I just want people to hear my reasons for watching these shows... here's my positive spin on this week's 205 Live.
A great opening package details the matches on the card (Gran Metalik v Buddy Murphy and Alexander/Tozawa v Gulak/Gallagher) with background from the previous weeks leading into this. The lead in pushes Maverick Drake (in a suit not AOP camo) as the proud and enthusiastic leader of the brand as well as promoting the current show and the big title match at Super ShowDown. Solid start.
Lucha House Party's music hits and Kalisto is wearing an 'In Your House' inspired shirt giving me nostalgia, triggering thoughts of Todd Pettengill bizarrely giving away actual houses live on air in those early IYH shows.
The commentary team give us a bit of information on Gran Metalik - his name translates simply as Golden Mask. "The mask gives him power - it almost turns into a superhero" says Percy Watson which is great timing as Metalik almost immediately hits a springboard backflip.
For some reason Metalik cant do the lucha chant in time or for the correct amount of seconds to get the crowd invested. Come on mate, you are the King of The Ropes, this is the easy bit!
Nigel McGuinness is continuing his Loser House Party schtick and it is still not getting old with me - especially as he claims to have stolen Percy's Lucha rattle.
The match breaks down...
- HUGE moonsault to the outside from Metalik.
- Sunset powerbomb on Gulak off the top rope.
- Walk the rope hurricanrana reversed into a twisting powerbomb by Drew.
- Metalik Driver. Kick out 2. Sold as stunning by the commentary team, but they need to get these signature moves over - I don't think anyone knows what the Metalik Driver is! The crowd certainly didn't seem surprised it didn't get the win.
- Metalik jars his knee. Would have been nice to mention 'surgically repaired' although that may be copyrighted by Seth Rollins at this point.
- MURPHY'S LAW 1-2-3.
An excellent back and forth match with Metalik getting more exposure and hitting some spectacular stuff before Murphy picked up the victory.
"Buddy Murphy has bangers" - James.
Murphy says this is just a "Small step on my way to becoming the NEXT... NEW cruiserweight champion. I wonder if he felt he had to verbatim what was needed? Seems a shame as next is fine. NEXT... NEW sounded off.
I liked that the commentary team keep mentioning his need for momentum for Melbourne. Shill the show, lads.
OMG there's a guy in the front row with a replica Cruiserweight Title. I've NEVER seen that!
Mustafa Ali update. He's cleared to compete. Replay of his awesome concussion like selling and Itami's viciousness of hitting a man when he is down. Was Ali pushing himself too much during the summer? Loving this HBK reminiscent angle.
Cut to backstage where Mustafa Ali is bemoaning the fact he isn't Alexander's partner tonight. Enter the man who is... Akira Tozawa who entertains with a great mix of humour and intensity. Ah Ah Ah! Maybe pair him up with Metalik... he can't get that chant wrong, surely?
Cyberdog Ali out next... I remember I went to Camden once and came out with a lip piercing. Perhaps he did the same but with LED clothing at Cyberdog?
Itami promo interrupts the start of the match... insincerely wishing Ali luck on his return after it was him that put him out. Nigel McGuinness brilliantly says "Oh, what a nice guy" before Percy responds with an "Oh, come on." Really enjoying those two as a pair.
Ali looked great moving at pace throughout and winning very quickly with the 054. It's been a great feud so far and Itami who stayed on the ramp throughout, continues his goading with sarcastic applause. Great work from both and congrats to the jobber who looked sound. These two could have a belter.
We enter Drake Maverick's office as Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak attempt to butter him up. They mention Drake's managerial duties with AOP on RAW. I quite like the blurring lines, but would prefer a consistent character. "I can organise a meeting with them if you like." says Maverick as the heels apologise and powder.
Noam Dar and Lio Rush exchange some beef with Noam Dar calling Rush a 'Dafty' whilst reminding him that he was just 22 when he made it to WWE. Rush responds by saying Dar has already hit his peak. There is some fun stuff on Twitter between the two also and we are getting their bout next week!
Commentary mention that Gulak has lost his numbers advantage with Kendrick's injury and Percy goes as far as to doubt if Gulak even cares about either of his allies with only backup wanted for his title shot. Nice character work there. Planting seeds.
- The heels cut off ring, work on Tozawa. Lots of two on one situations and unclean breaks as Alexander is losing his mind on the outside inadvertently allowing the heels to carry on as the ref backs him up.
- Hot tag to Cedric. Beautifully hit Spanish fly on Gallagher.
- Gulak causes a distraction from the outside when a savage Gallagher Corner dropkick connects. They hit their version of Total elimination!
- Tozawa gets the hot tag along with his Absurd noises and crazy fast kicks. He hits his patented Headbutt tope, but then misses a senton.
- On the outside Alexander jumps Gulak but he gets destroyed by the heels with chops, strikes and a ringpost shot.
- Back in the ring Gallagher hits his devastating Headbutt, tags in Gulak who immediately locks in the Gu-Lock and makes Tozawa tap.
I really enjoyed this match, with all four looking great and displaying a range of styles that meshed well and by the closing stretch the crowd were on their feet. Gulak seems to have answered the claims he doesn't care for Gallagher as he saved him from the senton and we have setup a possible rematch with Ali and Alexander after the backstage segment halfway through the show.
Gulak and Alexander exchange words as we cut to Drake's office watching this unfold. He says that Gulak's form is impossible to ignore and Alexander wants the Summerslam title rematch. He makes the match for NEXT WEEK. HYPE.
So that's why you should be watching, but I will leave the final words to Rob...
" I still don't care (about 205 Live) because they're small and I could probably beat half of them up. And I only have one fully functional leg. *Knee*. My leg works. I just have a bad knee. It's the one thing that's stopping me winning next year's Royal Rumble."
Goodnight, folks!
