By Ross Casey
Hello again WSBF friends! After a long time off working, tweeting and living, I have found myself enough time and inspiration to do my NXT UK recap.
Whilst I haven't been writing about the show of late, I have been watching. The US shows were OK but didn't really feel like a UK brand, but we did see some excellent action. Specifically WALTER v Devlin and Moustache Mountain v Andrews and Webster. Check those out if you can.
We begin this show with Sid Scala introducing an eight man tournament to decide the new #1 contender once Dunne and WALTER have their rematch. It ends with a fatal 4 way, so I'm in already. We are live in Scotland for the first time and we are kicking off with Bate and Seven... Let's go!
Huge pop for Moustache Mountain! They are so bloody over and likable. The Hunt get polite applause and a smattering of boos. Trent Seven is the tallest man in the ring here! Trent hits a tope onto both Boar and Primate and then goes up to,p but after a distraction, is suplexed off the ropes.
Boar takes Bate off the apron and gets good heat from the crowd. They are cutting the ring in two and not allowing Tyler to get in at all. Seven is his usual brilliant self in this sympathetic babyface in peril role.
Primate misses a shoulder tackle and then tags in Boar, who attempts to hit Bate off the apron again, but he is wise to this a second time. Boar turns his attention to Trent who manages to leapfrog him and tag in theatrically. Man, I love that bloke.
Bate is a bundle of energy during his hot tag, hitting his signature moves but Boar kicks out of the standing shooting star press. The helicopter follows and a dizzy Bate tags in Trent. Trent hits a few moves and tags Bate back in to go for the tandem burning hammer - but Boar blocks it and The Hunt land a double team of their own.
Double bop and bang for Moustache Mountain turns the tide and they win with the Dragon Suplex clothesline rope bounce combination. That result was never in doubt, but the crowd loved seeing them in action. When do they take on Grizzled Young Veterans again?!
The commentators are trying to tell us something or other, but are interrupted by some 'breaking news'. We go backstage and Amir Jordan is being tended to by his partner Kenny Williams and NXT UK officials heading to the trainer room. Is the main event off?! Has Gibson attacked?
Big hometown advantage for Joe Coffey. He gets cheered as soon as it is announced he is from Glasgow. Webster attempts a headlock but is thrown miles in the air by the broad Coffey. Joe then screams 'This is my Kingdom' at Webster to a huge ovation from the Scottish crowd.
Coffey plays up to the cheers some more as the commentators say that it must be difficult for Webster in this situation, who loves to play off the energy from the crowd. I love those little touches in wrestling.
It's an interesting match as Webster's fast, fun moveset is booed and Coffey's aggressive, cerebral approach is wildly cheered. High cross body over the top? BOO. Full nelson? YAY. Funny stuff.
The commentators mention that Webster is reacting to the crowd too much - he stops to look at them before hitting Pinball Wizard - and that allows Coffey to get his knees up, land Glasgow Calling and then All The Best For The Bells. Coffey wins!
A short, but good match in front of a great crowd. We are Gallus chants! Gallus do a promo, where they call Webster a helmet and call out Dave Mastiff. LADS.
We get a package of Pete Dunne stretching fools out at the WWE UK Performance Centre. That looks like no fun at all. And Enfield is a nightmare to get to...
That's followed up by an Ilja Dragunov promo showing footage of him being a maniac in both WXW and PROGRESS. Surely the Scottish crowd will love him!
Kasey Owens - who now calls Scotland home - gets a good reception from the fans there. Love their own up there. Unless they support the wrong footy team.
This was a DOMINANT showing from Nina, hitting several moves that aim at the neck and back of Owens ending when she hits the ushigoroshi for the win.
Radzi asks Nina if she still has her eye on NXT UK Women's champion Toni Storm. Samuels says that she respects Toni, because she cares so much about wrestling that she abandoned her struggling single mother and little sister so she could live her rock n roll lifestyle dream.
That just got personal!
Dave Mastiff is backstage being interviewed by the press - I'm assuming the Daily Star - and when asked about Wolfgang he says that he will smash their kingdom to pieces next week. Just as we appear to be wrapped up Kay Lee Ray arrives and says she will pick her moment and no one will forget the name of KLR.
Zack Gibson says that he is 'reliably informed' that Amir Jordan has been injured and everyone should put their shoes back on their feet, head for the exits and go home. McGuinness says 'Well thanks Vic, it's been fun' ... HAHA yes Nigel!
Kenny Williams arrives and blames them for Amir's injury. But you better believe that he has other friends and there will be an NXT Tag Team Title Match tonight... IT'S NOAM DAR! The crowd are buzzing for the pinky party!
The heels start the match strong after fighting off the initial attack from the Scots and they have no guilt in attacking the damaged knee of Noam. As they double team and work the knee, Gibson is shouting IDIOT at him.
Dar is desperately close to getting the tag but Drake chops the knee out from behind him. What a pair of bastards they are. They have so many good heel tag tricks that soon enough they will be on RAW shaving each others backs, I reckon.
Williams gets the tag eventually and cleans house. Gibson tries to take Drake out of the ring for another count out loss, but Kenny cuts them off. Whilst all this is going on, Dar can't even stand in his corner due to his damaged knee.
He has enough pride and heart to tag in though, and somehow locks in Champagne Supernova on Gibson. Drake tags in and then HE is put in the hold! Williams locks in an ankle lock on Gibson next to him in the ring too! TAP YA BASTARDS!
Gibson fights out of the ankle lock and Williams falls on Dar's bad knee. Uh oh. Drake locks in the single crab and Dar was trying to tap, but Williams catches his hand! Williams tags in and takes it to the Liverpudlian, but is about to get caught with Ticket To Ride when Dar takes the bullet!
Drake attacks Dar and posts his leg as Gibson gives him a big thumbs up. GRIT YOUR TEETH, HELTER SKELTER & 450 on Williams and it's done. That was bloody brilliant. Williams looked a star, Dar was awesome as the plucky underdog and GYV are fucking fantastic.
Having the roster primarily exclusive on NXT for the most part means I only really see these guys on my TV now and for me that makes this show all the more must see - because this is a really fun hour long show featuring many of the guys that put BritWres on the map. Most enjoyable. Here's to next week!