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Nerd Watch Wednesday (21/11/2018)

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

Updated: Nov 23, 2018

Ross: We are going to 1994. Clash of the Champions. Austin v Steamboat. Austin's still got the U.S. title, mainly cause he keeps cheating to retain. But this time the rules are if Austin's DQ'ed, Steamboat get the belt! So this time it's one-on-one with no excuses.Are we all new to this match or have some of you seen before? I've not seen in full I don't think?

Pete: Never seen it. I've watched some of Starrcade 1993 but that's about it for this era of WCW.

Simon: I’m new to it.

Mat: I'm new to Austin with hair!

Dom: Heard a bit about this feud over the years but never watched the match.

Pete: Oh and war games from 92. Wrestlewar. Austin loses approximately eight million gallons of blood.

Ross: Good to hear - should be a fun watch then. Pretty sure I may have played it in the Austin showcase on WWE2K to unlock an Austin kneepad or some shit.

Charlie: I’m ready when you guys are. Actually...quick lash

Nineties: God, it looks so bright!

Simon: Just getting it up now.

Ross: Oi oi

Charlie: This it?

Mike: Wrong show Charlie

Simon: Ffs I was looking at starrcade

Dom: Is that Austin? Bloody hell he was tanned

Pete: Hogan 3:16 says I got to get my heat back brother!

Dom: Hogan says: I kick out at 3:16.

Mike: 3 2 1 Go?


Dom: Oh steamboat has the WWE steamboat shit for his entrance

Mike: Health and safety?

Pete: Love those WCW Olympic Games

Charlie: I’ll book him for the wedding

Ross: He just used a hanky!

Simon: Was just gonna say what is he doing with the Olympic torch?

Dom: Bruce Prichard reckons when they were teaching him to breathe the fire, the guy teaching was like. “Yeah lads be really careful or you’ll hurt yourself.” Before setting himself alight in a major fuck up.

Mike: Here he comes!

Charlie: Stunning Steve Harrelson...

Simon: Damn, he’s had a hair transplant?

Mike: Looking like a million dollars!

Ross: Austin looks incredible

Pete: It's a wig. He was born bald.

Ross: Hogan managing to get his screen time here...

Charlie: Hogan out for the season there...

Simon: ACL

Ross: Loving the split screen life

Dom: Gary Michael Capella of ROH fame on the ring announcing

Ross: Nick Patrick looking well hard

Dom: Look at his moustache!!!

Mike: Dragon Slayer on Austin's tights.

Pete: Hey guys I don't think they've mentioned Hogan enough?

Ross: DRAGON SLAYER on the tights - love that.

Mike: Keep up Ross.

Ross: Austin's selling is great.

Mike: Austin claiming a hair pull. Probably the last time he claimed that?

Mat: Steamboat absolutely making the most of the flippant testing, Look at the traps.

Charlie: Austin needs a beer. Fantastic heel pre-Stone Cold. Shithouse

Ross: Hair pull & tights grab combo from Austin. Perfection

Simon: What is this. VAR?

Ross: We are getting word that Hulk Hogan's career might be over. Cancel the match!

Mike: Stop the goddamn match!

Pete: O Kharn chops. Steamboat taking after the best.

Mike: Pete absolutely HAD to get an O'Kharn reference in there...

Ross: Holy fuck, ambulance cam! "Why don't we take him to the edge of town and dump him." YES HEENAN.

Dom: Tony just called wrestling “Our sport.” That’s worth my £9.99 this month.

Pete: They're doing the long game on Hogan and Bischoff in the NWO.

Charlie: Textbook reversal, Ricky!

Ross: There's the steamboat armdrag, lads. Poetry in motion.

Pete: Feel like my mom would like steamboat. Clean cut, no facial hair.

Barry Darsow made his debut as a hick Austin fan

Mat: “Who’s that hick” Heenan says. That’s made my night.

Mike: Size of that bloke's Nokia 1000.


Simon: Austin’s brought his firm...

Pete: Humanoids I guess.

