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205 Live (19/09/2018)

Writer's picture: WSBFWSBF

Updated: Nov 24, 2018

In last week's episode it was confirmed that we would get the Drew Gulak title opportunity against Cedric Alexander... can the master of the PowerPoint become the NEW Cruiserweight champion?

We start with a great video package chronicling their feud from Summerslam until now, where Gulak ran his mouth until he finally convinced Alexander to put the title on the line once again. With the help of Jack Gallagher, the challenger has had the upper hand for many weeks now - with last week's episode ending in a devastating Gu-Lock for the current champion.


Commentary mention that Perkins has been on a losing streak before Nigel McGuinness adds that he put in a great showing against Alexander in the main event recently and is one win from a turn in fortune. Nice. Never bury the talent!

These two show great chemistry from the off with their work looking both smooth and destructive. Dorado pinpoints his moveset with crowd hyping, whilst Perkins smack talks and uses a few underhanded tactics. Simple and effective storytelling.

It is mentioned that TJP started his career in Mexico and he claims he does Lucha better than any of the Lucha House Party which Percy disputes, but McGuinness notes what he does have the advantage in is submissions. TJP on cue hits a savage arm-breaker and we have ourselves a story...

TJP takes control with his grappling as the crowd chant 'Let's go Lucha!'. Great to hear some investment from the crowd on a show they are notoriously dead for. Eventually Dorado battles back with a HUGE chest slap that wakes up the fans even more and follows with a jumping headscissors, then a tope out of the ring onto his opponent. MOMENTUM CHANGE!

Back in the ring and a standing moonsault finds its mark for Lince, before landing a superkick and a corner hip thrust. Dorado goes for the curtain call but TJP grabs the mask and rips it clean off the head of the luchador! Roll up and 1-2-3 as the anonymity means more to Lince than the win - he is simply trying to hide his face rather than kick out.

What a dick move from TJP. The disrespectful Perkins gloats outside the ring before taking Dorado's matraca too. He is back in the win column, and did so by taking the low road, like a true heel should. The crowd boo and the booking team deserve praise for a good opener with an interesting back-story and conclusion.


GM of 205 Live Drake Maverick is backstage when Lio Rush walks over asking if he got his text. It's explained that he did and that it said he was unable to compete against Noam Dar tonight due to Rush's commitments with Bobby Lashley on RAW.

Rush says he has 20/20 vision and also sees Maverick on RAW with AOP and is jealous of him because he looks like money whilst Maverick wears camo. Maverick burns back saying he won't make any money unless he fulfills his commitments with 205 Live and tells Rush that he must face Dar next week... or face the consequences.

I absolutely love seeing two characters show completely different sides across the two shows. It's like being a Brit Wres fan and knowing you cheer Chuck Mambo at PROGRESS and boo him to high heaven at ATTACK! It also gives them a great opportunity to show the WWE machine their versatility which can only be a good thing.


A happy Ali sees GM Drake Maverick backstage and thanks him for his tune-up match last week. He promises he is good to go and is hoping for the green light to face the man who put him out, Hideo Itami, next week. Maverick admits that the sight of Ali falling in a state of concussion face first on the mat is not something he wants in his memory bank but he has spoken with the medical staff and the match is set for next week.

Ali thanks Maverick and says he won't regret it... but Itami will. This was a great segment that forced home the seriousness of the injury to Ali, the savagery of his opponent and the heart of the underdog. Good stuff.


James advised me that this match was worth the watch and I am HYPE.

Alexander gets the biggest pop of the night for his entrance and a nice amount of 'let's go cerdic' chants to begin, but he is distracted straight away by Brian Kendrick on the outside. Drew Gulak immediately gets him in his finisher, the Gu-Lock but the fresh Alexander manages to squirm to the ropes, sharpish.

I love that because straight away it enforces that Alexander is having to deal with a 3 on 1 disadvantage from Gallagher and Kendrick outside and also gets the Gu-Lock over as a move that if synched in, WILL defeat the champion.

Commentary fawn over Alexander's undefeated 2018 record, which is strange as he was in the losing side of the tag match main event last week... does that not count? Like penalties not really counting as victories in football?

Brian Kendrick trips up Alexander in full sight of the referee who decides as thi is a championship match, not to disqualify Gulak and ruin the bout, but to send his cronies to the back. We are going to have ourselves a pure 1 on 1 contest, with Gulak losing his numbers advantage.

Alexander has an opportunity to hit Gulak from behind but the prideful champion allows him to turnaround before hitting him with his fast offence. Consistency!

A bad ass looking backdrop driver turns the tide for Gulak, who brutally picks Cedric apart with strikes and submissions, slowing the pace and allowing the crowd to get behind the champion, hoping for a comeback.

They then hit a spot which I can't even describe! See it for yourself here. Genuinely I have NEVER seen that in my life. WOW. Both competitors escape the countout at 9 and away we go. Cedric hits more of his incredible arsenal as a springboard clothesline gets a close 3. The crowd are heavily into this now!

Just as Cedric seems moments from victory Drew applies the Gu-Lock and a desperate Alexander has to use his legs to reach the ropes, as the build to this match proved he can't escape the grip of that move. Nice.

Gulak begins to trash talk and hits a massive lariat on Alexander who barely kicks out. "Not a lot of mustard on that kick-out, boys" excitedly points out McGuiness, expecting a new champion. I do love me some Nigel.

Both wrestlers are drained and the crowd eats up the excitement, clapping both to their feet, wanting more action.

Gulak GOES TO THE TOP ROPE. The man who wants a better 205 Live without the use of such moves, feels he has to go against his better judgement in order to be crowned champion and hits a diving lariat from the top - but it's STILL not enough to defeat the 'undefeated' Alexander.

Drew must be wondering what lengths he has to go to! He synches in the Gu-Lock in the middle of the ring! Surely, this is it... Cedric attempts to use his legs to find the rope again but Drew drags him back to the middle of the ring. Somehow Alexander fights and and lifts Gulak onto his shoulders, hitting a Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckle!

Both go shot for shot before Alexander lands his Lumbar check for the 1-2-3. I loved this match, but feel like the Gu-Lock could have been protected better here. Alexander escaped three times and needed just one of his finishers to win. Perhaps a similar finish to how Baszler lost her NXT title would have fit better here?

But that is nitpicking and what is most important here is the praise afforded to both wrestlers. What a match.


Buddy Murphy now knows his opponent for Super ShowDown and promises to end the age of Alexander in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia.

I really enjoyed 205 Live again, and I'm looking forward to watching tonight's show too, where we have Lio Rush v Noam Dar AND Hideo Itami v Mustafa Ali. Thumbs up - obviously.

Alexander v Gulak was a great main event!


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