This week, we got our first ever second pick in WSBF Nerd Watch Wednesday history and Ross picked a match he has never seen before - Doom v The Steiner Brothers from Clash of the Champions 10!
DOM: Nerd watch? 8:30?
JAMES: Also cricket is on 👎
ROSS: Yassssss, just making my pick now!
JAMES: I can't wait for my next pick. I actually have a good match in not sure I've seen all of.
Doesn't even have Mr Ass. Must be 3 weeks away, I think. Love that my 3 breaks from uni work today have been 2 stardom reviews and now a Nerd Watch. Priorities.
ROSS: OK I have it. Clash of the champions X. Steiners v Doom. To give it its full name Clash of the Champions X Texas Shootout Out…
JAMES: Ross making up events
SIMON: Hahahhaa. #RossOut
ROSS: Let me know when you are set up.
JAMES: I had to use the search bar I didn't even know which company it was.
SHAFI: That's probably for the best!
SIMON: I can’t even find it...
DOM: Wait up a jiffy. Sorry.
ROSS: Trust me, Butch Reed will be worth it.
SHAFI: Road Warriors vs Taker on this card.
ROSS: Yeah, I was gonna go with that just to annoy James.
SHAFI: First entrant--Samoan Savage w/ Big Kahuna. I'm tempted to watch the whole PPV.
ROSS: I genuinely have never seen this btw - but I’m sure it’s a blast.
JAMES: What is this opening! I'm with you Shafi. Someone shot Sting! Eat shit Sting.
SHAFI: Against Dr Death who actually has a doctor gimmick. Fucking gold. You need to see his intro!
DOM: Lads. Have we started?
ROSS: Nope.
DOM: People are talking about stuff I can’t see. I’m just here paused on a graphic.
JAMES: Sting is on the hotline!
SHAFI: You're fine.
JAMES: Sorry Dom. The show started and it was so wacky I had to watch.
ROSS: I’m paused on the hotline graphic...
JAMES: I was just watching the start of the show whilst waiting Dom. I'm on 1.10.55
SIMON: I’m on 1:10:48
DOM: James! Every week mate! You’re always ahead…
JAMES: I've rewound. We are so bad at this. Hahaha
ROSS: Yeah. Good to go? Let’s go! Fucking great start – Napalm!
SIMON: Nice masks
JAMES: Some great western music. Who are these clowns?
SHAFI: Ron Simmons and Butch Reed.
DOM: Oh it’s NWA too. Not even WCW.
ROSS: How the fuck is this sexy music fitting for DOOM?! SO MUCH SAX.
DOM: It’s surely dubbed - It’s like M83.
JAMES: Cornette is ruining the business!
SHAFI: Been a long time since I watched wrestling in 4:3. Or anything to be honest.
ROSS: Hahahhaa how The Steiners jumped into screen on that promo! I love this so much already.
DOM: Yes! Steinerline!
JAMES: Are they from Michigan?
DOM: No lyrics…
SIMON: I was gonna ask that.
JAMES: Beats by DRE.
ROSS: Rick ain’t about clapping hands with fans, he’s all business!
DOM: They both went to University there...
JAMES: Is Holla if you Hear me hearing the Beats by Dre?
SHAFI: The ring is so small and they are so big.
ROSS: Oooooh its tag titles v masks!
DOM: Oh man! People actually boo the heels. 205 Live has made me so salty.
JAMES: Nick Patrick is about 4.
SHAFI: Doom w/Woman. A lot of thought went into these names!
JAMES: Was there a woman?
SHAFI: I did not see her but that what the graphic said.
DOM: Woman was Nancy Benoit. May praise be upon her.
SIMON: Oh so we’ve snuck a benoit in here!
ROSS: Another class promo from Reed there... no idea what he said.
DOM: I’ll subtitle. “DAMN!”
SHAFI: That's the wrong one Dom. That was Doom 2 not Doom 1.
ROSS: “Psychologically the masks make them better wrestlers!
DOM: Right I’m counting suplexes...
ROSS: The noise the ropes make!
JAMES: Hang on Mullet is Scott? I thought Beats was Scott.
SHAFI: Big bad booty daddy!
ROSS: Holy moly! What a German!
DOM: That’s one!
JAMES: This doom member has a noticeable penis.
DOM: Not called a German in 1990. Not for these all Americans. “They both have degrees and kids that’s something to aim for.”
SHAFI: Cornette is gold on commentary.
ROSS: "Rick Steiner is so stupid it takes him an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes"
DOM: Cornette is incredible. I can’t stop laughing.
