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Blog: Blog2


Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

We start this episode with a great package detailing how Pete Dunne became the NXT UK champion, Rhea Ripley became the NXT UK Womens' champion and now... we begin the journey to crowning the inaugural NXT UK Tag Team champions!

Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness are green screen and they let us know that our main event tonight is Trent Seven v Joe Coffey. That should be a cracker...


We get a quick video of Mark Andrews warning Flash about the actions of Fabian Aichner, after his cut corner attack to defeat White Lightning a few weeks ago. Can Flash avenge that loss for his NXT UK tag partner?

- Aichner goes to shake Webster's hand to begin. Remember he did exactly this to Andrews only to turn more vicious throughout their bout. Webster hasn't forgotten that - he kicks the hand away and goes for a roll up for 2!

- Fabian is NOT happy with that. He gets up and bundles Webster all the way across the ring, with The Modfather hitting the bottom turnbuckle. That looked messy and vicious. I kind of liked it!

- Flash loses power tests, but lands two arm drags using his speed off the ropes. An interesting matchup, that.

- Aichner misses the clothesline and falls over the top rope!

- Flash attempts a dive, but Aichner moves and pushes him into the ring steps. Lovely throwback to the Andrews match.

- Rather than take advantage, Aichner tries to take the cheap win by countout. Love that.

- Mark Andrews arrives at ringside in support of his tag partner, now!

- Flash gets back into the ring on eight, with Andrews willing him on.

- Aichner now aggressively stamps on Webster and then lands an uppercut. Webster is in trouble here...

- Nerve hold! Wearing down The Modfather, as the crowd look to get behind their hero.

- Webster fights out and Aichner misses AGAIN with a charging move, falling over the top once more! Clumsy. The Italian is now favouring his right knee.

- Back in the ring Webster lands THREE dropkicks and a Modern Knee for two.

- Rude Boy Block for two by Webster! McGuinness call Webster Worzel Gummidge. That's amazing. Look it up, kids.

- Running Lariat KILLS Webster, but The Modfather kicks out at two!

- BRAINBUSTER! Webster somehow kicks out at two again!

- Aichner picks Webster up and starts screaming something in his face...

- Webster hits two EVIL headbutts in response!

- Webster wearily climbs the ropes, but as he sets himself to jump, Aichner rolls out of the ring. Classic WWE2K move, that. The crowd boo.

- Aichner trips the leg of Webster, drags him out of the ring and throws him into the guardrail!

- Just like he did to Andrews, Aichner sits Webster down by the steps, removes his kneepad and charges at him...

- But this time Andrews is there to make the save! They point at each other, before Aichner picks Webster up and rolls him back into the ring, incredulous he wasn't able to destroy his head with a knee charge into the ring steps.

- Aichner takes his eye off the ball as he is paying attention to Andrews, giving him some verbals.



- Post match, Aichner is complaining in the ring, as Webster and Andrews celebrate on the stage!

- That was loads of fun. Whilst nowhere near the quality of Aichner v Andrews, this had a clear story and both played their parts well. Aichner played down his athleticism and movez to be a an aggressive heel, whilst Webster was plucky, charismatic and sympathetic when underneath. The fact it was a mere distraction on Aichner's part was good too. It was legitimate payback, not heelish or questionable from the faces. Lovely stuff.


Radzi is back on my screen and he's making mad faces again. He is my absolute favourite. Such a fresh presence compared to the usual stick men and women on WWE. He says to Amir that he is always smiling and dancing...

Amir responds he should be. This is NXT UK and he has a chance to go for gold with his tag partner Kenny Williams. He starts to dance and asks Radzi to join. He begins to before Kenny interrupts.

He says he loves the dancing, but there comes a time when there is a need to be serious. That time is tonight against GYV. It's time to prove they are not just thrown together - let's be lucky! He finishes by telling Radzi he should be ashamed. Hmm.

- This is great, it sets both apart, proving that they have characteristics and also shows that whilst they are thrown together they need to be a team tonight. This also could well play into a potential story later on once they inevitably split. Jordan is the loveable underdog, whilst Williams has more ability but is coming across as brash.


Something isn't quite clicking so far for Isla Dawn on NXT UK. She isn't garnering much of a reaction from the fans and her matches don't quite hit the heights. Here's hoping she can work past this soon, because she has bags of potential.

- Isla Dawn lands two kicks to the legs to start the match and then synches in a leg lock.

- Commentary say that taking away the legs of a striker like Kelly is wise. I agree!

- Dawn strangely allows Kelly back to her feet and backs off. Such a face!

- Isla Dawn goes for the single leg again, but Kelly fights her off this time.

- Suplex into the corner by Kelly!

- Killer Kelly is favouring her leg, but lands a STIFF delayed dropkick to the temple of Dawn!

- Isla Dawn kicks out at 2!

- Cravat by Kelly now as Dawn fights to escape.

- Dawn breaks the grip and goes back to her trusty leg kicks.

- Three stiff forearms and another leg kick floors Kelly!

