After hearing a lot of good reviews from some of my wrestling friends, both on Twitter and in the flesh, I have now subscribed to Stardom. I know very little about this company. I don’t speak Japanese and I’m rubbish at move names, so apologies for all the mistakes.
I am welcomed to the World of Stardom by the Pink Dream Alex Cross, wishing me a happy new year. As does a Japanese lady who shouts Jungle Jungle according to the subtitles which are very helpful.
She is in the 1st match of the year as is the next promo who also very kindly wishes me a Happy new Year. 2019 will be the year of Natsuko. I wonder if Alex Cross is also in the match….which would make the opening match Alex Cross vs Jungle(?) vs Natsuko? Natsuko and Jungle(?) both claim they will win.
First out is the Pink Dream Alex Cross. She is in the match! Next is, after some cage match research Kaori Yoneyama. Last out the confident for 2019 Natsuko Tora. Ok according to the graphic she’s called Alexa Gracia. I must have misheard her during her promo. Very bad job by my ears there.
Yoneyama gets some streamers, coloraturas co-ordinated with her outfit as does Natsuko. They look to be part of a faction as they have the same outfit on - but with different colours. The crowd is well into this. Three way test of strength. Then a double team on Gracia whilst the other two do a pose and a shoutout.
Definitely seem like they’re on the same team, but now a roll up by Kaori on Natsuko. Dastardly! Natsuko is not happy and the other two double team her now, but then Kaori turns on Gracia. She seems untrustworthy girls! Hair pulling from Kaori to big boos from the crowd. She has turned them quickly with her shenanigans. Good job.
Natsuko misses both in the corner which leads to a series of near fall roll ups. Kaori tries to break up a pin on Gracia with a Senton but Natsuko moves then hits a sexton off her own onto both. Off to the top rope and a frog splash on Gracia and Natsuko gets the three.
So far she is right... 2019 is the year of Natsuko! As she walks up the ramp she is called back by - Stardom Trainee - Saya Iida - who tells Natsuko “I’d like to fight you” She politely asks Natsuko to fight her in her debut at Korakuen Hall.
Natsuko Thanks her for choosing her. This is all nice and polite, but then says she will regret what she has chosen! Says says the regret will be Natsuko’s and she looks forward to the match. Naksuto says she doesn’t like her tone and they shake hands. Match set! Excellent.
I know who Viper is! First Promo is from the team of three. They claim they have planned some strategy and will work hard. Solid plan! Viper is back carrying the Pro Wrestling Eve International belt. Representing! She is in Queens Quest, one of the factions I’ve heard of but know little about. She says she’s wrestling three kids, but they’re hard working kids so she won’t be taking them for granted.
The kids come out in matching karate type robes and do choreographed gymnastics. They look very happy. Viper comes out and you can see the kids sitting in the corner folding their robes up. Very tidy, I like it. Hina is in blue. Decent amount of streamers. Rina on the pink. Also good amount of streamers. Hanan in yellow. I love how colour coordinated the fans are with their streamers. No streamers for Viper. Maybe because she is not Japanese? I’m still learning.
Hanan volunteers to go first, then Hina, Then Rina raises her hand and the others rush out of the ring leaving her to it. She looks scared. Loved that. One shove and she tags in Hina. She attacks Viper gets shoved down and in comes Hanan. Drop-kick and an attack. No sold. Back to Rina. Hina comes in crossbody caught. Rina dropkicks Hina as she is being held by Viper and still comes off worse. Finally Hanan sneaks in behind like the schoolyard.
Dropkick to the back of Rina by Hina and Viper is down. Stack Pin! Kicking out with authority! Now they take it in turns to lure Viper to a different corner only to move before she gets there before they catch her in the ropes and pose for a photo by the looks of it Viper is not amused and decks them all.
Couple of stereo dropkicks from Rina and Hina gets a two. Now Viper whips them all in one corner. Rina and Hina move and Hanan gets splashed then Hina rolls up Viper and Rina comes in with a sunset flip on to the legs as well.
A long two count. Quick Question. If the ref is counting pins involving two or three of them - do they need to tag? Anyway. They literally run rings around Viper before eventually Rina gets caught going for a crossbody! Then Hina almost gets caught as well. Then Viper drops them both, stacks them all in the corner and hits a CANNONBALL. Three scoop slams and a diving crossbody on to all 3 of them, as Viper pins all three at the same time and gets the win. Well that was loads of fun.
Sadie is Lucha trained and here to prove herself. No subtitles for Mary. Here comes Ruaka and Jungle Ruaka “I’m not a Kappa, I’m a monster! I’m the 14 year old Future Warrior, Ruaka” HANG ON 14? Bloody hell.
“Round and Round I’ll mow you down with Jungle Power! Jungle Kyona! I’m Jan-Kyo” “We are J.A.N” They wish us a Happy Jungle Year. They also shout Jungle Jungle and Kaori and Natsuko both had J.A.N on their gear earlier. I reckon they could all be a faction.
