Its midnight, the clocks are back and I’ve been up late for lectures this week so I’m tackling NXT Live.
Out first comes some doofus son-in-law who is going to waste an hour of my time at WrestleMania due to an over inflated ego not helped by these clowns cheering for him.
He has the title and a mic. He soaks in some applause. New Tapings and FRG, the 3 initialed man we do love is back in the front row. He’s on the left this time and appears to have no Everton merchandise on.
Why use 4 words when 400 would do. Triple H does have great delivery, but what he actually says is usually a load of bollocks, get on with it you pillock.
He was going to announce Gargano v Ciampa 4 for Take-over. It will be a 5 man match to face Johnny Gargano for the NXT championship in a 2 out of 3 falls match. The contenders….Ricochet, Alistair Black, Adam Cole, Velveteen Dream and…………MATT RIDDLE.
The doofus worded it badly as If it was going to be a 5 way 2 out of 3 falls match, which confused me. Well if it is Black or Ricochet then the Forgotten Sons are going to Takeover so I’m ruling them out. Dream looks to be paired with Rids so it seems as if we will be getting Adam Cole. I can’t wait to boo that clown vs Johnny. I will make sure to sit the other end of the row from RevPro Rob.
Cathy is hanging out by the locker room. Kona Reeves says the 5 way will be alright but not the finest.
The Forgotten Sons say what about next week’s main event for the Dusty Cup. They’ve been Forgotten again. They are rooting for Black or Ricochet to win so they have the advantage.
Black and Ricochet package, they are presented as a team, but they expect the best competition from each other. Ricochet’s reaction when he’s being told he will Fade to Black is great.
Dream Package - The spotlight is only big enough for him. He will be dual champ.
Tommy C package at Birmingham, Alabama. Showing his neck surgery. The 3rd surgery he has had here. His wife and child watch on. Surgeon says most people take a year to recover from this. Package really humanized Ciampa
Matt Riddle package - Rids is stoked. He has an opportunity. He will become the next NXT champion. BROI
Adam Cole package - He cuts a good promo. And that’s undisputed.
Backstage with Kairi and Io - They will be watching tonight. They are happy to fight each other at Takeover. Bianca interrupts she’s going to run through the both of them.
Set up segment. Kairi and Io are friends but will fight, Bianca leaning more heel will beat them both up.
Are they just doing one match tonight? What happened to Lee vs Dijakovic. I was looking forward to that. Oh good, my Network has crashed. I do not recommend Hyperoptic broadband. My TV has been crap since I switched to them.
We’re back and Adam Cole is in the ring. Then it crashed again. Then comes back in just in time for BAY-BAY. Hyperoptic has done that just to piss me off.
Ricochet stops to look at the title. Did he not learn from that Milan player? Gennaro Gattuso I want to say in the Smicer Champions League Final?
Dream is out next. Looking forward to seeing what ridiculous garb he has on today. It is highlighted by a ripped back crop top.
Rids out in the Clean-up spot. Swags down to the ring and sends his flip flops over Dreams head. Definitely some interaction between Dream and Rids leads me to believe Adam Cole will win this.
Network freezes again as Ali Black come out. This is going to annoy me. Might as well watch in the morning at this rate. Bloody Hyperoptic. Reminds me of the year our power went out on Christmas Day and my Grampy kept cursing Bloody SWALEC (the South Wales something Electricity)
OK I’ve swapped to watch from Beginning. Hoping the 5 minutes I’ve been paused for will allow me to watch this match with no problems…. Here comes Ali Black again
Riddle pairs off with Dream at the start, Black and Ricochet take out Cole. We end up left with Dream and Black in the ring. 2017 Rivalry of the year. Ricochet now in the ring takes out Dream and Riddle hits the 3 gut wrenches on Ricochet and there is a big BRO chant.
Adam Cole takes out Rids and does the BAYBAY. Bellend. Black and Ricochet take out Cole and are left against each other. Crowd are up for it. Aggressive Handshake but Cole attacks before they can throw hands. A tease for the crowd for later. Also, great heel work from Cole. Seriously mate, turn the BAYBAY into a fake out and you will have this down.
