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WSBF Draft Analysis Brum & Pete

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

If you've been listening along to the podcasts you will know here at Wrestling Should be Fun we have tried to keep wrestling fun with a Fantasy Draft followed by a card announcement. Here some of the competitors give their opinion on the cards drafted by their fellow nerds.

Brum's card


Phone firmly in pocket.

I’m not just going to pick the main event for all of these, and I love the Idea of Hiromu and Darby, but the best match for me here is Walter vs Kenny Omega. I’m probably a low man on Omega’s singles career but Walter has such a high floor and Omega is supremely talented I think this is one of the best matches not booked by me.

Piss Break

Jon Gresham vs SANADA

Now I really like Jon Gresham, but he’s no Zack Sabre Junior (who I adore), and SANADA has my least favorite ZSJ matches, so Brum was never on to a winner with me here. Sadly SANADA is a guy who I just cannot get into. I don’t think he’s particularly good, like say an Omega who I at least always appreciated the talent without having the emotional connection. He’s just fine for me and this would be where I chatted to someone at the bar.

Potential Show Stealer

For me it’s the aforementioned Hiromu Takahashi vs Darby Allin. I think they need about 12 or 13 minutes at breakneck (no pun intended, sorry) speed and this could be an absolute diamond. I think they can have a good longer match as well, but they don’t need it. Wrestle fast sure, Die old.

Could go one way, could go the other

Havoc vs New Jack (ref Onita)

I wouldn’t know what to expect here. This could be a violent deathmatch (not my favourite style personally, but one on a card I don’t mind) or New Jack could start stabbing people. Who is to say!


Brum's card probably has my favourite main and semi main combo of any card. Kenny vs Walter and Kings of Wrestling vs British Strong Style is my jam.


PHONE FIRMLY IN POCKET: KINGS OF WRESTLING VS MOUSTACHE MOUNTAIN - I just can't imagine this match not being bonkers! Some of the strength spots between CC and Bate or the sell jobs from Trent off Hero's offence would be particular highlights.

PISS BREAK: HIKARU SHIDA VS MIKO SATOMURA - I don't think I would go for a piss during any of this card but the opener is the match I least care about. I've enjoyed some of both these Women's work but it's not a match up that sings to me.

POTENTIAL SHOW STEALER: NIA JAX VS NYLA ROSE - If these two braods are able to let loose and throw bombs this could be fantastic.

COULD GO EITHER WAY: HAVOC VS NEW JACK - If done right this could create an entire collection of memes to be shared all over the internet. If New Jack isn't up to it then a mess is likely.

Pete's card


Phone firmly in Pocket

Arisa Hoshiki vs Sasha Banks. Yes. Up there In my top 5 matches booked on these cards. The best striker in the world and a loveable babyface who has added a fair bit of an edge as her title run brings her confidence against, when allowed to be, a strong heel who’s willingness to seemingly kill herself for her craft adds that extra bit of realism to her matches. Top job Pete.

Piss Break

Much like DVD’s card, Pete hasn’t booked anything I don’t want to see part of. He’s cleverly hidden Lance Archer in a 4 way that includes Rush and Keith Lee. I could have chosen the first 45 minutes of Okada’s match, but he’s against one of my top 5 in Pac.I think I’m going to have to choose Endo and Nakajima vs Cassidy and Taichi. I feel a bit bad, but as much fun as Cassidy is live, I’ve seen it a few times and it is pretty similar. So he’s taking the fall on a good top to bottom card.

Potential Show Stealer

Momo Watanabe vs Miyu Yamashita

I’ve only seen Yamashita once against Gisele Shaw at frontline and she had the best match I’ve seen Gisele have (and that’s not meant as a knock on Gisele, who I’ve seen have plenty of good matches). Momo’s singles stuff in STARDOM has been great. That girl can kick hard. If people didn’t know who these women were before they got here, they would when they left.

Could go one way, could go the other

I think it’s the main for me. Naito vs Kingston. Eddie has, like Pete said, been an MVP candidate for the start of 2020 in Eurograps. Naito I think has no middle ground. He’s either great or wearing a t-shirt. He’s in the main here and I think that should lead to great stuff for Pete, but I’ve never been absolutely blown away by in-ring Eddie, so he needs Naitoo at the top of his game for this to have learnt top billing over Pac and Okada.


Pete's card has a lot of matches with people on that I don't know enough about so similarly could be a sleeper hit. I like Okada/Pac over his main and that could be a classic.


PHONE FIRMLY IN POCKET: MICHAEL OKU VS REY MISTERIO - I think this one works for me so well due to my investment in Oku. Seeing him facing probably the greatest cruiserweight ever would be amazing.

PISS BREAK: KEITH LEE VS LANCE ARCHER VS MASATO TANAKA VS RUSH - like the guys in that 4 way but the other matches all have something a bit more going for it.

POTENTIAL SHOW STEALER: ASUKA VS GISELE SHAW - I've seen Gisele a couple of times and have liked her work but Asuka is different gravy. If they can get a good story going though it could work in the same way Oku/Rey works in my head.

COULD GO EITHER WAY: EDDIE KINGSTON VS TETSUYA NAITO - I think this might suffer from going on last but if they start hot this could be match of the night. I love both guys.


Phone firmly in pocket

Okada vs PAC: I could see this match being PAC winding Okada up to lead to a boss finishing stretch. Call backs to their Omega matches would be fun too.

Piss break

Oku vs Rey: This is probably an unpopular choice but this does nothing for me. Rey hasn't been great since the 90s and Oku is better against larger guys.

Potential Show Stealer

Naito vs Kingston: Is it strange to talk of a main event as a show stealer? When the semi-main is Okada vs PAC, no. I like the strange match up of these two & I think it would work. Eddie getting annoyed by Naito's tranquilo stuff would be ace.

Could go one way or the other

Lee vs Archer vs Tanaka vs RUSH: One isn't like the others. Lee, RUSH, and Tanaka are all fantastic wrestlers. Lance Archer is a try-hard buffoon who is the worst thing to happen to wrestling since Austin Gunn was born.

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