Mary and Sadie comes out to We Will Rock You. Jungle also has the J.A.N gear on and here are the others coming to the ring with them. Great detective work by me! There is also a fifth member who I can not yet identify. Ruaka and Sadie start us off. Sadie was at a recent Eve show that I sadly missed.
Sadie offers the hand then kicks Ruaka, so I'm guessing they are the heels. Sadie hits a standing moonsault for a near fall. Some big chops from Mary as they continue to work on Ruaka. Nice Surfboard from Mary. Ruaka eventually gets the tag to Jungle who takes Mary down.
Nice sliding lariat. Only gets two, though. Handspring elbow from Sadie gets a big coooooohhhh from the crowd. Ruaka back in. Double team combo on Sadie, but she kicks out at two. Fisherman’s suplex from Ruaka but Mary breaks it up. Sadie with a handspring moonsault over the top rope!
Bloody impressive that! She brings Ruaka back in. Three kicks and a sort of spinning driver for the win (sorry I’m rubbish at move names). Mary and Sadie are victorious and the rest of J.A.N come in to check on their teammates.
Right, I’ve heard of the Oedo Tai faction as I’m 99% certain Kris Wolf was in it. I know the name Hana Kimura, but haven’t seen her I don’t think. Same with Bobbi Tyler who I’ve seen advertised for a match with OJMO and Jamie Hayter is awesome and one of the reasons I signed up for this subscription.
She was also my nomination for Non WWE female wrestler of the year in the Wrestling Should be fun awards. One of my favourites in Pro Wrestling Eve where she is a great heel. Not sure what side she is on here?
Hana wishes us a Happy New Year and Bobbi and Jamie join in and smile. Am I going to see face Jamie???? Oedo Tai look heel They have matching jackets and one of them is eating a bowl of something during the promo. I am told ‘It is troublesome to work on New Year’s Holidays, Stupid Stardom. Look at Natsu-san! She’s eating mochi!” Amazing. ‘Natsu laughs and tells us its from the PinkCat bus, they do Yummy Wild Boar” One of them has to cover her face to stop from laughing. Fun Promo.
Oedo Tai are out first. Cagematch tells me it is Hazuki, Kagetsu and Natsu, who I presume is no longer hungry, in the match and Nao Yamaguchi accompanying them. They have an impressive choreographed entrance dance. Which includes a little solo from all of them in the middle and ends with a pose. I bloody loved that, as a former choreographer myself, I am impressed.
Bobbi, Jamie and Hana come out to music that includes a ringtone and a woman saying ‘you’ve blocked me on Facebook, now you’re going to die” Ok. Jamie is shouting her own name and then looks angry when the crowd joins in. Hana walks out of the streamers and gets a small boo. Natsu long hair. Hazuki High speed Champion - ponytail. Kagetsu - shorter hair and what looks like a knife. No streamers for Kagetsu. Not sure why not.
Natsu and Bobbi starting off. Natsu leads the crowd in a dubious rendition of We Will Rock You to start. Then another sing song. She’d get over well with the Wrestling Should be Fun crew. We love a song. Kagetsu in, now Hazuki. Massive kick to the head from Bobbi and in comes Jamie, Taken out by the girl on the outside.
Crowd Brawling in three different places. I hear Jamie yell ‘Stop it!" She is brilliant. Hana kicks Kagetsu down some stairs, Jamie and Hazuki back in the ring. Kagetsu joins her whilst Natsu distracts the ref. Lots of face washing by Hazuki on Jamie, who fights back when Natsu tags in. She then falls for Natsu’s tears and Oedo Tai are back in control. Huge knee from Jamie who escapes to tag in Hana. Big Boots take out all three of Oedo Tai.
Hana fights off the triple team and hits a vertical suplex for a long two. Massive strikefest in the centre from Hazuki and Hana ends with them both down. Really liked that. Bobbi and Kagetsu in. Someone spat water in Bobbi’s face. Didn’t see if it was Nao on the outside or one of the partners. Bobbi fights back and they all hit big strikes on Kagetsu before Hazuki breaks up the pin.
Suddenly Jamie hits a vertical codebreaker on Bobbi then takes out Hana, Kagetsu off the top. 1-2-3.
Jamie Hayter turns on her team and Oedo Tai are victorious. Kagetsu takes the mic. “Says that was a surprise, what does it mean Jamie’ Jamie says ‘ Kagestu you are the president of Stardom, Oedo Tai takes over every Stardom show and I Jamie Hayter want in Oedo Tai’ She is welcomed in by Kagetsu. Jamie making moves in Stardom, hooking up with a top faction. She poses with the Oedo Tai sheet metal Logo type thing in the ring. Go on Jamie.
To finish off we have an elimination match between STARS and Queen’s Quest. The first team I think are Stars and are very very excited in their happy New Year greeting. One of them is the Future of Stardom champion and is defending the belt tomorrow, but today she will be keeping her eyes on Utami (the challenger, while STARS win. I was right! They all clap and tell her she’ll win.)