Now we have Cole and Dream in the ring. Dream comes off the top for a double axe handle on Cole, Rids catches him and hits a release German. He then has Black in a Bromission, but Dream breaks it up. Double Kebrada(?) on Cole and Dream from Black. Cole interrupts Black Mass and we have Cole and Riddle in the ring now. The crowd firmly behind the BRO.
Rids slapping the shit out of Cole until Cole stamps on his foot. Rids locks in the Bromission on Cole and Dream again breaks it up. 3-way knee strike fest from Rids, Cole and Dream. Riddle’s chops standing out. Then everyone hits a strike. Ricochet with a ridiculous spinning kick on Dream.
Cole Superkick on Ricochet. Rids with that beautiful jumping knee to Cole. EAT SHIT ADAM. Then Black and Rids blocks shots and both kick each other in the head.
Everyone is down. And Breathe.
Ricochet on the top turnbuckle and the other four all climb the ropes and deliver a 4-man Superplex to the One and Only.
Then my network crashes again.!!!!!!! This is like Raw putting a bloody advert in the middle of every match ever. Oh good, it’s come back on at the end of the match. For Fucks Sake. Last time I try and do this live. I’m not even going to edit it until the morning, so not even any point.
Right I am now back in the right position. 4 men Superplex Ricochet. The crowd chant This is Awesome. I am also impressed. For one thing the match is back on my telly.
Everyone is down. First up are Black and Ricochet. German with bridge from Black on Dream. Rids breaks it up with the Bro-Ton. Cole breaks up pin. Riddle slaps the shit out of Cole. Cole catches him with the Superkick and what I believe he used to call the Last Shot. The think that looks like a brain buster on to a knee. Ricochet breaks up the pin.
Ricochet then avoids the new last shot and hits a reverserana but Cole roles to the outside. Ricochet hits that Tiger thing over the top rope on Cole. Dream and Riddle left in the ring. Counters galore, ending in another big knee from Rids, Riddle with Bromission on Dream.
Cole pulls the ref out.
Rids twats Cole off the apron, turns around into a Black Mass. Dream catches Black with the Dream Valley Driver. Up top. Looking for the Purple Rainmaker but Ricochet meets him there and Hurricanrana Dream to the outside on to Cole and Black. Enough now lads.
Ricochet up top hits the SSP to Riddle 1-2-LAST SHOT. 1-2-3. Adam Cole with the win. An Edge like victory from Cole. What. A. Match.
Great timing from Cole on that finish. He is very good except for getting the crowd to cheer BAYBAY. I really hope he fakes them out at Take-Over, so the crowd is full Johnny.
Well that was a one match show and it was very good.
STARS of The Week
1. Adam Cole - You’ll know I’m not a huge fan, but I’d say the best promo and a great heel performance in the Main Event, now just act like one 5% more mate
2. Ricochet. - Every time he’s in a match he has a pretty good chance of being in here
3. Matt Riddle - Strikes stood out in that main event, plus some of his power moves. An absolute Star waiting to break out here. He should get Angle at Mania, retire him and then next year retire Brock Lesnar. You want stars Vince, you’ve got one here.
Similar to last week there was just top-level talent on this show. I’m going to give the award to Matt Riddle. He went in there with the best on the brand and stood out. Maybe due to the fact that it’s his first time interacting with them. Top job from the Super King of Bros.
TAKEOVER CARD (certainty/10 in brackets)
It’s almost set. I can reveal that I’ve known about the now announced Pete Dunne vs Walter match for about a month but have kept it quiet to my loyal 4 readers.
Adam Cole vs Johnny Gargano - 2 out of 3 falls for NXT Championship (10/10)
Shayna vs Io vs Kairi vs Bianca - Fatal 4 Way for NXT Women’s Championship (10/10)
Pete Dunne vs WALTER - NXTUK Championship (10/10)
War Raiders vs Ali Black and Ricochet - NXT Tag Team Championships (9.9/10)
Matt Riddle vs Velveteen Dream - NXT North American Championship (9.5/10)
Looks a bloody good card. Take care guys and stay safe.
If by any chance anyone who reads this is going to Takeover let me know and we'll grab a beer,