Charlie: I would love that to be Ken Raper.

Simon: I wish he was on the network

Dom: Top rope DQ rule!

Mike: Of course! Over the top rope DQ! Jesus.

Charlie: Steamboat would steal your aunt on holiday. Dreamboat more like!

Pete: That top rope DQ rule? What was the point?

Ross: STUNNER!!!

Pete: Jawbreaker, huh? That'll never get over.

Simon: Stunner!

Ross: Austin laying in those chops.

Simon: Woooo!

Mike: Cameraman fell over! Amateurs...

Pete: I really wish we got the Austin flair program now... working the eyes. You don't see that often.

Dom: He really was trying to be Flair wasn’t he?

Ross: Austin loving life here slapping and scratching at the Dragon. This is really good.

Charlie: Reckon Hogan's injured? Can’t tell...

Pete: That was some fast pace there! Austin is such a good heel - he's such a dick.

Simon: I'm actually enjoying this match.

Mike: What do you mean "actually"?

Dom: Sherlock’s brother! That’s as good as it gets from Weasel

Mat: This is so much more watchable than I thought

Simon: Yeah, agreed

Mat: I’m an idiot, I thought all this stuff would be paced like Andre v Hogan.

Ross: Yes steamboat! Look at him take the piss after he crotched Austin!

Pete: That steamboat strut...

Charlie: Steamboat dancing like an old dear. Brilliant

Ross: Repo man loves Austin...

Pete: He's just ahead of the curve.

Charlie: Ken Repo

Ross: Hulk up, Ricky! The fire of the man... unsurprising really considering he breathes the stuff. Electric chair! This is frantic!

Mike: Vintage Steamboat roll up...

Charlie: Ref counts like a cunt.

Pete: Lariatooooo!

Mike: Roll ups!

Pete: Vintage cradle there...

Steamboat refuses to win by DQ

Ross: Steamboat not winning like that... then rolls Austin up for the clean win!

Charlie: And newwwwww!!!!!!

Dom: Great piece of business. Steamboat didn’t want to win it by DQ.

Mat: What’s the top rope hoo ha?

Mike: You got disqualified if you the threw someone over the top rope!

Ricky Steamboat wins!


Mike: Austin's tights! Vintage Heenan insults, Austin middle finger and knee from top rope and Steamboat's love of a reversal. 8/10

Pete: Also would go for an 8. Loved the sequence of roll ups into the lariat by Austin. You can see there's bits of the brawling and the badass amidst the Flair level chickenshittery.

Simon: Quite enjoyable match. I liked Austin being the over confident piss taking heel and Ricky being the babyface by refusing to win via DQ which then lead to the entertaining clean finish 8/10

Charlie: Really enjoyed this one. It’s a great reminder of what Austin was pre Stone Cold, which is a fantastic heel and a better wrestler than he gets remembered for. Solid 8/10

Mat: I agree with that, the reminder than stone cold does go beyond what most love him for. I had it down for a 7/10 until the “Who is this hick!?” That bumped it up to an 8.5. Brilliance.

Dom: I’ve never seen a lot of Austin’s pre-injury heel work. I’ve heard him say it was an homage to Flair and it’s just so obvious when you go back and watch it. He must have pulled the hair and tights 8/9 times. I think for this time frame the “heat” of this match would have been fairly short but Steamboat still manages sympathy and a fiery comeback and a finish that tells a story without even having to use a finisher. (Would be rare today.) But what stood out for me was Heenan on colour. For a heel, that guy makes an incredible baby face. Same year as Bret vs. Owen and Shawn vs. Razor; which would both be 10s. So for me this would be a very solid 7 Thumbs up.

Ross: Yeah, this was class. I'm a sucker for old school face v heel dynamics and when you add in two great workers like Austin and Steamboat you get gold. The story is perfect, with morality and revenge and the crowd were loving it. Plus you got the hokey Hogan stuff, the Barry Darsow debut and Heenan on commentary. 8/10 loved it.




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