We start the show off with a really cool package of WALTER's debut, several of the NXT UK roster bigging up the 'Austrian anomaly' and an imposing vignette of the big man. Tonight he debuts... HYPE!
- The match starts off with four tie ups that get broken followed by screaming in each other's faces. Two big ginger beards going toe to toe physically and verbally. Wonderful!
- Mastiff lands his running cross body and screams 'Let's ave it!'
- Primate responds with forearms, but he can't hit Mastiff down.
- Headbutts, kicks and an overarm right eventually fell the Bomber!
- Melrose fights to lock on a Kimura lock, but cannot quite get all of it...
- The Bomber fights and and it's time for a FOREARM PARTY!
- Both attempt suplexes, but both fail to lift their opponent up.
- Primate attempts to lift Mastiff onto his shoulders, but his knees buckle!
- Not one, but two running back sentons by Mastiff!
- Release German suplex!
- I liked the story here, that Primate and Mastiff have similar styles and matched one another until Mastiff's superior strength won out. A good showing for Primate and Mastiff's undefeated streak continues!

Shoes off if you hate Gibson chant greets our new NXT UK Tag champions. For a very long time now, he has been saying soon - but when every other tag team was thinking of a catchy nickname, we were focused on one goal.
In this very building, when we stole the show, we were focused on our goal and that is why we stand here today as NXT UK tag champions. You can put your shoes in the air like a bunch of divs... but you will call us something... something we have always been... GRIZZLED... GRIZZLED... GRIZZLED YOUNG VETERANS!
James Drake, Zack Gibson, Grizzled Young Veterans, NXT UK Tag team champions. SOON to be recognised as the most important titles in the WWE.
Sid Scala arrives and says they will not be short of challengers. As the brand are travelling to Phoenix - and you want the chance to prove you are world class athletes. Your first challengers will be ONEY LORCAN AND DANNY BURCH!
It's NXT v NXT UK - don't let us down lads.
- I love that they are finally actually using the GYV moniker and I love the fact they will be facing the 1s and 2s even more. That has banger written all over it!

WALTER just oozes star power and I love his presentation so far. The crowd are mad for him, his music is the best and he comes across as the real deal. Jack Starz is in for a rough night...
- Fair play to Starz, who goes straight for the debuting WALTER with stiff forearms and then a slap to the chest. The crowd all 'ohhhhhhhh' in unison. They know what is coming.
- CHOP! That sounded like a gun going off! His chest looks red raw.
- Starz rolls outside in agony, but WALTER follows...
- WALTER launches his opponent onto the apron!
- Starz is doing a great job of selling how much pain he is in - which I'm assuming isn't a stretch!
- Jack attempts to fight back, and despite some hard hits, WALTER is unfazed and hits a knee to the midsection.
- Starz lands a dropkick, but it doesn't floor WALTER - who lands a delayed dropkick of his own. WOW. THAT KILLED HIM.
- That was an awesome squash. Commentary did a great job of putting over how destructive WALTER is and he looked an absolute beast.
- Post match The European Union mention their past history with WALTER and tell him that if he ever needs friends on NXT UK - they have his back. He disappears without answering and Barthel holds Aichner back...

- Jinny begins the match with an armbar which she follows up by SCRATCHING the arm of Owens. She is such a beautiful bitch!
- Owens escapes and looks to apply a chinlock, but again Jinny grabs the arm and gains the upper hand.
- Kasey drops to the floor when Jinny is running, but she puts on the brakes and stamps the back. So good!
- Achilles lock attempt from Jinny, who kicks Kasey in the spine as he attempts to reach the ropes.
- Kasey reaches the ropes but then gets her neck and back clubbed by the savage Jinny.
- Double knees by Owens followed by a springboard crossbody that lands low.
- Hurricanrana from Jinny! Never seen her do that before!
- Flatliner into the middle turnbuckle by Jinny!
- Jinny throws Kasey into the barrier outside and then rolls her back in the ring...
- Abdominal stretch applied by Jinny and whilst she has Owens in it, she scratches the ribs! My lord!
- Jinny synches in the Liger surfboard and once more lands her kicks to the back.
- ARMBAR IN THE ROPES BY OWENS! That looked horrible!
- I really enjoyed this. Jinny was far more vicious in this match than previous outings - I loved all the heel moves such as the scratching. Hope that becomes the norm for her. Nice showing from Kasey Owens too.

- Bate and Barthel start things off. They lock up and Bate with a wrist lock. Barthel with a reversal and snap mare but Bate returns to the wrist lock.
- Barthel with a side head lock take down. Bate escapes with a headstand. LAD!
- Tyler Bate with a drop kick and arm drag into a wrist lock. Seven tags in and he continues to work on the arm. Barthel with a kick to the leg and Aichner tags in.
- Seven with an arm drag into arm bar. Aichner with punches and a shoulder tackle. Aichner with European uppercuts but Seven with a hip toss.
- Bate tags in with a senton off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Bate with an arm bar and wrist lock. Aichner with a chop and he sends Bate into the turnbuckles. Barthel tags in and Bate with a side head lock.
- Aichner makes the tag and he hits a pop up power slam. Aichner with punches in the corner and he follows with kicks. The referee deals with Aichner and Barthel gets in a punch or two. BOO.
- Bate turns around and he picks up Aichner and slams him. Barthel tags in and he keeps Bate from making the tag but Bate is able to avoid Barthel and he makes the tag. Seven with forearms and a DDT.
- Seven with a running chop on Barthel. Aichner misses a boot and hits Barthel. Seven with a slam to Aichner followed by a German suplex and slam to Barthel for a near fall!
- Barthel with uppercuts to Bate and Seven. Aichner tags in and Seven with a forearm. Barthel kicks Bate as he goes for the springboard move and Aichner with a German suplex to Seven followed by a suplex from Aichner.
- Barthel is sent over the top rope to the apron and collides with Aichner!
- Bate with punches and then Seven tags in and Bate with a plancha onto Barthel. Seven with a clothesline for a near fall...
- Barthel with a kick and Aichner catches Bate and hits a BRAINBUSTER but Seven breaks up the cover.
- Barthel tags in and he goes for the ankle but Bate kicks him away. Aichner’s attempt to interfere fails. Bate kicks Aichner and Barthel.
- This was everything I hoped it would be. Check it out when you can! MM get back on the winning trail and The European Union put in a stellar performance. Lovely stuff, another good episode from NXT UK.
