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Nerd Watch Wednesday (19/12/2018)

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

This week it was James who got to choose what we watched...

ROSS: So, we are heading to Armageddon 99. New Age Outlaws v Rock n Sock Connection. See you all at 8. I’ve just had 4 pints and 4 shots at Hannah’s work do. Really glad it’s not a serious bout haha.

JAMES: Is her work do at a PROGRESS show?

ROSS: Hahahaha basically

CHARLIE: This PPV is a low key classic looking at the matches. I Remember them all pretty much

ROSS: Where you at Shafi?

SIMON: Jericho vs Chyna

CHARLIE: Ross was here for Miss Kitty...

JAMES: Didn't realise Steve Blackman was on it versus Kurtshould have picked that

ROSS: We will give Shafi 10. Play a game of solitaire or two... if he’s not here ten past we will start

PETE: Haha I turned off smash bros for this

SIMON: I’ll have the evening gown match. Goddamn it Sgt Slaughter!

CHARLIE: Big square mug…

SIMON: Thank god he was there for when Mae Young tried to relive her youth

CHARLIE: She always did, foxy old girl

ROSS: Eight minutes later… this is like when the buzzer goes off on the rumble and no one comes… I hope he’s not been attacked backstage

PETE: Dammit I was gonna say that!

CHARLIE: Savage all over again

JAMES: Abducted by Taker as he wasn't selected

ROSS: Repackaged Shafi appears next week

JAMES: Big Daddy S

CHARLIE: Like Alex Wright as Berlyn?

PETE: Shafi did a one-off appearance in NXT to pop full sail… start the count to ten!

ROSS: Right so it looks like it’s just the famous five… 3 2 1 PLAY!

JAMES: Another nice set. A Big Tank!

PETE: Wow this mankind fella has really cleaned himself up. Is that dishevelled suit tailored?

JAMES: Yeah, He looks a lot more self-confident this week

ROSS: Mankind looking like the janitor on parents evening

CHARLIE: Christmas party nonce

PETE: Oh no my network died

SIMON: Blame mankind

ROSS: Shafi’s here!

SHAFI: 2 secs, just woke up

JAMES: Should have gone with the Carlson Youtube, Pete. Never fails

CHARLIE: Rock looks like he’s taken a nostril full of cactus jacks arse

SHAFI: Cactus crack?

JAMES: If Rock gets this ovation what is Mr Ass gonna get!!

PETE: Does he pull that face because he can smell his own cooking?

SIMON: He smells weed

JAMES: Mankind ditched Al Snow for The Rock. Decent shout


JAMES: Billy Gunn drinks that water so well

SIMON: Can’t even hear him on that mic

CHARLIE: Bucket hat D-O double G

PETE: I hate these yahoos

JAMES: He rhymed Hell with Fort Lauderdale and another word… which I missed

CHARLIE: Stone roses, off his nut

PETE: How did they get over? This is a huge indictment on humanity

JAMES: Due to his Ass and Catchphrases

ROSS: They don’t do the spiel in the ring? HEELS

JAMES: Brilliant. Paper Rock Scissors to see who starts!

SIMON: Billy Gunn loses his rock, paper scissors...

SHAFI: You would cheer anything if you had to watch the Roadie and Rockabilly first

PETE: Repeat that JR? Best tag team in WWF history, huh?

JAMES: Road Dogg has a combination of three Andy Carroll haircuts at the same time

SIMON: Those trainers are the modern day Jordan’s

JAMES: Mankind has discovered conditioner since last week

PETE: Say what you like about Road Dogg’s dreads, but they have culturally appropriated from actual good tag teams.

SHAFI: Mankind looks the way I used to when I had Skype interviews. Business up top, comfort down below

JAMES: The Rock who single handedly destroyed Billy Gunn's single career earlier this year

ROSS: Jeez, The Rock is over! Just pointing at him gets a bigger reaction than any 205 Live banger in history

PETE: The Rock probably had the best 'the fuck are you' stare in wrestling history

SIMON: The Rock has sharp sideburns

CHARLIE: Fatal shirt removal, Kip

ROSS: That shirt spot! "Just about the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen" says JR!

JAMES: The Rock says this, if the Rock hits you he'll kill you. If he misses, the wind behind the punch will give you pneumonia and you'll die anyway, so the choice is yours jabroni.

SHAFI: Billy Gunn with the Flair flop, probably the first time that comparison has ever been made

CHARLIE: Refs hairline is chatting shit


JAMES: Ass thrown into the crowd

CHARLIE: Look at all the 90s fashion!!

JAMES: Nice arm drag back in

PETE: I will admit, every time JR says Mr Ass in his thick Oklahoma accent, I do giggle a little.

CHARLIE: Backwards leather flat cap

ROSS: Hip toss over the barrier. Followed by the second Flair flop from Mr Ass

JAMES: Triple H favourite that one

PETE: Like it's his actual name or something

SIMON: I think he just likes saying ass

JAMES: Hip toss that's what I meant

SHAFI: Take a shot every time he says Mr Ass

JAMES: I have some wine… close enough

PETE: You would die, Shafi. Watching a Billy Gunn match. No one's life is worth that little


SHAFI: Ass outta nowhere!