ROSS: Dropkicks out of the ring!
SIMON: I can’t even type - Cornette is killing me!
JAMES: Is that Woman taking photos in the yellow jacket?
ROSS: Think so - not sure if she’s moonlighting at this point, extra few bob on the side.
JAMES: Scott Steiner made his gear out of a thousand snap bracelets…
SIMON: This doom guy is jacked
ROSS: Do you know one is Faarooq, Simon?
SIMON: Yeah!
JAMES: Rick Steiner is weird.
DOM: Bit of Kris Wolf about Rick Steiner James.
ROSS: Enjoy that Steiners have the movez and doom just pummel.
JAMES: Sod off Sting.
ROSS: Jeez simmons is snug! BELLY TO BELLY!
DOM: That’s 2!!!
JAMES: Bayley to Belly!
SHAFI: This is like 2 years before he won the world title right?
SIMON: Was that a clothesline or a punch?
ROSS: Scott needs the tag here...
SIMON: The ropes sound like a static shock!
ROSS: They do!
DOM: Scotty normally took the heat from memory.
ROSS: Scott dropped chest first on the railing!
JAMES: Eat that railing Scott!
ROSS: Eye rakes and illegal tags. LOVE IT. Trent been watching Steiner tapes I reckon... what a great baby in peril.
SIMON: Piledriverrrr!
DOM: PILEDRIVER. Easy to forget. Scotty Steiner was actually a worker.
ROSS: This is ace. Cutting off the tag. Crowd gonna go banana!
JAMES: Someone just threw a cup at Doom number something!
DOM: I hope we get one of his stupid moves he invented...
SHAFI: Steiner screwdriver was legit!
JAMES: That delayed sunset flip was amazing.
ROSS: Frankensteiner!!
JAMES: Frankensteiner!!!
DOM: Frankensteiner!
ROSS: I love this so much…
DOM: Think we all just popped.
SHAFI: What is that shit on his face?
JAMES: His nickname is the Dog Face...
ROSS: Jeez Rick! What a Steinerline!
SIMON: Haha he got taken right out!
JAMES: Oi Rick you bellend, stop going for the mask. You get them off if you win. Get the win first. Terrible strategy.
ROSS: Hahahaha the mask is off. Reed doesn’t know what to do!
SIMON: “It was me Austin”.
ROSS: Roll up by Rick WEARING the mask and they win!
JAMES: Furious that he was rewarded for that stupidity.
SIMON: That’s brilliant.
ROSS: Hahahaha that’s incredible.
SMON: I liked that ending.
DOM: That was really great.
SHAFI: And they didn't even wait to see Simmons take his mask off. The Steiners are as dumb as Cornette said!
ROSS: Remember they said the masks make them better wrestlers? Reed couldn’t even function without it!
JAMES: Moronic.
SIMON: JR acting like he never knew who it was!
ROSS: I bloody loved this. The mad 80s graphic promos, actual faces and heels, solid wrestling and loads of fun. HOT crowd too. 7/10
JAMES: Cornette was entertaining. The match was fine. Not a lot to it. It's an old match but the ludicrousness of it made It fun to watch. I'm scoring it an XFL match commentated on by Tony Romo.
SIMON: Good match! Two powerhouses against the technical ability of The Steiners. Thought the ending was funny with Rick pulling the mask off, putting it on and going for the pin. The commentary in this one was great as well 7/10
SHAFI: It was a bit shorter than I expected but that was probably for the best. It was weird that they kept going for the masks when they could have just won. Cornette was a highlight on commentary. 6/10
DOM: Scott Steiner was the man. Honestly, I forgot how good he was really. I thought the match was great because it is just a bit different from anything I’ve seen for a long while. Again a stand out, but for a completely different reason to last week. I bet this was just a standard TV match for the time. The fans were hot, the heels and faces did what they were meant to and it was believable. Surprised we only got 2 suplexes but they were huge. 7 Spanish Flies.
09/01/2019 – SIMON – TLC (WRESTLEMANIA 17) – 9/10
05/12/2018 – PETE - 6 MAN HELL IN A CELL (ARMAGEDDON 2000) – 8.5/10
16/01/2019 – SHAFI – WOMEN’S TAG (SURVIVOR SERIES 95) – 7/10
28/11/2018 - MAT - UNDERTAKER v JEFF HARDY (RAW) – 6.5/10
19/12/2018 – JAMES – ROCK N SOCK v NEW AGE OUTLAWS (ARMAGEDDON 99) – 3.5/10