Another one is facing Momo Watanabe for the ‘white belt’ at Korakuen. The praise I’ve heard for Mom Watanabe in a lot of end of year polls is another of the main reasons for me subscribing to Stardom. This lot are a barrel of laughs, proper excited. Great!
Here’s Queens Quest. They have matching t-shirts. Hey there’s Bea Priestly! STARS are missing Mayu. Mayu being I presume Mayu Iwatani. Have seen some of her before, she is ace and also really good at getting wrapped up in streamers. They seem a bit more business like, but still in a decent mood.
Queen's Quest have a very nice flag. Viper is out with QQ. Time for some intros! On Stars we have……Natsumi - red outfit, Starlight Kid - FOS Champ. Mask, Tam Nakano - Black and white, Saki Kashima - pink and white. Her and Tam have titles, I want to say the Goddesses of Stardom Championships? A Tag Title of sorts I think?? Arisa Hoshiki in yellow completes the STARS.
Queens Quest - Bea Priestly, I know her. AZM - purple, Konami - Black and White, Creator of Pro Evo, Utami Hayashishita, also has a title. In red. And finally the big dog Momo Watanabe who has two belts. Wearing blue and black. That key is mainly for me to remember who is who.
STARS come out for a big 5 on 5 handshake. QQ meet them extend their arms then turns their backs. Despicable.
Tam and Momo start out. Tam kicking Momo who just looks bored then kicks Tam in the face. Eventually decking her with a big knee. Tam bridges out of a pin, hits a running seated blockbuster type thing and a cartwheel knees followed by a standoff. Lovely stuff.
They tag out and in come Utami and Starlight Kid who of course have a title match tomorrow! Nice exchange sees Kid get the advantage then STARS all deck QQ off the apron, but QQ come back and allows Utami to gain advantage then Momo and Konami come in and boot her whilst she’s in a submission leading to a near fall.
Here comes Bea Vicious arm breaking stomp. Momo back non now as QQ work over Starlight Kid, She kicks all of STARS off the apron. Nice delayed scoop slam and she pins her with a knee to face. Kick out. In comes Konami now as QQ continue to take out any STARS member from the apron while they dismantle Starlight Kid. AZM continues assault. Lovely running dropkick to the corner.
Lots of interference ends up in a 10 woman suplex spot.that no one can win. So Tam brings the ref on her side for a six on five advantage. STARS and the ref suplex all of QQ then hit stereo running dropkicks to the seated members of QQ sending them out of the ring. Loved that sequence.
AZM is left in the ring with STARS. Who all hit her with a move then she’s put in the paradise lock and they all jump on her back before pinning her, which is broken up by Queens Quest pushing STARS on to the pin. More fun!
Natsumi catches AZM in a knee bar, Stars have QQ blocked but she makes the ropes. Strike exchange now. Natsumi in control throw AZM on to the apron and she hits an awesome spinning low kick to sweep the legs from under Natsumi. Was a fan of that! Hesitation dropkick and a suplex for a near fall!. Five woman drop kick on Natsumi.
AZM off the top and that gets the three. Natsumi is eliminated. Kashima and Konami now in the ring. 4 of QQ work on Kashima in the ropes, as STARS come to save her they move the STARS kick their own partner off the ropes! The bell rang, was she eliminated for going over the top rope?
Hoshiki is in now with AZM. Series of roll ups for near falls, but both survive. Then a running push/knees and a a roll up for 3. AZM is eliminated.
Konami flies off the top with a missile dropkick to the face of Kashima! Then she runs up to the top rope again but Starlight tKid pushes her off and out. She is eliminated. It's three on three!
Starlight Kid is nearly dumped out whilst celebrating. After it clears we’re left with Tam and Momo in the ring. Big head kick from Momo. Who then misses a big boot with Tam on the apron. Now they both fight on the apron! Momo hits double knees but Tam slides out from under her into a bridging German that eliminated them both. That was nice. I think we’re down to Starlight Kid and Kashima vs Utami and Bea.
Starlight goes for the headscissors but is caught, Utami tries to powerbomb her over the top but now the headscissors, but its takes them both out! It’s one on one! Bea and Kashima exchange some big kicks. Then Kashima is on top and Bea hits an enziguri and pushes her off and celebrates but Kashima hangs on. Now Bea is over the top but skins the cat! More apron fighting!
Bea catches a kick and hits a jawbreaker type thing on the apron. Kashima runs in for a kick and Bea catches her with a running knee to the face for the win. Queens Quest are victorious, A lot going on there! I liked the top rope elimination stipulation, Added something else.
Momo cuts a celebratory promo. She talks some shit to Tam. Offers her the mic and then takes it away and says STARS go away. Top stuff from Momo. Utami does the same mic trick on Starlight Kid as she runs her down. Stop falling for it STARS!
Utami also calls out her own teammate Viper. She wants all the belts! Momo finishes by saying QQ will win all the belts in 2019. “Believe now, Shine Tomorrow Bow down to the Queens.” and they pose.
That was my introduction to Stardom. It is very easy watching and although I don’t know much about the talent yet, I look forward to learning more. Some very fun stuff on here. Lovely start.