Welcome fans. It is time for NXT. We’re leading into Saturday’s kind of random Takeover so expecting a lot of build for that, plus I believe 2 announced matches. Mia Yim vs Bianca Belair and Drew Gulak vs Kushida. High hopes for those,
We open with one of these matches as the Head Baddie in Charge comes out. Followed by Bianca Belair
Mia Yim vs Bianca Belair
Like their previous match we begin with trash talk ended by Yim dropkicking Belair to get us started. Crowd is split for this one to start. Nice reversal sequence early ended by Yim punting Belair in the back and following up with a cannonball. She then picks Bianca up and hits some more big kicks to the chest before taking too much time and getting caught by Bianca who hits a big boot of her own. Beth Phoenix is adding some nice insight on commentary.

Squatting delayed vertical suplex by Bianca followed by a standing frog splash, before she goes back to trash talking and some patronising slaps in the corner before Yim ducks and locks in a tarantula. Mia then attempts an elaborate roll up. This is the second time she has tried this same pin. Could this be foreshadowing…..For the second time she gets kicked after Bianca kicks out. This time a dropkick.
Bianca back to her clubbing to the back offence from last time. Big double axe handles. Mia fights out of a double chicken wing and attempts a number of pinning combinations before Belair fights out of one and clocks Mia with a forearm. Yim catches Bianca of the ropes with an overhead belly to belly throw and both women are down. Mia on top with strikes when they both get up and then hits ‘Code Yim’ for a near fall.

Bianca must be primed for a call-up soon as she has just hit the Raw staple ‘running shoulder first into the post’. Violently, may I add. Yim hit the Eat Defeat but Bianca rolls to the outside. Belair tries to leave but Mia goes after her. Belair hits Yim with the facefirst drop into the apron (I want to say it was the K.O.D but a bit lighter and goes to take the count out win.
Yim gets back in at last minute. Bianca looking frustrated and goes back to clubbing the back. Yim thrown across the ring by her hair twice. Then a back body drop. Lifts Yim up, but Yim grabs the braid and pulls Bianca in for Protect Yo Neck and its 1-2-3.

Mia gets the win and Bianca takes her first pinball on N-X-T. Lovely call back to the previous match (and Bianca’s career) as the hair comes back to haunt her this time.
Drean vs Breeze package. Dream has a selfie stick. Dream runs down Breeze’s career since he left, saying he wasn’t ready for the spotlight and he has replaced and surpassed the Dream in NXT. Breeze responds saying he was a staple of NXT. Solid package.
Shayna Bazsler and the horsewomen are taking pictures. Bazsler is asked if she’s concerned about Io Shirai and her kendo stick at Takeover. Shayna says no. She’s not allowed to use weapons in the title match, also she’s run out of friends and she still has hers. Great logic from Shayna at the stupid question from the reporter.
Kushida vs Drew Gulak
This should be slick. Comms mention both will be looking for their submission. Hoverboard vs Gu-Lock. Feeling out grappling process. Gulak more in control, but Kushida’s escapes and reversals mean he is never in any serious trouble. I was interrupted by life stuff and am on a slight time constraint this week. Kushida and Gulak had a mat based match that Kushida won catching Gulak in a flash pin following a face first flatliner.

This seemed to be a table setter for these two, feels like they finished it just as it was getting started. Would like to se more.
Backstage with Io Shirai - She’s not afraid of Shayna or her friends. Candace LeRae turns up and says thanks for having my back, I’ll have yours at take-over,
Gargano vs Cole package. Concentrating on Gargano going home to Cleveland and Cole still going on about winning the first fall. Gargano challenges Cole to beat him on his own. Very good package.
Forgotten Sons vs 1s and 2s
I feel this could end in a run-in. Burch explodes sending Blake into the corner with a big dropkick, before the Sons take control with their quick tags. Lorcan gets the hot-tag and is on fire but Ryker interferes and is ejected. Street Profits attack Ryker at the top of the ramp and here it comes. Mass brawl.
Profits and 1s and 2s clear out the Sons then square off and start throwing fists. Sons back in attacking all the other 4 with a chair. Then Strong and Cole come out and throw Ryker of the stage, they bait the Sons whoa re cut off by Fish and O’Reilly. Era clearing house of the Sons. Ryker gets back up so Cole gets a ladder and all four of them battering ram Ryker with the ladder. Then smash him in the back with the ladder. Cole sits atop the ladder and tells Riddle and Gargano that is what will happen to them.

The Undisputed Era stand tall to end the show, Is this foreshadowing for take-over???
Stars of the Week
1. Mia Yim. - Big win for Mia in the match of the week
2. Bianca Belair - Also played a part in match of the week
3. Shayna Baszler - Logic!!!
Set up episode for Takeover. Belair and Yim was good, Gulak and Kushida was fine and the main event tag was more of an angle. Takeover should be great as always. Apologies for truncated review this week.
Montez Ford award (having won the award twice it has been renamed after Montez)
Mia Yim - Great performance and a win that could propel her into the main event.
STARS top 10
1. Johnny Gargano - 16
2. Ricochet - 10
2. Matt Riddle - 10
4. Io Shirai - 7
4. Adam Cole - 7
4. Kyle O'Reilly - 7
4. Shayna Baszler - 7
7. Kushida - 6
9. Alistair Black - 5
9. Mia Yim 5
9. Bianca Belair 5