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Nerd Watch Wednesday (12/12/2018)

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

Dom chose three potential picks this week, which got sent to a poll to our twitter feed. It was a very close run thing, but even Dom couldn't make our viewing this week in the end as he was getting Christmas boozy with his faculty... what a heel turn!

Ross: Hey chaps, so mankind v HBK at In Your House Mind Games won out… see you at 10

Pete: The match is in the three faces of Foley collection - "Breaking Mankind's heart"

James: How is the Stephanie McMahon Collection before this?

Pete: The alphabet?

Ross: BURN! I’m good to go – but even though it’s Dom's pick he's at a work drinks and may do a run-in later! What a lad.

James: Well I’m ready

Pete: Yeah, count us in

Ross: I absolutely love the In Your House set

James: Hang on have we started?

Ross: I’m 27 secs in sorry

Pete: OK start over?

James: I'll pause at 27

Pete: Start over

James: I'm confused

Ross: Just hit play

Pete: Haha. I've paused now .Lets all go to start

James: Yeah me too. I am waiting at the start

Ross: Haha. From the start. 321. Go!

Pete: OK and we are off! We got it first time as well!!!

James: Yes, Ross this set is fantastic. Literally someone's house. Where do you keep your Druids? Just in the garage…

Ross: So, I remember reading in Foley’s book about his music for Mankind. He had an intro which was creepy and an outro that was beautiful. Based on Hannibal. That’s awesome

Pete: Paul Bearer looks like a cartoon character… he has the same vibe for me as Frank from It's Always Sunny!

James: Mankind is in the Coffin!

Ross: JR: “Mankind will do anything to his own body to win the match"

Pete: There's probably a deep point to be made about the world's real horrors taking places in ordinary suburban neighbourhoods here…

James: Anyone got some backstory for this? Before my time. Why has Mankind got CM Punk's urn?

Pete: Vince probably doesn't care

Ross: Listen to the female screams for HBK!

Pete: Fresh off a hen night

James: My band covered this song

Ross: The juxtaposition between these two characters is brilliant! Sexy boy v boiler room freak.

James: Yes, Ross. Shawn with all the arrogance and Mankind ashamed to even be in public

Pete: Now as we all know Shawn in the 90s was a totally grounded individual… nice to have a champ with his head screwed on properly

Ross: Looks like those HBK gloves sold well...

Ross: Weirdly, Paul bearer and Brock have pretty similar voices.

James: Oh, here's Earl again

Pete: Bearer could have ended the streak before it was even a thing if he wanted

James: Closed fist warning inside 30 seconds! Vinny Mac on Comms?

Pete: It's quite difficult to watch this without thinking of 20+ years of Foley since

Ross: The ring is covered in glitter for some reason? It’s like getting in the bath after my fiancée has been in it.

Pete: Mankind’s meant to be this crazy monster but we all know he's actually Santa Claus

Ross: EC-DUB chants for the clothesline over the top! Bloody hell! HBK just trampling on Mankind under the mats!

Pete: Liking them exposing the mat ASAP - none of that waiting around like Ciampa

James: Mankind taking the gym mats back to the local high school. Nice guy.

Ross: Crossbody to the outside onto concrete! This has started so fast!

Pete: Jesus, even HBK's double axehandles look cool!

James: Crossbody and a Double Axe. I think this match has already had more non-finishing moves than last week’s six-man hell in a cell!

Ross: All HBK to begin. JR states the faster the pace, the better for the champion!

James: Mankind avoiding the Sweet Chin was amazing

Pete: Even when mankind gets out of the way he takes a gnarly bump

Ross: Mankind taking a bump through the middle rope to avoid sweet chin music. Brilliant.

James: Like Take Michinoku getting thrown out of that Royal Rumble

Pete: I like the hieroglyphics on mankind's gear, it looks like a weird stylised ankh

James: Please include that picture of Hebner simulating punches when they're in the corner! It makes Shane's rabbit slaps look like Deontay Wilder…

Ross: Mankind squealing when he has a hold on. Terrified me as a pre-teen!

James: Those Body Scissors - a Tony Nese staple

Pete: Completely NOT what you expect from Foley

James: Does Mankind have eight abs?

Pete: No, but people watch his matches...

Ross: HBK leaps over the table onto mankind... then smashes Foley into the steps with a suplex, where he smashes his leg! THAT WAS NASTY!

Pete: That sounded nasty as hell

James: Fuck. That is horrible

Pete: I get incredibly scared when Shawn is near a casket…

James: Working the knee, Shawn

Ross: Foley’s legs would be on at least yellow if this was 2K by now

Pete: Foley has just gotten absolutely battered so far

Ross: Mankind bringing out vicious side of HBK here - he even pushed the ref. Perfect: "He knows he keeps the title that way"

James: Who's the heel?

Ross: Mankind - but Shawn knows he needs to match fire with fire. MIND GAMES

Pete: Dragon screw!!!! Tanahashi has said repeatedly how much he likes HBK and there's the proof!

James: Drop Kick to the knee. All over the knee of Foley!

Ross: That was a Vinnie Jones reducer!

Ross: Half crab!!!

Pete: This is so out of Tanahashi's playbook, except you know, it came first

James: Not the best Half Crab I've ever seen though. The best Half Crab I've ever seen is a certain Mr OJMO

Pete: Mankind Hope spot. Shawn with a throat injury - uh oh - sounds like that might help for the mandible claw!

James: Mankind Stabbing his own knee to get the feeling back!

