How did you join the group?
Nineties Mike said I should go. Its always a good idea to listen to that man.
What is your trademark?
I shout at Inept Refs. So all refs.
Which is your favourite promotion?
I watch NJPW more than others so I'll go with that at the risk of looking hipster.
Funniest Nerd Group moment?
To be honest most shows are full of moments but I haven't enjoyed a wrestling show as much as Chapter 90 and everyone was on form that day.
If you could add anyone to the group who would it be?
I think Session Moth would be a welcome addition. Plus we are light on Women.
What is your favourite venue?
I really like The Hanger in Wolverhampton but The Ballroom has great company, even though I've never been able to get a view of an entrance.
If you could add a rule to the shot round what would it be?
It's a pretty great concept to be fair so the only change I will make is that I can't lose because my wallet hurts.
Create the perfect nerd group member from the groups attributes
Someone who pounds beers and embraces The One True Sport of Wrestling.
Who would win the nerd group rumble and how?
It would almost certainly not be me.
Hopes and fears for nerd group 2020
That our top talent isn't poached in the next round of NXTUK signings.