We open with The Coffey Brothers arriving at the venue. They look like well dressed henchmen. Lovely shoes on all three. Nigel McGuinness is predicting destruction...
We then get green screen Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness, where they hype the main event six-man tag between Mark Andrews, Flash Morgan Webster and Ashton Smith against The Coffey Brothers and Wolfgang.
We then get a congratulations message to Toni Storm on winning the Mae Young Classic, with highlights from Evolution.
Commentary say that Toni Storm has all the makings of a champion - they ponder if Dakota Kai is ready to step up to face Toni Storm. They point out that both wrestlers are currently undefeated in NXT UK. Who will move up the ladder of success?
- We get a tie-up to start with Storm forcing Kai into the corner followed by a clean break. Respect.
- Kai then forces Storm into the corner and allows the clean break...
- The shake hands. But BOTH go for a kick and both get caught. They know they both need to bring it!
- Double stomp and a penalty kick by Kai!
- Float over suplex for 2 by Storm.
- Leglock STF by Storm - Dakota fights her way to the rope.
- Storm gives her a kick after letting go of the hold!
- Duelling forearms
- Double headbutt! Both women clash hands and go down hard!
- STRONG style strike exchange
- Kai hits her range of creative kicks.
- Snap German suplex by Storm!
- And another!
- Double knees in the corner and Storm Zero!
- Storm helps Kai up and they embrace in a show of respect.
- Jinny attacks Kai on the ramp as she is leaving - Kai takes a nasty fall as she is clobbered from behind!
- Jinny looks at Storm and says 'This is my NXT UK'.
- Toni Storm helps Kai to the back.
- That was an excellent sprint. Given the time, these two could easily have a banger. They continue to book Storm very strong, whilst Kai put in a great show in defeat. Win, win. Plus we saw the physical debut of Jinny, and she is despicable as always. Excellent.

We don't get much information on Amir Jordan during his entrance but we are painted the image of McGuinness cutting loose to Bhangra. "I'm tapping my foot, at least." Awesome. Commentary says that Gibson has been very impressive since he won the tournament at the Albert Hall and Amir Jordan faces a tough task today...
- Gibson locks in a double wristlock straight away and when Jordan makes the ropes, he slaps him in the face.
- 'This is the biggest match of your life, don't listen to the crowd, take it seriously!' Man I love me some Gibson.
- Gibson works the arm and continues to trash talk.
- High crossbody by Jordan
- Keylock driver puts a quick end to that comeback from Gibson
- 'They haven't chanted for you once. Not once!'
- Jordan hits the missile dropkick off the second rope!
- BIG crossbody off the top by Jordan.
- Gibson puts a stop to that with a HUGE lariat.
- Helter skelter!
- Shankly Gates!
- Commentary points out that he is almost performing at this point for Pete Dunne.
- Back from the break and Gibson has a mic...
- He lists through the wrestlers he has beaten and says it's a step closer to becoming YOUR NXT UK champion.
- Zack Gibson's a wanker chant.
- Wrestlers flocked from over the world to be part of this brand to be something special. I'm not sharing the top spot. I'm the one to build this brand around and I am the one to elevate this brand.
- Trent Seven interrupts. Are you completely deluded? I have no idea what goes on in that shiny, sweaty head of yours. I remember not too long ago, that it was a whole list of names who kicked this brand off in 2017 and you weren't one of them. You were at home watching us make history.
- Fair play, you were the 2018 tournament winner, but you couldn't get the job done on night two could you? You did make everyone in the Royal Albert Hall take off their shoes, though.
- You mentioned some very talented men earlier, but not me. But how about me and you... right now in Cambridge!
- Gibson powders.
- This was a great squash match. Jordan got his schtick in and his character out there, but this was all about Gibson. He is a shining light in this brand. His matches, his character and his mannerisms are a perfect storm for HEAT. Trent is gold on the mic and these two should have a great match at a later date.

Kenny Williams made his NXT UK debut in the tournament earlier this year and also on 205 Live. Jordan Devlin won on his NXT UK TV debut and is coming off a 12 month unbeaten streak on the indies.
- Grappling to start with Devlin controlling matters with a wristlock applied and driving his knee into Williams' face. What a heel.
- Both nip up and face off to applause from the crowd.
- Devlin hits a release rock bottom straight into a standing moonsault!
- EYE RAKE! This mix of bully boy heel and athletic grace is fantastic from Devlin.
- Devlin smashes Williams off the apron with a stiff forearm to the back of his head!
- Williams blocks the punt kick and forces Devlin to crash into the apron.
- He follows up with a wrecking ball dropkick and tope through the ropes!
- Back elbow off the top for 2 by Williams!
- Williams face plants Devlin!
- Devlin lands Ireland's Call!
- Devlin swaggers about in the ring, taunting the crowd after his victory.
- This was loads of fun. Williams showed he has plenty of fire when on the front foot, but Devlin had plenty more character to his work and will be a player in this brand.

Commentary list the times that The Scots have attacked each of the three faces and explain they have common enemies here - but have never teamed before. The heels arrive and surround the ring, looking menacing - but not as menacing as Nexus!
- Webster and Wolfgang to start. Flash comes out on top to start, proving elusive through his speed. However, once he hits a forearm, Wolfie responds with a shot that proves he has the power advantage, sending Webster flying.
- Andrews and Joe Coffey tag in. The same happens again with Andrews on top before getting caught and hit with power moves.
- Mark Coffey and Ashton Smith tag in. Ashton is the biggest and strongest of the faces and holds his own. All six men enter the ring and show down.
- Mark Coffey gets the cheap shot in..
- Ashton takes control however, with his mix of strength and aerial ability.
- Joe Coffey tags in and pounds Smith with punches to the ribs and face, then a butterfly suplex.
- Wolfgang and Andrews tag in. White Lightning lands a head scissors, but Joe Coffey drags him out and kicks the hell out of him as his brother Mark distracts the referee.
- Mark Coffey tags in and keeps him away from his team's corner with methodical precision.
- Joe tags back in and uses his smash mouth strikes before landing a submission.
- Every time Andrews tries to get a tag, Joe hits him away.
- He tags Wolfgang in and he hits a big knee to the face of Andrews.
- The Scots triple team Andrews in their corner and tag in Mark Coffey.
- Mark Coffey gets a front chinlock on Andrews.
- He tries to suplex him and Andrews lands STUNDOG MILLIONAIRE (You don't suplex Andrews)
- Flash clears house!
- Pinball wizard out of the corner!
- Ashton Smith tags in and hits a SICK KICK on Wolfgang.
- Flapjack by Wolfgang
- Smith kicks out of the release throw uppercut double team by The Coffey Brothers!
- Superkick by Smith.
- Andrews tags in and hits the tornado DDT.
- Smith and Andrews land stereo topes to the Coffey Brothers!
- Webster goes to do a flip too but gets INTERCEPTED by the lariat from Wolfgang.
- Wolfgang tries to powerbomb Webster over the ropes onto the rest of the competitors, but it gets reversed.
- Webster hits the cannonball senton off the top rope and onto the mound of bodies outside.
- Wolfgang spears Webster!
- Joe Coffey tags in... DISCUS LARIAT!
- This is our Kingdom, they said. Who is left to challenge them questions Nigel McGuinness?
- I really enjoyed this main event. It had good heat on the heels at times and plenty of comeback fun from the faces. I enjoyed the power vs speed angle they played up to throughout and I think the right team won going forward. I was impressed with Ashton Smith here - he certainly didn't look out of place. Joe Coffey is a star, too. Who next for The Kingdom?