SIMON: Fuck sake I keep sniggering now at how he says Mr Ass

CHARLIE: For Christmas, I want a pair of green pants saying ‘Mr Arse’

JAMES: Yeah, this wine game is not going well

PETE: Wasn't the diamond cutter a thing on the other channel at this point

ROSS: "I Sort of like doggy style" Oh, Lawler

PETE: 270 pounds?

JAMES: 6ft 5, 270lbs Mr Ass

PETE: That is a fat fucking ass

JAMES: Ben Roethlisberger

ROSS: I didn’t expect The Rock to take the heat portion of this match...

JAMES: “Ready Willing and (G)able” JR was wise beyond his years!

CHARLIE: Billy Gunn would’ve been a top star in any era after this.

JAMES: Instead about 4 years later I was seeing him at Exmouth Pavilions thanks to a flyer I found on the floor

SHAFI: Of all the wrestling memorabilia I had at this time that DX hockey shirt was my holy grail. Can't believe my parents didn't want me walking around with "suck 69" written all over my top

JAMES: I have that shirt somewhere. Mum told me off for wearing a shirt saying 'Suck it' to a college interview

ROSS: The doggy style pumphandle!

PETE: 'Too much doggy style' lol. Don’t think The Rock appreciates the dry humping

ROSS: Mental he’s doing that to a future president… James I love you, but this match is the shits!

PETE: Yeah and my network has died again. WWE are trying to tell me something, carry on without me fellas

SIMON: The amount of times I got reported for responding “suck it” to someone who pissed me off at school. I’d still give crotch chops to the away fans

JAMES: Also I got told off by dad for giving a crotch chop to Rochdale fans at Exeter City because my brother dobbed me in and told him what it meant

ROSS: Float over DDT. Showing shane mcmahon how it’s done!

JAMES: Oh yeah, it’s not great. Do you know how hard it is to find a Billy Gunn match over 8 minutes! I knew I should have gone with the 3 KOTR matches. Combined total of 11 minutes

ROSS: Hot tag to Foley! The pace of the man!

PETE: I literally jumped back in at the right point - hot tagging myself in

JAMES: Here is that big corner thigh from last week!

ROSS: Foley doing the Road Dogg punches, followed by the stump piledriver

PETE: PILEDRIVERRRR. That was by a country mile the greatest thing in this match

ROSS: Hahahha Billy Gunn sort of over the top. Incredible action

SHAFI: Billy Gunn trying to get over the top rope is like a metaphor for his career


ROSS: Nothing for 10 mins, now ALL THE HITS

JAMES: Al Snow and HEAD! Better than an Undertaker run in…

PETE: Thank god Rock

ROSS: The Rock stops the count then clocks al snow, now Mankind gets hit by the ring bell!

JAMES: Need some snow at Christmas

SIMON: Mankind hit by the bellend

SHAFI: Who picked this match? Terrible!!

CHARLIE: Head and a bell for mankind...must be Christmas

SHAFI: Piledriver again!

PETE: well this is just getting silly

ROSS: Single handed crotch chop... don’t see that much

CHARLIE: Dogg on his town halls



ROSS: Samoan drop!

SIMON: This match needs The Rock to be honest

JAMES: Fuck off Al

SIMON: Ah, fuck off snow

CHARLIE: ‘Fuck you’ hahaha The Rock

SHAFI: Lol wtf

ROSS: hahahhaa Al Snow DQ

SIMON: That just sums this up

SHAFI: What a terrible finish

PETE: James you never get to pick again

JAMES: Outlaws retain!

SHAFI: I feel like this match pick was a rib. You've ruined Christmas James!

JAMES: What’s the criteria for a pick?

PETE: It must have the undertaker in it

SHAFI: Just banter James

ROSS: Rock bottom and people's elbow to Al Snow after the DQ. Crowd eating it up. On PPV. Absolutely incredible

JAMES: I'm not voting it match of the year or anything!

SHAFI: The thing I love about these old PPVs are the camera flashes

ROSS: So that was a thing. Everyone send over your rating and a quick snap of your thoughts.


CHARLIE: I’m gonna go 4/10

ROSS: 4/10 also. Literally powderpuff for 10 mins, a crazy exciting two mins then a DQ finish on a PPV. Wrestling is mental

PETE: 3 out of 10. One point for each piledriver and also The Rock. In other words Pokemon and Power Rangers in Space still reigning kings of 1999 culture

JAMES: That match wasn't great. It had Billy Gunn. Everyone was over. Imagine if the current roster with their talent wrestled in front of these crowds. It is the 2018 Jacksonville Jaguars. Mainly shite, but they did beat the Patriots.

SHAFI: 2/10. It was a fun pick, a microcosm of the attitude era itself, all sizzle and no steak. The match didn't make much sense, the finish was flat, but the crowd were into it which is sadly missing now. 10 mins of easy watching but instantly forgettable

SIMON: With the two popular tag teams up against each other. The match had glimpses of potential, but I do feel a bit let down by the finish if I’m honest. The Rock carried this match. 4/10

OVERALL RATING: 3.5/10. Unlike Aerosmith's Armageddon song... you won't mind missing a thing from this.

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