After another fantastic NXT Takeover, the main roster look to finish off a great wrestling weekend with the Royal Rumble. Plenty of the nerds are heading to a bar to watch it live, but before that we sat around the roundtable to chat the five big questions!
1. This card looks pretty special, right? Which will be MOTN?
DOM - Amazing card. I’m buzzing for the WWE Championship match, but I think Becky and Asuka is a sleeper for MOTN.
JAMES - It's a really good looking card. I think MOTN, if the crowd actually care, will be the cruisers 4 way. But you could also make an argument for ant of the 4 title matches.
ROB - You have to feel like one of the rumble matches will be the best one there. But that being said, Sasha Banks will likely take an opportunity to try and kill herself 8 or 9 times which usually ends up being relatively entertaining.
JAKE - Men's rumble.
CHARLIE - AJ vs Bryan if they get the time.
DANIEL - I haven't been this excited for a rumble in years! The build has been excellent. I'd say MOTN will be Lesnar v Balor.
ALEX - Cruiserweights will once again steal the show early doors. But only if Itami wins. Buddy Murphy is good, but I don't want to see him going into Mania as champ. He's not exactly a feud guy.
SAM - Match of the night is Dom Vs Boozing til 5am.
ROSS - Take your pick, really. On paper every match tonight looks gold. I'm probably most excited for Asuka v Becky, Ronda v Sasha and Brock v Balor though as they are fresh bouts.
RYAN - Bryan & AJ if they get enough time.
PHIL - All about the men's rumble match - always has been, always will be.

2. What will be the biggest surprise of the night?
DOM - I think there’ll be some shenanigans with Rousey, Charlotte, Becky and the finish of the rumble. Not 100% sure what it will be though.
JAMES - Balor wins.
ROB - I've tried harder than ever to avoid all rumours, all wrestling twitter, all everything before the tonight. Every year I end up seeing the favourite or something who inevitably wins, so I'm hoping literally everything surprises me.
JAKE - Becky wins the men's rumble.
CHARLIE - Kenny O...f the Spirit Squad in the Rumble.
DANIEL - A wild Simon Mehdi flying from Philly to Arizona to camel clutch all jabronis! He's still celebrating Millwall's win from yesterday.
ALEX - Miz will turn on Shane McMahon and they'll have a Wrestlemania program. And the world will once again stray further from God's light.
SAM - If I make it home in 2019.
ROSS - Batista!
RYAN - Bray Wyatt return & actually winning something.
PHIL - The biggest surprise will be the amount of snacks and crap I will eat during a 7 hour show.

3. Which is your favourite ever Rumble match?
DOM - 1996 with Shawn from number one. Haven’t seen it for 20 years but I loved it as a kid,
JAMES - Favourite ever Rumble is probably 1999. Just because that for me into wrestling. Loved the whole show. Vince wins. Madness! Also there was one where Punk got a mic and was awesome. That's up there.
ROB - Isn't it fairly unanimous that the best 3 are 92 and 2001? That being said, I loved the Benoit one in year redacted.
JAKE -2001 because it set up that incredible mania exactly like a good rumble should!
CHARLIE - The one with Austin and Vince...1999/2000? (Help me out nerds).
DANIEL - If we are talking actual rumble matches then 2007. Michaels and Undertaker going one on one at the end is fantastic to watch. If we are talking matches other than the rumble then Lesnar v Rollins v Cena in 2015. Seeing Rollins hit that phoenix splash was unreal. Brilliant match.
ALEX - 2010 men's rumble just because of Punk's sermons in between eliminations. Not a fan of douchebag HHH getting his elimination, guy is a cretin.
SAM -1998 stone cold stone cold!
ROSS - 1992 for sure. Masterclass.
RYAN - 1991 as the 1st Rumble I watched.
PHIL - My favourite memories of the rumbles were the Austin wins. Great stuff!

4. What would your tactics be in a Royal Rumble match?
DOM - I’d roll under the bottom rope and hide on the outside. I don’t think Spike Dudley has been eliminated from the 2004 rumble yet.
JAMES - I'd get in a stable before and actually stay in it. None of this bollocks when they throw their mate out before it's just them. Do it properly as a team and you'll be fine. Then at the end I'd convince them it was better for all of us that I win.
ROB - It's no DQ, right? I'd just slide under the ring, hide and then attack the last guy with a big fucking knife.
JAKE -Eliminate Becky. Or if I was Becky, eliminate everyone else
CHARLIE - Sit in the corner like Raven.
DANIEL - Don't do a Titus and slip before you get in the ring! On a serious note I'd probably be sneaky and slide under the bottom rope till all but one is left (shades of rusev in 2015) and win that way.
ALEX - Chalk up my hands, KY Jelly all over the body. Cling onto the bottom rope for dear life.
SAM - Make ALLIANCES... Especially with the big men. Then sandbag your way to victory. Booked or not.
ROSS - Forfeit.
RYAN - Hide under the ring until the end!
PHIL - I would be all over playing dead in a Rumble match. Fake injury in a corner or just sneak under the bottom rope and have a seat in the crowd.

5. How confident are you of winning the pick’ems tonight?
DOM - 2 chances. Murphy’s and none.
JAMES - Not at all. Did terribly last night and will continue today. I'm more of a summer pick’ems guy.
ROB - I just want everyone to be happy. Why is it always a competition with you guys?
JAKE -Absolutely certain of winning as surely no one else is having Becky to win the men's rumble as their captain.
CHARLIE - Clean sweep. I can feel it.
DANIEL - Quietly confident. Done well last night for NXT (second time I've aced this month just saying) so we'll see come 4am tomorrow morning.
ALEX - I'll make it to the final four, have a stare down with James, Ross and one other surprise finalist. Doubt I'll be the last man standing however, I'm a choke artist.
ROSS - I ballsed up NXT, so I will be changing my picks later as I need to catch up four points.
RYAN - Never confident on the picks!
PHIL - I am going to smash the results tonight!
