by JCH (all photos belong to Pro Wrestling Eve, taken as stills from Eve On Demand)
I first heard about EVE when my friend Simon from Exeter was heading up for a show in February 2017 and asked me if I wanted to join him. He recommended it as Emi Sakura and Meiko Satomura were performing. He told me Meiko was one of the best wrestlers in the world. It was 30 minutes walk away from my house and I was about 4 shows in to the British Indies at this stage so I thought it was a good idea.
That decision was one of the best I’ve made. Since then I have been a pretty regular attendee at EVE, when they switched to Saturdays I started to miss some shows due to friends birthdays, so now I have put the EVE dates in my diary and I tell people who are having birthdays, I have to leave by 7.
EVE Is a friendly place, after that first show, I attended on my own for a while, but due to standing in the same place, as a tall person, at the back I was befriended by people around me (hi Steve and Meg). I began bringing my own friends to EVE, some of which had been to no other wrestling shows and they enjoyed it too.
All in all I think its a great product which is responsible for me seeing some of my all time favourite wrestlers. Such as the person who gave me most joy in a wrestling ring - Kris Wolf. The person who I have been most impressed with having never seen before - Madison Eagles. One of my favorite people to boo - Nina Samuels and two people I love to Boo, but secretly want to cheer - Sammi Jayne and Jamie Hayter.
I don’t write about shows I attend live as I drink too much to do them justice, but this EVE show I had a golf competition so I decided to subscribe and write about the build up to WrestleQueendom 2. SO thanks to Emily and Dann for a great product that has contributed to me having wrestling friends.
*Disclaimer - anyone who is reading me for the first time - I am terrible at move names and remembering stuff. So apologies for any inaccuracies.
She Rules
We start with Emily in the ring introducing the first competitor. Pretty sure this is the first show from the ResGal I’ve watched on TV.
Out first is Raven Creed. Someone I’ve heard people talk about but I don’t believe I’ve seen myself. She has had good reviews so am looking forward to this. She tells the crowd she’s too good to be cheered by them and throws out some double V’s. I love double V’s. Not quite as much as jumping knees, but they always make me laugh.
Her opponent, my personal EvE favorite and the latest person I own merch of, Jamie Hayter. Jamie has slowly been gaining traction as a fan favorite which turned into full on cheers at the last show when she matched up with Nina Samuels. Would she be cheered tonight or was it, as Steve put at the last show, ‘lesser of two evils’. She is cheered. Full on Ace of Eve chants. Excellent. I no longer need to Booo her whilst simultaneously giving a respectful quiet clap.
Raven Creed vs Jamie Hayter
Jamie is basking in her new found popularity, bowing to the crowd as they chant for her. Raven Creed takes control when she blocks Jamie going for a kick on the outside. She throws her into a wall and keeps control in the ring, hitting a suplex (possibly fisherman) with bridge for a near fall. Raven continues talking shit as she has the advantage, but after pausing to jaw with the crowd Jamie suplexes her into the turnbuckle, then followed up with a running face wash to the corner, then double knees and a urinagi into a backbreaker all in a row, gets a near fall. Great combo offence from Jamie.
Raven fights out of a waist lock with a big elbow and goes on an offensive spree of her own. Overhead throw and a running knee for 2. Big kick to the head by Jamie, headbutt by Raven and a double forearm, double knockout sees both women on the canvas.
Gut kick and headbutt from Raven and she tells the crowd to Fuck off as she claims the rope. Again the jawing hurts her as Jamie meets her up there and hits a superplex, rolls through into a sort of falcon arrow, but drops Raven on to the knee. Curb Stomp and it’s over. Another great combo of moves from Jamie finishes off Raven Creed.
That was a really good opener. One of the things I like about the ResGal is that the wrestlers can interact with the crowd to help get their characters across, I felt both took advantage of that here. Jamie is always great and I enjoyed my introduction to Raven Creed.
Promo video for Su Yung and Martina. Su abducted Martina at I believe the International Women’s day show. Was definitely one of the shows that weekend. Here she is shown being dragged around in a wood and morphing into Session Goth who will take on Su Yung at WrestleQueendom 2. Cool package.
Kasey v Rebel Kinney
Kasey was recently announced for Stardom’s 5* Grand Prix. That will be fun.
