Pete Hitchcock [8:00 PM]
Testing testing one two three
JCH [8:01 PM]
Hello Pete
Pete Hitchcock [8:03 PM]
So I've got this episode of NXT UK going already
The opening theme is dreadful
Oh no
It's Joe Connors
Guys this was a bad idea
JCH [8:04 PM]
Haha, I'm on the same
Pete Hitchcock [8:04 PM]
I don't think I'm gonna make it to Dunne and Walter
JCH [8:05 PM]
Forgot my TV doesn't like Live Network
So am on laptop and having to Slack on phone
Pete Hitchcock [8:06 PM]
Yeah seriously. The network sucks on my laptop and PS4, it only really works on my iPad. But then you don't get the useful timestamps on old shows.
JCH [8:06 PM]
Positive is I can have the TV on and pay less attention to Connors
Pete Hitchcock [8:08 PM]
A fucking rest hold! On NXT UK!
You've only got an hour, lads!
JCH [8:12 PM]
Pete Hitchcock [8:13 PM]
Yeah we know
JCH [8:13 PM]
Connors has 'don't look down' on the waistband of his pants
Pete Hitchcock [8:13 PM]
He was bulging, too
Possibly the most clever part of his gimmick
Man, these promos are tough to get through
this Golberg/Undertaker theme mashup is great
Best thing about the show so far
JCH [8:21 PM]
Dar v Andrews. Should be decent
Pete Hitchcock [8:24 PM]
This is alright so far
Crowd is dead
Well there’s your shoe in for Geek of the Week if you listen to Bryan and Filthy Tom
Ah Gibson. Could listen to him promo all day
JCH [8:32 PM]
I was paying attention to Rugby Tonight.
Pete Hitchcock [8:32 PM]
Probably a safer bet
JCH [8:32 PM]
Am on now. Here's your mate Rhea
Pete Hitchcock [8:32 PM]
She’s cancelled James. Keep up.
Haha, Sid Justice. I want Sid back.
JCH [8:36 PM]
What is Kassius Ohno doing
Pete Hitchcock [8:36 PM]
A Jack Black impression
JCH [8:36 PM]
He's hilarious
Walter doing Press ups. Pete Dunne eating a liquorice
My money is on Walter
Pete Hitchcock [8:39 PM]
Can Walter just squash this guy
I’m very much over Pete Dunne
JCH [8:39 PM]
I miss booing that guy
I remember when Pete started growing that haircut
This ref looks up for a scrap
Pete Hitchcock [8:42 PM]
Yeah he looks hard
Walter looks smaller on TV
Dunne looks bigger
JCH [8:43 PM]
It's a slow feeling out process
Dunne after the fingers, Walter the chops
Pete Hitchcock [8:44 PM]
I like when Goldberg had slow feeling out processes that were like 2 seconds long
Then spear jackhammer pin
Not sure why I’m on such a Goldberg kick ATM
JCH [8:44 PM]
Wrong audience Pete. I never liked that berk
Pete Hitchcock [8:44 PM]
That’s racist
JCH [8:45 PM]
Pete Hitchcock [8:45 PM]
Not the word. Disliking Goldberg, I mean
JCH [8:45 PM]
Pete Hitchcock [8:45 PM]
I didn’t go absolutely apeshit but there was some proud nodding
JCH [8:46 PM]
Walter has absolutely chopped the shit out of that post
Pete Dunne rolls out of the ring into a Boot to the face. Lovely
Pete Hitchcock [8:46 PM]
John Woooooooo
JCH [8:47 PM]
Indeed. I was hoping that time Pete would catch Walter after breaking the count
Another Big boot from Walter
Different type of kicks to Wonder of stardom Champion Arisa Hoshiki but look equally as effective
Pete Hitchcock [8:48 PM]
Can we just get one “Walter match”
JCH [8:48 PM]
Walts just punting Pete in the back now
Pete Hitchcock [8:49 PM]
We’ve got all this Dunne finger shit in matches and it’s boring
JCH [8:49 PM]
Who would win a fight?
Walt Disney, Walter White, Walter or Walter Zenga?
Pete Hitchcock [8:50 PM]
Disney easily
JCH [8:50 PM]
Walter just beating up Pete and he decks him with one forearm
Crowd is well into this
Walter out of a submission into a back club
Whoahhh Pete Sabre Junior
Pete Hitchcock [8:51 PM]
I don’t think I’ve seen Dunne try an Octopus before
JCH [8:51 PM]
Or a crucifix bomb done on Walter
Pete knows from last time his usual bag if tricks isn't enough to beat Walter
Pete Hitchcock [8:52 PM]
Nice lariat
JCH [8:52 PM]
Busting out some new stufd
Going at it now.
Full crab from Walter
Means he's half as good as OJMO
Pete Hitchcock [8:53 PM]
JCH [8:53 PM]
Massive PK from Pete.
Vicious stomps
Pete Hitchcock [8:53 PM]
This match has been like 80 percent Dunne
Walter has gotten really little in comparatively
JCH [8:54 PM]
I think you're exaggerating
Pete Hitchcock [8:54 PM]
I do like how Dunne has learnt from his mistakes as a story of the match
JCH [8:54 PM]
Walter clubbed him off the ropes. Dunne dropkick to the hand
He goes for moves and Walter just clubs him.
Hurricanarana from the top by Dunne
Throwback to his cruiserweight days
1 solitary Fight Forever shout. The crowd would rather shout Peeeetaaaahhhh
Big German from Pete and Walter takes his head off with a variant
Or a lariat
Off the top splash into a right hand. Lovely
Bitter end
Pete Hitchcock [8:57 PM]
If Walter taps we riot!
JCH [8:57 PM]
Finger snap submission!
Here comes Fabian Aichner
Belt shot from Bartel!
Pete Hitchcock [8:58 PM]
Ah Walter, noted Chickenshit.
JCH [8:58 PM]
Powerbomb. It's over.
Pete Hitchcock [8:58 PM]
I like that he actually won
I think I had seen the reports of this angle playing out and thought it was a DQ or something
JCH [8:59 PM]
Crowd is not happy at Ringkampf 2.0
Pete Hitchcock [8:59 PM]
But this was a little better
We’ve got our Poundland Ringkampf!
JCH [8:59 PM]
Its 2/3rd of the original isn't it?
Pete Hitchcock [9:01 PM]
It’s NXTUK. This is where Jinny shops for clothes
So thoughts? And where the fuck was everyone else?
JCH [9:03 PM]
The match was decent. Enjoyed the previous one more but probably helped being there live
Dunne looked sensible, Walter just sort of looks like he thinks what he has is good enough and it will be until someone proves to him that it isn't.
Then ended up he did have a back up in the end.
Pete Hitchcock [9:06 PM]
I liked this one a lot despite my moaning. Good way to debut Ringkampf or whatever new name they’re called here. I still want to see Walter just kill someone of note.
JCH [9:12 PM]
Cheers for joining Pete. See you Sunday?
Pete Hitchcock [9:13 PM]
I’ll be less grumpy