It's our first hazy memories piece of 2019!!! Check out our Instagram story of the show here...
ROSS: Alright lads? fancy doing a hazy memories?
JAMES: It will be very hazy
ROSS: Same! What they put in that jager? Dom give us a shout if you are up for it later!
DOM: Maybe. Got table tennis but sometimes between games I’m free. I was probably the Siberian one of the group for the first time ever I think. Soberish.
ROSS: Gonna call you the siberian from now on i reckon
DOM: God damn it
ROSS: What time does table tennis finish?
DOM: Not til late
ROSS: Ah balls. James you wanna have a go now and dom can chip in when he can? I got to the ballroom in time to see the pre-show where Sid Scala lost to Brian Kendrick and Jay White. They had nice jackets and had the 1975 as their theme, so i liked them. What were you guys doing?
DOM: I was finishing an empire burger at the spoons and trying to defend the NXT UK Takeover main event. I’m now a Coffey drinker!
ROSS: With you on that one, Dom. Loved that match. You guys all got to the ballroom and noticed that Drake has been dropped, which you took well...
DOM: Yeah it’s not really the same for me
JAMES: I swear Drake was dropped about 5 months ago
DOM: What if I ever need a reminder to myself to wear every single chain even when I’m in the house.
JAMES: Play it on your journey in?
ROSS: You can borrow Jody Fleisch's. So we got a pretty mega opener in dragunov v thatcher. Assuming ilja had to be on the factory line?
JAMES: Thanks to Mike we have discovered the back road and can get from the Mixer to Spoons in 45 seconds. Instead of the 20 mins up Camden High St. Yeah I reckon He had to get home.
ROSS: I thought it was a very solid match, but the crowd were pretty dead for it
apart from us obviously, we were mint.
JAMES: Yeah. The ballroom crowd in general recently has been a bit quiet I think
picked up second half. I liked the match a lot. Thatcher's face during wrestling is amazing
DOM: It normally does though
JAMES: And Ilya screams star to me
ROSS: Dragunov got the win - is he going to be built as a contender?
DOM: Hard hitting match. I think he’ll go to the finals of SSS16
ROSS: Well he's been signed now so he may just head off?
DOM: I’m warming to the lemon Ruski but I’m still only Luke warm.
ROSS: Yeah, but if thats the case surely thatcher would have won?
DOM: Also, when is this ballroom crowd going to get behind “ohhh Timmy Timmy!” It’s just a God damn popularity contest with you kids...
ROSS: Thatch of the day was a great shout, James
JAMES: That's one for Thatch of the Day. Haha.
ROSS: Next up we got Nina v Laura
JAMES: Which brought about it the regular discussion on the fantasticness of Fleet Service Station. Everytime Nina turns up!
ROSS: I had laura to win here, but i think building Nina makes sense as she won't be main eventing NXT UK any time soon. Hopefully gets some buzz with a run in PROGRESS.
DOM: Is her theme music the one that sounds like No Doubt James?
JAMES: It may well have been. Someone definitely had it.
ROSS: Even with Jinny interference, Laura lost. interesting where they go from here. Probably slagging someone else off for being unfashionable...
JAMES: I like Nina with her height she has some good power moves. I expect to see Nina v Jinny next now she's gone through LDM.
ROSS: Yeah, i think she's improving a lot. Next was haskins and dennis v DNR. I think this was my match of the night - man i love haskins.
JAMES: This was a great match.
ROSS: I love a ballroom brawl,
JAMES: Haskins on fire. Dennis getting prosecco boarded. Drew with that mad leap from the entrance. Dennis with the crucifix bomb into the chairs. Vicky and the barbwire bat.
ROSS: Top stuff - especially when you can use the mirror on the wall to see the action. Haskins stayed a bit at the end, I hope that's not his final show.
JAMES: I was not a fan of the pin on Dennis. That bloke has cost me 4 points and 4 shots in 8 days. We're supposed to be fellow countrymen
ROSS: Haha, thats savage!
JAMES: Yeah. I hope Haskins sticks around. He's great.
ROSS: The match was so good you forgot we even did a shot round!
JAMES: Oh yeah. Was well pleased when someone reminded me I'd lost...
ROSS: Then we ended half one with Fleisch v Angelico. This was fantastic
and for someone with an 0-2 record, boy is Jody over!
JAMES: Jody was proper over. Fleisch. Aaaaahhhhhhh. Jody from the Block. He's not forgotten any flips that he got. he's still. he's still... Jody Jody Jody Jody.
ROSS: 3 chants! That is class.
JAMES: Yeah. That was very fun.
ROSS: I like that Fleisch constantly calls to the crowd to get behind him.
JAMES: I love that he's here. I would love to see Storm as well. Guys I heard about on the radio 15 years ago. Getting to see them regularly is awesome.
ROSS: Yeah it is, they still got it. Angelico's entrance is sick too. Didn't expect the flippy match to end in a submission! Looked good that finisher.
JAMES: Yeah I miss Bangerang
ROSS: Then it was to the mixer for a Wezz bros inspired G&T. And a q&a with Dom for instagram
JAMES: I spoke to a band techie about American Football for the whole time
ROSS: I was gonna ask who that dude was, he had a great beard. An actual wizard.
JAMES: He's worked on the last 11 super bowl half time shows. Said this is the first one he's missing as he's on a 8 month tour with a band I've forgotten. Nice dude and as you say world class beard.