Kasey has been in EVE for a long time, Rebel Kinney is relatively new, this I think is her 3rd or 4th show. Kinney, whose nickname is ‘The Psycho Dyke’ gets Emily to read her ‘I give good oral’ tattoo and gets in Kasey’s head with some banter early on.
Kinney has the stregth advantage and hits two big running shoulders into a corner followed by a headbutt, She then proclaims ‘Lesbian’s give the best head’. Before dropping another headbutt to Kasey on the mat. Rebel misses another shoulder block and Kasey with an arm drag and then some nasty looking arm submission.
Kasey rolls through into a pinfall, after a kick out she continues to go after the arm. Big dropkick to the arm from Kasey. Kasey banging Rebel repeatedly into the corner, then double knees, now shoulder thrusts in the corner. Kasey in control. Whip to the corner Rebel jumps to the turnbuckle but Kasey pulls her leg off and sends her crashing to the mat. 2 count. Big running knee to the seated Kinney and an arrogant foot on chest cover for 2.
Kasey misses another attempted knee and Rebel rolls her through, ducks a spear attempt and catches Kasey with a tilt-a-whirl bodyslam for a 2. Great fight from Kinney. Kasey catches her coming in for another shoulder block in the corner and locks on an armbar in the ropes. Dropkick off the ropes from Kasey gets a 2. Now mounted punches. Rebel fights her off and hits big clotheslines, but hurts the targeted arm doing it. Big fall away slam from Rebel, followed by a spinebuster for 2. Rebel up top and hits a clothesline but does more damage to her own arm, up top again for a senton, but Kasey moves. Off the ropes and a big flying knee from Kasey for 3.
Beautiful finish. I bloody love a knee.
Kinney showing some good fire underneath, but Kasey’s experience was too much in the end, capitalising on the mistake from the top rope to land the knockout knee.
Another good showing from Kinney as she continues to establish herself on the EVE roster, whilst a welcome return from Kasey who always performs at a strong level.
Laura Di Matteo v Jordynne Grace WrestleQueendom package. Laura beat Jordynne and was mentioning this in a promo. Grace took exception to it saying she won’t beat her again. Laura says she won’t beat her at all. Simple and effective rivalry. I like it.
Here comes Nina, who I think is now the most hated woman on the roster? She’s bragging about being in the EVE International championship match at York Hall with Jamie Hayter and the Best Belt Machine Utami Hayashishita. She talks about being a bigger Star than Utami and then mocks Jamie for being at a WWE tryout.
This brings Jamie storming to the ring. Nina scarpers and Jamie is attacked from behind by Kasey. She knees her in the face and takes the mic. She tells everyone they are not going to forget about her and challenges Hayter to a match tonight for a spot in the match at York Hall. From the deck Jamie responds ‘Kasey, I am going to Fuck you up.” I think that was a Yes. Excellent. Main event sorted.
Mercedes Blaze vs Erin Angel
Continuing the newcomers vs experienced theme of the show so far we have EVE original Erin Angel vs Mercedes Blaze on her 3rd show. Erin Angel comes out to S Club-7 which always has the ResGal bouncing. After an early Erin burst, Blaze takes advantage after luring her to the outside. Back in the ring and Mercedes starts to heat up. She hits a double knees for a near fall before an awesome shotgun dropkick into the corner also gets a two.
Erin blocks to attacks in the corner and hits an X-Factor then a dropkick off the top for 2.
Neckbreaker and the crossbody, but Blaze kicks out. Erin stalls before whipping Blaze to the corner, but she jumps up onto the middle rope and big butt bump from Blaze followed by a spear off the middle for 2. Nice combo.
Blaze looks good here. Erin hits an unprettier but Jinny’s voice suddenly hits and the ref is distracted and doesn’t make the count. Jinny comes down the stairs, distracts Erin and Mercedes picks her up and hits a sort of draping cutter for the win. As usual I know no move names. It looked good.
Post match Jinny announces she and Mercedes are teaming up to join the EVE tag division.
Really impressed with Mercedes Blaze here. She had some great attitude and an entertaining move set. Her and Jinny should be a good team.
