush and hits a HUGE lumbar check!

- Nese steals one and rolls up Alexander for the win!

- Nese is on the ramp gloating, saying 'Two weeks in a row' to Alexander.

- Cedric looks gutted

- Backstage, Murphy looks on with pride.

- Nigel McGuiness reiterates that with Murphy as champion and Nese ahead of the pack... EVERYTHING runs through them now.

- Man this was a brilliant main event. Action packed, Rush looked like a star and got the biggest reactions, Metalik and TJP continued their feud and Nese got one over on Alexander again who has now suffered three defeats in a row. Brilliant, brilliant stuff. What a show 205 is at the moment.

The main event was nuts!
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