ROSS: Also shoutout to Mike for going ballistic for the spurs winner on his own!
JAMES: I was hoping they'd draw would have cut down on the Last Man Standing admin.
ROSS: Then back to the ballroom... you spoke to Drew and bought his merch. Nice bloke?
JAMES: Oh yeah. He was an absolute diamond. What a lovely guy. Was explaining to him about the Unboxing merch lottery he won and discussed how I was leading the auction for his Jeans.
ROSS: What a fella, any luck finding out what the shirt says?
JAMES: No. I'm not sure what it says. Hopefully nothing offensive. I like the design.
DOM: Drew Parker is my wrestling find of the last year. Big fan of that guy. But I also love a deathmatch. Also what’s amazing is the jean auction is for charity too.
ROSS: We kicked off the second half with DNR v Aussie Open. I don't remember all that much about this match as the cider, gin and jager kicked in. I know aussies won which i was delighted with as i was on a three match losing streak in the pick'ems. Now he's not a face... we hate Bill Eaver to The Monkees was a highlight though. That's money.
DOM: Mambo’s new look is sick.
JAMES: I remember losing another shot round
Now he's not a Face
We hate Bill Eaver
DOM: That is money. Probably could get rid of the C Bombs though...
ROSS: We'll work it out. Did you see mambo tweeted that sebastien cut his hair? HEAT.
JAMES: That is great from Charles Mambo Esquire.
ROSS: Anything stand out from the match guys? I'm very hazy on it
JAMES: Finish was a fidget spinner. Oh Mambo kept choking I want to say Kyle with like a band type thing. And everytime Roberts took it off him he had another one.
DOM: I thought Davis was going to kill Eaver when he nearly dropped him from the set up to close your eyes.
ROSS: I love that ref is autocorrected to roberts now,
DOM: Kyle is hencher than ever too.
JAMES: Davis and Fletcher number 1 contenders. They're both in great nick.
ROSS: Rematch with swords - should be awesome. Then we got irie v ridgeway. I really rate Irie
and i am buying into ridgeway now after that banger he had in rev pro.
JAMES: Yeah. He is good. Ridgeway is doing well. I've always enjoyed his work and now I know him better I'm getting more into him.
ROSS: Not dissimilar to the thatcher match this one.
JAMES: I don't like Riddy as a name. Too close to Rids. Like the Thatchers Gold chant you had. That was excellent if it wasn't the Bro's song Stop reminding me I Don't get to see Rids all the time!
ROSS: Ridgeway has now won 3 in a row in PROGRESS and he called out WALTER. Assuming that's our main next month?
JAMES: That would be fun. I'll take that...
DOM: Remember when Irie wasn’t breaking after 5 because “he didn’t speak English?”
ROSS: Oh yeah! That was brilliant. You are siberian - remembering everything.
DOM: Any chance Walter drops him in about 2 minutes? Ridgeway I mean
And he goes on like a samurai journey eventually winning SSS16 and taking the title later this year?
ROSS: Defo a chance. Banks v Ridgeway final?
DOM: Completely fantasy booking now but I’d also have him come close in a tag match but still not get the win. Ilja vs ridgeway for me. But I don’t follow wwe contracts etc like you do.
JAMES: OJMO vs Parker for me!
ROSS: Then we got the main event, Swords of essex create this incredible atmosphere, they are stars.
JAMES: Man I love Billy O. And Robbo to be fair.
ROSS: Proper horrible aren't they? This was a blast and it flew by!
JAMES: Are they? Loveable rogues aren't they!
ROSS: Did you hear the promo on lykos?
JAMES: Maybe....I may have run to the bathroom after the match.
ROSS: Basically saying they ended lykos again etc. Can't remember specifics.
JAMES: The Bastards. I knew they would.
ROSS: Yeah so this was great - just a shame brooks got knocked out and lykos dislocated his shoulder, a very solemn end.
JAMES: Yeah. Sad times. Poor bloke.
ROSS: Then you fought tooth and nail not to go to the black heart.
JAMES: Yeah I wanted to go to Bellushis for the NFL.
ROSS: You got there in time after another bloody shot.
JAMES: At least I didn't have to buy that one. At last,
ROSS: Bellushis was a laugh. You turned in pretty early.
JAMES: Yeah I was dead. I had to go...
ROSS: I sent myself home too - probably later than i should have.
JAMES: Dom was off even before me.
ROSS: We got Mike a date and ate lots of chicken wings though. Good work. She's from Jacksonville, pretty sure i made a terrible AEW joke to her - bombed obviously.
JAMES: Hahaha. Brilliant. Yes I vaguely remember talking to her before leaving.
ROSS: My mate pete arrived for a few beers too which was good
JAMES: Oh yeah. I remember Pete arriving. I think about when I left. Haha
ROSS: I can't imagine we were much company at that point, can imagine being sober around us was a chore. Hey ho, thats bloody PROGRESS. Another top night with the nerds.
JAMES: Yeah. Good fun.
ROSS: If chapter 83 was an NFL team who would it be, James?
JAMES: Hmmm....that's a hard one. Washington Redskins. Really. Good start to season. I can't remember much of the second half of their season and a really sad injury.
ROSS: Fantastic, cheers for the catch up lads
JAMES: Sorry. Was not much use!
ROSS: I can't remember walking home or getting into bed but i woke up to go to work, so all is well. Looking forward to more hazy memories at WXW this weekend!