- Back drop driver followed by a VICIOUS running knee by Isla Dawn!



- Post match, she calls out the champion Rhea Ripley, claiming that when they meet, Rhea will be left empty handed...

- Wow. Isla Dawn just pretty much squashed Killer Kelly. This was a cool story, with Dawn targeting the legs from the off, taking away Kelly's own striking game. They are pushing Dawn pretty hard and this was her best outing yet in my opinion. Good stuff, girls.


In the empty arena, Dave Mastiff is asked about his undefeated streak in NXT UK since the show began. In the background, out of focus, someone is watching and listening in. They get up and walk into shot, now in focus. It's Eddie Dennis.

He says he heard there was a journalist here to talk to the undefeated monster of NXT UK. He assumed he just missed the call, but it was Mastiff they wanted - not him. He warns Bomber that he is also undefeated and also a monster.

Mastiff responds saying how about answering his call for a match in the ring, to leave just one undefeated streak untouched.

- Another great segment. The focusing in the camera work is really cool on this brand. Bring on the match between these two! Dennis continues to play the overlooked, bitter former teacher who is now pro and Mastiff plays the dominant take on all challengers face. It's simple and it works.


Williams is out first and when Jordan comes out, he attempts to stop the dancing from the Bhangra Bad Boy, but to no avail. He's just too pumped up!

- Drake and Jordan start off and Amir gets a rollup for one and then an armdrag, which he completely lets go of and has to apply once back on his knees.

- BIG running crossbody from Jordan!

- Williams gets tagged in and he hits a shoulder block.

- Jordan gets tagged back in - STEREO DIVES!

- The faces are on fire here - Drake can't get a move in.

- LOUD 'If you hate Gibson, stand up' chants.

- Gibson tags in to boos.

- The heels land a great tag move. Gibson has Jordan in a backbreaker position, Drake springboards from in the ring to elbow drop him from there!

- Back in the ring, Gibson lands stiff forearms and European uppercuts on Jordan. He's attempting to block out the shoes off chant aimed at him.

- Jordan manages to land a neckbreaker... can he make the tag? NO! Drake tags in and cuts him off!

- Williams gets the tag!

- Awesome springboard back elbow on Drake!

- Penalty kick for two!

- Jordan tags in. McGuinness questions that thought process. He lands a rolling flatliner on Gibson, though...

- Drake hits an enziguri on Jordan and the heels just dump him over the top rope, landing hard on the floor!

- Williams with a wrecking ball dropkick to Gibson, but as he skins the cat, Drake is there to catch him! That's a cool spot.



- I'm pretty sure that Jordan was the legal man?

- Anyhow, this was a solid match, with the crowd invested thanks to Gibson being in the ring. Gibbo and Williams look star players, with Jordan and Drake capable hands too. GYV move on in the tag title hunt. The right call.


The Gallus theme song is mint. Moustache Mountain come out to a huge pop. These boys are OVER. Tyler Bate is wearing his spray on trousers again.

- We start with a stand off. Trent is being banter and they finally lock up. They battle for position, and we get a clean break and lock up again.

- Coffey looks to work the arm, and grounds Seven.

- Seven fights to his feet, and lays in his STIFF chops

- Trent counters a suplex, but his severely padded knee buckles.

- He manages a DDT but can’t follow up.

- Bate argues with Gallus as Coffey follows and attacks Seven. He rolls him back in and Seven dumps him to the floor. We get a big stand off, and Mustache Mountain come out on top knocking all of Gallus to the floor.

- Bate follows with a dive and brawls with both Mark Coffey and Wolfgang to the back. This is now a straight one on one encounter!

- YIKES! Seven manages a successful suicide dive on Coffey!

- Back in the ring, he follows with chops and strikes until Coffey takes out the knee.

- Coffey is completely focused on the knee, working over Seven in the corner.

- Seven avoids a charge and Coffey posts himself!

- Seven takes him up top, follows and nails a superplex for 2!

- Seven is showing signs of fatigue, but lays in chops, a snapdragon suplex and a slam for 2.

- Trent now locks on a figure four to try and take out one of Coffey’s knees...

- Coffey rolls it and Seven showing clear signs of pain, manages to make the ropes.

- They work to the apron, trading strikes, and Coffey hits an overhead belly to belly to the floor!

- Coffey rolls back in and Seven barely beats the count.

- They trade strikes, Coffey takes out the knee and hits a pair of powerbombs for 2.

- Coffey locks on the crab, Seven fights, teases tapping but fires up and makes the ropes.

- They trade clotheslines, and Seven hits a one legged snapdragon suplex! Brilliant selling of his own injury.

- He tries to end it with a burning hammer... but the knee gives out! DAMMIT.




- Man, what a great match. I loved the story here. Bate fighting off two guys on his own, then Trent valiantly battling his knee injury before Coffey taking advantage of it and winning. Perfect. Post match Coffey stands over the fallen Trent mouthing off and gloating to the fans. BOOOOO.

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