Out next are the Woke Queens. Valkyrie and Debbie Keitel. They have coffees. They are facing the Greggs Ambassador Roxxy and her partner….LDM
Woke Queens vs Roxy and Laura Di Matteo
The Woke Queens tell the crowd they won’t start the match until they’ve finished their coffees. This starts a debate about what is better Starbucks or Greggs. Two companies I personally will not advocate. Commentator Dann suggests Carmel by the Green for the best Coffee in Bethanl Green, an independent shop. There you go.
Roxxy and LDM kick us off with a double dropkick attack. Roxxy all over Valkyrie, who pushes her and runs away to tag Debbie. Laura and Roxxy lift Debbie up and she says ‘Jesus Christ, get me out of the stirrups’. Hahah, That was brilliant,. She does fight out of ‘The stirrups’ and the Woke Queens are in control of Roxxy. Big chops in the corner, then as Roxxy tries to block the third, Debbie slaps her in the face instead. Roxxy fires back with forearms but the tag is prevented. Valkrie this time cuts the ring in half and the Woke Queens continue to work on the isolated Roxxy. Backstabber from Roxxy and she gets to Laura.
Laura taking it to the Woke Queens. Keitel rolls to the outside and Laura hits a suicide dive. Valkyrie goes for the kick but Laura catches her and they grab a leg each and hit s Wishbone on Valkyrie. Then a drop toe- hold on Debbie sees her go face first into Valkyrie. Dual submissions from Roxxy and Laura, but Debbie breaks up both with boots to Laura. Debbie has both of them and Valkyrie cones off the top with a huge dropkick but she hits Keitel.
Was a beautiful dropkick though! Roxxi with an axe kick to the arm, sunset flip powerbomb into the buckle and it it over.
Another enjoyable match between some established EVE stars and some newer talent. Really enjoyed the tag work of the Woke Queens. They look fun.
Post match attack by the Queens and it goes dark. AFI hits and here comes the Session Goth. The Woke Queens are cowering in a corner. Martina spits beer in the Woke Queens eyes. Headbutt, backstabber and then she puts one of them in an abdominal stretch and hits a sort of reverse crucifix bomb from that position. That was bloody sick. Loved it.
She takes a mic and says how Su Yung broke, beat and embarrassed Session Moth Martina, but she isn’t Session Moth Martina, she’s Session Goth and she will see Su Yung at York Hall in a death match. She tells Su she hopes she suffers.
Top work from Martina, showing some excellent range.
Lana Austin vs Emi Sakura
Another mainstay vs relative newcomers. I think this is Austin’s first singles match in EVE whilst Emi is a legend. She is really into Queen, but I don’t hold that against her. Nina has taken over on commentary. Lana tells the crowd she is the best at karaoke. From here it sounded like a pretty good version of Let it Go, but the crowd didn’t agree with me.
Some slick reversals end with Lana in an armlock. She talks to Emi about her tattoo and whilst Emi is distracted she cheap shots her. Lana in control. Getting a couple of 2 counts. Nina is brilliant on commentary. Emi counters a suplex into a swinging neckbreaker. Big clothesline and a face buster. Then a surfboard.
Lana fights back with a huge headbutt that drops Emi for a 2 count. Emi starts queen chants from a submission hold. Nina’s reaction is brilliant. Throat chop from Emi, then running crossbody into the corner and backbreaker. ‘Shades of Nina Samuels’. Goes for the splash off the top but Lana got the knees up. Big super kick, Eli grabs the ropes to break the count. Rolling elbow from Lana, shades of Chris Hero. That was awesome. Lana caught going for a draping DDT with a big chop, and another, and another.Lana lifted onto the ropes, another chop then Emi’s famous splash between the ropes and the wall.
Lana fights back. She’s up to the top Kicks Back kick to the head and a big clothesline for a 2. Emi back with a powerbomb for 2. Moonsault from Emi. 1-2-3.
Nina on commentary is praising Emi, whilst running down all the people in EVE who can’t beat her whilst also complimenting herself. Cracking work from Nina.
This match was on brand with the show. Great showing from Lana, going toe-to-toe with the legend who never fails to impress.
Jamie Hayter vs Kasey.
Jamie comes out first and throws a load of chairs and Kendo sticks into the ring. As Kasey is climbing into the ring Jamie lobs a chair that clocks her in face. Jamie just lobbing chairs at Kasey to start us off.