Pete: Shawn should have worked the back while he had the chance - gone for that sharpshooter of his - he made Bret tap to that!

Ross: So, a coffin isn’t a foreign object? No DQ for using it? One for the rulebook.

James: Hebner has his knock off shirts in there for post-match ringside sales

Ross: The knee to the face in the corner, Mankind always made that looked vicious! Jim ross is excellent - "HBK needs to be resilient because he has lost his speed at this point in the match."

Pete: Who is the third guy on commentary?

Ross: Mr Perfect

Pete: He sounds disconcertingly close to Coachman. I’m sorry, Curt

James: Excellent slide through legs by Shawn

Pete: You can see why people think he's the best ever

Ross: Tree of woe!

James: Outside of the Iron Man I'm not sure how much Shawn I've seen pre-comeback. He's bloody good. Austin match with Tyson I think?

Ross: He’s incredible mate

Pete: Back when concussions were just casual injuries. Mankind with the yakuza kick! Get outta here, Shawn!

James: A young FRG there, Ross. Green shirt.

Ross: Bloody hell, Foley gave his body to this business more than most didn’t he?!

James: I wonder if this guy has knee problems later in life? Will we see Goldust????? It’s the main event. Surely not?

Pete: This match is excellent, but you can see it inspired a generation of 'Braun runs his shoulder into the post'

James: What a neck hang! Even with his head caught between the ropes, Mankind with the claw! Bloody hell!!!

Ross: The neck hang that lost him his ear

Pete: Oh Jesus, this is really like how Foley lost his ear - or is this that spot?

Ross: It was the same spot earlier in his career, yes. Such a striking image. Classic Hugo falling off his chair there…

James: Side of chair to the knee. That was nasty

Ross: I don’t think I’ve ever seen a chair shot that way?! Clever psychology by HBK. Kill the hand to stop the mandible claw

Pete: Young Pete Dunne - unlike in new japan where that would be done in full view of the ref

James: Joint manipulation says Nigel… not even joint manipulation really. Just fucking his fingers up!

Ross: Close ups on the hand stamps, ugly stuff

Pete: They did that last year, not with the mandible claw but Jericho tapped out Owens because he'd screwed his hand up enough that he couldn't physically touch the ropes

Ross: Michaels gets dumped outside. Mankind lands the apron elbow! BANG BANG!

Pete: I thought Shawn would roll out of the way there, nice of Shawn to at least spare one of Foley’s joints! Oh Jesus, that neckbreaker… get me a replay of where his head landed

Ross: Baseball slide outside into a neckbreaker. Mankind’s moveset is so peculiar, it really fit the character

James: Mankind sliding under the ring with the gracefulness I imagine of Bartolo Colon if he ever had to slide into 2nd

Ross: HBK KICKS OUT OF THE DOUBLE ARM DDT! PILEDRIVERRRR. And again. And another! Four kick outs so now he starts literally pulling his hair out!

Pete: Mankind's lost it. Well, he's lost it before, but you know

Ross: I’m loving this

James: Mankind opening the coffin???? Rolls Shawn in!

Pete: Stay in the casket! You can't lose your title in a casket!

James: He's out

Ross: The PACE of Michaels, man. Amazing when he hits his fire spots.

James: Crowd go wild for Shawn!

Pete: That flying forearm - he freaking bounced!

Ross: HBK gets crotched. swear that happened a lot to him. I hope he wore a cup

Pete: I know it's popular to say that half of RAW wants to be HBK but it's kinda true


James: Off the top to the outside through the table!!!!!

Pete: Yeah I’d lose my smile taking that too

Ross: Didn’t even clear the stuff off the table!

Pete: Look at Shawn’s back!

Ross: Van Daminator by HBK!

James: That was a cool counter there! Step up Sweet Chin Music into a chair

Pete: And there's the bell… Vader interferes! That punk who wouldn’t job to Billy O

James: Urn to the head!!!!

Pete: This match is famously the best match to ever end in a DQ

James: SID!!!!!!!

Pete: I think it's the only thing that stopped it from getting the full 5 from Dave

James: Bloody Dave. Get over yourself

Ross: Mankind now with the mangled claw!

Pete: Sid is a super underrated dude, he main evented two Wrestlemanias and a Starrcade, but his one true love was softball


James: Why does this twat turn up every week?!

Pete: I also want to know how he got there - what the fuck? Haha James, our series is cursed

Dom: But it comes with your topping


Pete: We're gonna have to pick something from the UWFI in the 80s or something for Taker not to show up. Except the best pure striker will probably turn up and beat everyone up and tap them out with the gogoplata

James: I guarantee he won't be in my pick

Ross: Get the belt snaps HBK at Hebner. Michaels then gets the Hogan spot of posing in the ring victorious to end the show.

Pete: He's just a sexy real American…


Ross: So, thoughts lads? 8/10 for me. Mankind put his body on the line, HBK went out of his comfort zone and we got Taker in a coffin. Loved the story of HBK taking out the hand and Mankind proving he is almost impervious to pain so HBK had to do some heinous stuff. A Classic!

James: Really good, best match I've ever seen from Foley and probably 2nd for Shawn behind the Angle one from Mania. Ratings wise, that for me is getting the 2004 USC Trojans. Best team in the country won the National Championship but had to vacate due to sanctions.

Pete: I’ll give it an 8. It was really brutal, especially for Foley, but what the hell was up with that finish? I guess they really wanted to protect Foley, which seems hard to believe in 2018. Great selling though.

Dom: Sorry boys. Who’d have thought a session with me would go past 10pm?




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