She threatens a kendo stick shot then gives an eye poke instead. Kasey picks up the kendo stick and is wailing away on the back of Jamie. Jamie asks for more and Kasey obliges. Jamie walks the shots off and whips Kasey head first into chair in the corner, then throws her into another chair in another corner. Backbreaker, Kasey rolls outside. Suicide dive from Jamie and they are fighting in the crowd. Now they fight up the stairs towards the dressing room. Kasey kicks Jamie down two flights of stairs and throws her in the ring,
Jamie uses momentum to try a suicide dive but Kasey clocks her with a forearm. Hammerlock DDT on to a chair for a 2 count for Kasey. Kasey sets up two chairs and heads to the top to meet Jamie. Jamie slips out and now she heads to the top. SUPERPLEX through 2 chairs. Jamie rolls through and hits the Falcon Arrow as well. Only a 2. Curb stomp onto the chair and that is all she wrote. Jamie Hayter with her second victory of the night riding the Big Mo into Wrestle Queendom 2.
We finish with a wicked video package for the Utami vs Jamie vs Nina match at Wrestle Queendom.
Really fun show, easy watching and lots of focus on some lesser known members of the EVE roster (by me anyway). The scene is changing in BritWres and this event showed off some of the depth that EVE have waiting in the wings.
WrestleQueendom 2 card
Kay Lee Ray (c) vs Viper - EVE championship
Main event send off to two pillars of EVE. Will KLR go out on top or will Viper win the big one before she leaves. This match will be banging. You know these two will leave it all out there in their swansong . Can’t wait to go nuts to Dominate the world one last time.
Utami Hayashishita (c) vs Jamie Hayter vs Nina Samuels - EVE International Championship
Jamie earnt a title match of her choosing by winning the She-1 last year and becoming the Ace of Eve. She chose to face the Best Belt Machine, Japanese rookie sensation Utami. Nina baited Jamie into putting a spot in the match on the line and with the help of a handful of tights booked her ticket to the big dance. Like the title match, this one could go anyway. If pushed I would lean towards Jamie, my support will definitely be with Jamie, and if that fails - anyone but Nina
Jordynne Grace vs Laura Di Matteo
Su Yung vs Session Goth Martina
I commented on both these matches during the show as both received excellent video packages.
This card is well built and quality so far….
And then we get to
Arisa Hoshiki vs Roxxy
Roxxy beat Nicole Matthews 2 shows ago and called her shot. She said she wanted one of the Stardom wrestlers at Queendom. Now, ever since EVE said they were booking 4 Japanese debuting Stardom wrestlers at WrestleQueendom I have been hoping for Arisa Hoshiki. My fave Stardom wrestler, owner of the best jumping knee in the business, with the sick collection of kicks, who has taken on Kris Wolf's mantle as happiest wrestler.. I don’t follow any Stardom wrestlers on twitter due to spoilers, I started to notice Arisa’s tweets appearing on my timeline as she was being followed by Pro Wrestling Eve. I dared to dream, was this a coincidence or was she coming to Queendom. When she was announced I was very excited. The KNEE is coming! If anyone can tell her to bring over a hat for me to buy, please do. Cannot wait to see Arisa in action and if she hits a knee expect a scream from me. Sorry Roxxy I’m all in on the Shining Star for this one.
Mayu Iwatani vs Kagetsu - A match straight out of the Stardom main event. Just writing it down this show is fucking stacked.
There is also a match for the vacant Tag Titles.
The Medusa Complex (Millie McKenzie and Charli Evans) will be in the match, having won the right at BattleBowl. I’m not sure if the other participants have been announced. I would assume the WrestleFriends (Jetta and Erin Angel) will be in and from this show it wouldn’t shock me to see the Woke Queens and/or Jinny and Mercedes Blaze in the match as well.
Yuu I think is also advertised as having a match. Hope so.
Before we arrive at Queendom, (June 30th) EVE (and me and DomVanDam) will be heading down to Brighton for a show on the Friday (28th), there is also a show at the ResGal on the 29th (sadly will be missing that one, but looking forward to 2 nights of EVE action at the end of the month.
Pick up tickets and come say hi.
Roll on Brighton and Arisa Hoshiki!!!!